I use a significant amount of my social media presence to discuss, share, and read about things that interest me within the industry. I think it allows me to stay connected to relevant information and growth within my professional area. I think it expresses engagement within my workplace and willingness to learn more to either explore new ideas, be a part of the discussion, and make sure the information I am gathering is accurate and comes from multiple sources. I think an employer may find it beneficial to have an employee that can utilize social media as a research and reporting tool. However, I tend to post about off-topic or personal life matters as well in ways that may seem excessive. It can negatively affect me by presenting me as an over-sharer and possibly cause my employer to distrust me with sensitive information or unprofessional behavior in connection with my work.
I think the first and most essential step is to decide which platform is fitting for my professional online presence. Though LinkedIn is often cited as the most popular choice for job searching, it is possible to maintain a professional Instagram or Twitter account (Birmingham City Business School, 2021). Separating my personal and professional posting can show my employer that I am able to accomplish all my necessary tasks inappropriate time slots. I may struggle with managing more than one account on each platform or even run into trouble with managing multiple platforms in a way that presents itself as professional and organized.
Secondly, I would focus on creating an editorial schedule so that posts or updates have consistency and a clear format that has been prepared ahead of time (Birmingham City Business School, 2021). This can show a potential employer that I am able to follow a timetable and create content that is well-thought-out and constant. However, it would require me to have additional time to prepare and write content that is engaging and of high quality, which can become time-consuming.
Birmingham City Business School (2021).11 tips to build a social media presence. Web.