The name of the company is Catalina Spa and Beauty Shop. Catalina Spa and Beauty Shop offers different beauty services and sells various beauty products. The essential services offered in the beauty salon include hair styling, cutting, and coloring. Other services include waxing and some forms of hair removal, nail treatment and design, and hair plating. The spa offers services such as waxing, massages, sauna, jet baths, scrubbing, body masks, and other types of body treatment. Nail services such as manicure, pedicure, and paraffin treatment should be commonly available. It also has a barber shop; whose services range from dreading to shaving the customer’s preferred haircut. The above services are in the Catalina Beauty and Spa shop and will be offered by skilled personnel with the corresponding academic background and experience.
Every company has its mission, vision, and values, which sell it out to the targeted customers. The mission of the Catalina Beauty and Spa shop is to deliver affordable body treatment to customers with grace and elegance. The primary motivation of the shop is the customers since, without them, there would not be a business (Jordan, 2018). While ensuring customer satisfaction, the salon also visions making a profit, and decent payment to the employees and stakeholders since every business aims to make money (Jordan, 2018). The primary purpose of the salon is to provide a broader range of beauty products, including body sprays, hair food, body oil, and others for the customers to choose from. It also proposes to improve the services provided and increase their range.
The values that govern the business are integrity, innovation, determination, creativity, passion, respect towards customers and employees, and quality delivery. The manager’s purpose is to improve areas such as finance and accounting, which involves ensuring a steady cash flow in the business (Hein et al., 2019). They intend to be in the right market, where the target customers may locate them quickly. They ensure that they bring the best team to offer the services to the customers (Babu, 2018). The management also ensures that all marketing protocols and plans are met to inform and persuade the target customers to visit the premises.
The business has a wide range of target customers due to the wide range of products and services. The company’s target audience is everybody who wishes to have a body treatment such as a body massage, hairdressing, or haircut (Ashraf et al., 2020). Customers aged 16-65 are most likely to frequently use the spa for hairdressing and nail spa (Ashraf et al., 2020). Catalina Beauty and Spa company branches are strategically located near institutions such as universities and churches. For instance, many university students visit the salon on weekends for body treatment because it is located at the most convenient location. The customers cover the smallest distance to and from the institutions and surroundings. They are primarily located in town centers, which everybody can access (Ashraf et al., 2020). There are many customers in towns and shopping malls from different geographic locations, which means that the customers can come from various geographical areas.
Females are the most likely to visit the salon and spa frequently. Beauty is the main characteristic of a woman. Therefore, many beauty products and services are made for women. Services such as manicures and pedicures, makeup, and hairdressing are mainly done for women (Ashraf et al., 2020). Therefore, Catalina Beauty and Spa shop targets the female gender across all age groups. Services are personalized especially for them. For instance, nail polish color, varieties, and skilled makeup artists for regular and special events (Ashraf et al., 2020). The management ensures a stable supply of beauty products, from a wide range of hair to body oil and other related products. There are other exceptions, such as men who need dreading or massages. Regardless, all products should be available for all customers.
Instagram is the leading social media platform used in the company’s social media campaign. It is the fastest-growing platform worldwide and, therefore effective in showcasing the company’s products. It is the most befitting platform to market the products and showcase the services (Caliandro & Graham, 2020). It is linked to Facebook. Therefore, content posted on Facebook is visible on the company’s Instagram page. Research says that photos and videos posted on Instagram via Facebook get more engagement than content posted directly (Calliandro & Graham, 2020). The Instagram feed has an interactive feed. One can comment below the post or send a direct message to the company’s inbox. Therefore, the company’s social media agents answer the customer’s inquiry there.
Instagram Stories are short posts and videos that resonate with the audience. Catalina Beauty and Spa could maximize the use of Instagram stories to showcase their daily work because the stories disappear after 24 hours. They are customized with filters, music, geo-location, hashtags, texts, and other features that are appropriate for the user. Photos of nail polish, manicures, and pedicures can be uploaded daily for the customers to see progress and variety. Instagram introduced the highlights option, where all stories can be saved for customers to watch later, even after they disappear (Caliandro & Graham, 2020). It has also introduced short videos called reels, which have become the most popular. This variety of options ranks Instagram as the leading platform for the company’s social media campaign.
Apart from Instagram and Facebook, TikTok is another platform that has grown popular worldwide. It has a wide range of usage by people all over the world. The posts in TikTok include a compilation of photos and videos, which are beautified by the filters and features before posting. It also has stories that disappear after 24 hours (Alalwan, 2018). It has an interactive comment section in which the customers interact. TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram have a live feed option, allowing the company to showcase their activities as they happen. These interest the company’s target audience, who can freely access the internet and these platforms.
The primary marketing strategy is advertising through brand ambassadors. The selected brand ambassadors of the company should occupy the timeline. These individuals with influence on social media platforms are selected to represent the company to the public (Voorveld, 2019). The company could use three brand ambassadors to increase the audience margin. The team would include a marketing manager, strategist and analyst, product manager, and brand manager (Babu, 2018). The selected platforms, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, are the fastest growing due to usage, which is commonly used by influencers (Li et al., 2020). They are the most effective company marketing platforms (Weismueller, 2020). The primary posts on the platforms are photos, videos, or a combination. They must be edited creatively, which would appeal to customers’ eyes. Posts are created frequently in order to dominate the user’s timeline. Examples of hashtags to use might include ‘#Beautynow’, ‘#Catalina’, and others related to the content.
The primary rationale for engaging on social media as a marketing strategy is to engage the customers and showcase the talents and creativity of the team firsthand. Using brand ambassadors to promote the products and services influences the public or the followers of the individual influencer (Li et al., 2020). When the public sees a person of influence promoting the brand, they will be convinced to visit Catalina. The strategy’s main aim is to increase customer response and interact with them on various social media platforms (Alalwan, 2018). The leading theory is social network theory, which aims at increasing positive customer interaction with the company through social media.
The central conflict that the company can face in social media marketing is trolls. Trolls target the comment sections of posts on social media. They intentionally instigate hostility, violence, cyberbullying, and negative criticism on the platforms to degrade the company’s ratings (Dineva et al., 2020). The public tends to be affected by negative comments about a post, which might influence the reviews. Social media accounts can be hacked, reported, or blocked. This makes the company lose its audience (Jacobson, 2020). The accounts can be hacked, by people with ulterior motives, as the public unknowingly engages. This might damage the reputation of the company.
Despite the conflicts, a social media marketing strategy is effective for a company that seeks popularity to increase its customer bases, such as the Catalina Beauty and Spa shop. The brand would interact by sharing content, commenting on the statuses, and interacting with the customer base. Social media marketing personifies and humanizes the company. This is because people prefer working with people, not companies. An increase in customer base leads to high profit, which is the main aim of every business.
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