Sports Facility and Gym at Ahmed University Proposal

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The proposals’ key focus will be implementing sports facilities and a gymnasium at Ahmed University. A sports facility describes a confined area of sporting event venues, such as gymnasiums, where members of the general public congregate to engage in physical exercise and compete in athletic events. The establishments will provide students with an environment conducive to engaging in various sporting activities and maintaining a regular fitness routine

Justification and Methodology

The primary purpose of the sports facility at Ahmed University is to enable students to engage in sporting activities. The institution’s success in intercollegiate athletics has been dismal due to the athletes’ lack of training and endurance. Students and faculty will utilize the facilities to enhance and maintain their physical health and endurance. Conversely, going to the gym improves a person’s strength and endurance, which is advantageous for their health and other activities (Parra-Camacho et al., 2019). Consequently, users of the sports facility and gym will be exposed to various exercises to improve their fitness and endurance. Implementation of these facilities will lead to an overall improvement in the users’ level of development. This project will use the adaptive technique to construct the sports complex and gymnasium. Through this method, managers can modify several variables uncovered through survey research. The method will allow the project to be flexible enough to accommodate unforeseen factors that may arise during its implementation; as a result, the project will not be negatively affected.


The project aims to raise the number of students who participate in sporting at the university to strengthen the institution’s standing in intercollegiate athletic competitions.


The project will help to achieve the following objectives:

  1. The facilities will enable the students to take part in sporting activities hence compete with other university during the university’s competition.
  2. The students will be able to maintain a regular fitness routine while improving their fitness and endurance.


The following activities will be critical in determining the best course of action to implement the sport facility and gymnasium.

Task 1: Introduce the importance of regular physical exercise’s

Due to the accessibility of the internet as a source of information, it is necessary to use a variety of citations when discussing the importance of maintaining a regular exercise routine. The available websites will need to be compiled, and a summary of the importance of maintaining a regular exercise routine will need to be written.

Task 2: Source for public information that supports importance of regular physical exercise’s

Concerning all sorts of physical activities, the general public has access to a wealth of easily accessible and readily available information. The content will emphasize the necessity of regular exercise as well as the benefits that result from it.

Task 3: Conduct interviews regarding physical exercise and activities of preference at the facilities

The interviews will be conducted with potential users of the facilities by using questionnaires on a random sample of individuals. The interview will be vital in choosing which gear and tools should be put into the facility. Furthermore, it will allow management to plan several sporting events and hire the necessary personnel to train the participants according to those plans.

Task 4: Marketing the sporting facility and gymnasium

It would be imperative to market the facility to notify the target audience about the many activities that will take place there. The activities will address the findings of the interviews that were carried out to ensure that the facilities are suitable for the requirements of the target market.

Implementation Timeline

Task 1: Introduce the importance of regular physical exercise’sWeek one
Task 2: Source for public information that supports importance of regular physical exercise’sWeek two
Task 3: Conduct interviews regarding physical exercise and activities of preference at the facilitiesWeek three and week four
Task 4: Marketing the sporting facility and gymnasiumWeek five and week six

Human, Material, and Financial Resources

ResourcesApproximate budget
Gym instructor72,000 SAR
Training bench400 SAR
Rowing Machine6,630 SAR
Stationary bicycle420 SAR
Dumbbell set100 SAR
Total79,550 SAR


Parra-Camacho, D., Añó Sanz, V., Ayora Pérez, D., & González-García, R. J. (2019). Applying importance-performance analysis to residents’ perceptions of large sporting events. Sport in Society, 23(2), 249–263.

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IvyPanda. (2023, August 15). Sports Facility and Gym at Ahmed University.

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"Sports Facility and Gym at Ahmed University." IvyPanda, 15 Aug. 2023,


IvyPanda. (2023) 'Sports Facility and Gym at Ahmed University'. 15 August.


IvyPanda. 2023. "Sports Facility and Gym at Ahmed University." August 15, 2023.

1. IvyPanda. "Sports Facility and Gym at Ahmed University." August 15, 2023.


IvyPanda. "Sports Facility and Gym at Ahmed University." August 15, 2023.

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