Staffing Plan for Mc. FRIES Problem Solution Essay

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In recent organizational recruitment efforts it has become a challenge deciding the quality of recruits. Some new employees are very good but, are hired for the wrong job, reducing their output and depicting them as poor workers. In hiring it is important to determine the number of people that each sector actually requires to avoid inappropriate resource distribution. The number will depend on the technicality and intensiveness of the field.

Success of many companies is greatly dependant on the allocation of resources. Many highly ranked positions require specialized and skilled personnel. To attain this it is appropriate to continually review approaches to recruitment, retaining and succession of staff.

In developing a staff for “Mc. FRIES”; a fast food business, proper planning is important. Mc. FRIES will require a general manager to manage its main branch and oversee the management of any other subsidiary branches that may come with expansion of the business. The manager will be assisted by one assistant manager and four associates, who are to be directly answerable to the manager.

The recruitment of such qualified personnel will require the assistance of search companies which deal directly with the prospective employee, reducing the paper work for the human resource department. It will also refer only qualified applicants instead of having to search through the applications. A prerequisite of the applicants will be five years of experience in a similar position as the position is the most crucial for the organization.

The marketing department will be responsible for sales of the products. It will be headed by a marketing manager and five associates for assistance. The associates will only be required to be instrumental in the labor and not decision making. The department will therefore be managed by a master’s degree holder in a business related field, preferably in sales and marketing.

The associates will have bachelors’ degree with one year experience. Remuneration for the associates will be on commission basis to encourage sales through hard work.

The accounting department will require highly proficient employees to provide financial leadership for the organization. One finance manager with extensive knowledge in financial management or accounting field, preferably to masters’ level is needed.

The distribution department will require 20 delivery personnel for home delivery. They will be required to have valid driving licenses and no behavioral complexities such as habitual stealing. They should be very well-spoken and know their way around town to hasten delivery of orders.

Overall staffing strategy

An excellent staffing is especially well planned. The consideration of organization structure, culture, mission and vision has to be made. Familiarity with talent sources and trends in the sector is paramount. Furthermore the organization’s needs and available resources have to be considered. In recruitment, the quality of employees you get is only as good as the applications received.

This proves challenging to most companies prompting the change of system and hiring strategy. In developing or deciding on a recruitment strategy, the organization has to brainstorm on the most appropriate strategy, investigate on the strategies, or get leadership buy-in (Bowley, 2005). The level of position that you need to fill also determines the strategy adopted.

The advertisement for the position must be made in a variety of places and with various strategies. Advertisement in trade journals are advantageous as many good employees keep tabs on what is going on in the sector.

It is, therefore, most probable that they always keep updating on new and better opportunities and may contact for additional information. This is a link to employees who are already familiar to the industry. To fill upper management, the organization will seek the help of search firms, entry-level are filled by newspaper advertisement, while middle management is often in-trained.

Referrals may replace advertisements in a much better way; the referrals may have experience with the current employees and proved their proficiency. Referrals eliminate the learning curve as the new employees are already acquainted to the current employees (Bowley, 2005).

In creating an image for the organization, Brochures may be used to achieve positive image. Brochures augment the perception of your company to prospective employees.

They will be enlightened on the benefits and any special events as well as the employment opportunities in your organization. These brochures once distributed, creates visibility for your company and even those not looking for jobs may consider a change to your organization (Bartlein, 2005).

With the recruitment, other benefits like compensation for child care, settling relocation expenses for new employees should be offered. Additional benefits will sweeten the deal and lead to transfers of quality employees into your company. In line with this is career advancement which will be advantageous at recruitment efforts. It is simple to train employees and suite them to the particular need of your organization (Bowley, 2005). This is mostly helpful for sectors with very fast advancements such as IT.

No law restricts advertisements to be made in a specific way, however, the hiring process should exhibit commitment to provision of equal opportunity. The hiring process therefore has to be free of discriminatory strategies. It should give all applicants a fair chance of getting the job despite the various backgrounds and ethnicity.

This is in compliance with the Civil Rights Act Of 1866, which protects against discrimination of race or ethnicity (Tommy, 2005). To achieve this, the advertisements have to be strategically distributed such that they don’t leave out a specific group of applicants. This includes distributing the advertisements in newspapers or online sites.

The advertisements should also not request the applicants to be of a specific ethnicity and ought to be made in all possible languages if the community is cosmopolitan.

To minimize the legal issues that may arise, all duties will be described in the advertisement and a distinction between marginal and essential functions made. The applicant will therefore apply in full awareness of the duties that the job involves. The requirements during hiring should also be flexible and accommodating.

Requirements such as medical tests should be done only on passing all interviews. All other information that an applicant presents should be verified. To legally do this, the applicant will be made aware through the job advertisement that the employer reserves verification rights.

In conclusion, all the benefits to be accorded to the applicants will be clearly stated and the interval or the frequency of payment agreed on. Any unusual pay method has to be described in writing and consented to by both the employer and prospective employee. All legal tussles must be avoided and efforts made to get the best employees. Once employed retention should be very high by provision of competitive packages that come with the job.


Bartlein, B. (2008). Strategies to recruit quality Staff, Organized for a Living, 16(2) 1. Web.

Bowley, J. (2005). Staffing Strategies: Can You Find, Recruit, and Retain the Talent You Need? New Zealand: Authoria Inc.

Tommy, W. (2005). Hiring – basic legal issues for employers, Employment Law Advisory Network, 57(04) 7. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2018, May 30). Staffing Plan for Mc. FRIES.

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"Staffing Plan for Mc. FRIES." IvyPanda, 30 May 2018,


IvyPanda. (2018) 'Staffing Plan for Mc. FRIES'. 30 May.


IvyPanda. 2018. "Staffing Plan for Mc. FRIES." May 30, 2018.

1. IvyPanda. "Staffing Plan for Mc. FRIES." May 30, 2018.


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