Strayer University’s Computer Labs Policy Essay

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Strayer University Computer labs have been set up to facilitate the pursuit of academic excellence as provided by the University’s mission of academic merit. The opportunity to access, and use computer lab equipment and the networked system is important to all members of Strayer University. To protect that opportunity for current and prospective students and faculty members, all users must comply with the University’s standards for acceptable use of computer lab resources. The University’s administration fully understands that personal use of computer labs systems may improve personal skills, but these resources must be limited primarily for administrative and academic purposes. By accessing and using the University’s computer lab and all equipment installed, users agree to follow all University’s policies and applicable federal and state laws.


This document provides guidelines for acceptable use of Strayer University’s computer lab and further defines who is authorized to use computer lab facilities. The purpose of this policy is to protect the integrity of information and guard the privacy and confidentiality of users. The policy ensures that computation complies with Strayer University policy and other applicable federal and state laws. The policy will also ensure free flow and exchange of information that promotes sharing of ideas that leads to academic freedom and excellence. If users are not sure whether any action or use of computer lab resources amounts to a violation of this policy, they should contact the lab administrator. If an issue is not addressed explicitly by Strayer University Computer Lab use policy, the system administrator’s resolve will prevail.


This policy applies to all users of Strayer University Computer lab resources. The definition of “user” in this policy refers to any person who gains access and uses computer lab computing and networked resources. In this regard, users include students, members of faculty, administrator, and guests. Computer lab resources include computers, network systems, printers, scanners, plotters, instructional resources and any other related equipment installed or placed in the computer labs. All personal computing equipments connected to computer lab resources and networked systems are also subject to this policy.

General Use and Ownership

Strayer computing resources are limited and as such, all computers are allocated on a first come first served basis. Priority is given to those users seeking to fulfill their academic objectives. In some cases, user may be asked to and prove that they are engaged in academic work. Those engaged in activities not related to academic may be asked to give up machines to users who need to carry out academic work. Some machines may be set aside for specific purposes and may be attached to unique hardware or contain dedicated software. These systems will be marked for easier identification and users who need such machines will be given priority to use.

Security and Proprietary Information

Strayer University has put in place measures to ensure that all computing systems in the computer lab and all users’ accounts are secure. However, the university does not offer any guarantee to users of such security. User should exercise discretion and engage in practices that promote safe computing. Users are encouraged to set appropriate accounts access restrictions. Passwords should be changed regularly and should be closely guarded. All users are responsible for encryption and protection of personal documents and should maintain personal back-up. The university respects the privacy of all computer labs user. However, users should realize that use of computing resources in the computer lab is not exclusively private. User should also be aware that the university regulations require that data and communication records including user logs and general usage monitoring be backed-up, for administrative purposes.

Unacceptable use

To prevent computing activities that adversely affect other users, the university will ensure that any form of misuse does not occur. Display of obscene material is prohibited in all Strayer University computer labs. Any user who engages in viewing explicit material will be asked to stop and leave the lab immediately. Computer users are expected to show respect for other users in the computer lab. Lab users are expected to work quietly. Disruptive behavior and loud discussions may disturb other users working on their academic assignments. Any person who exhibit threatening, disruptive or hostile behavior such as but not limited to yelling, disregarding lab attendant’s requests etc will be asked to leave the computer lab immediately.

System and Network Activities

All computers and related equipments are configured to meet the need of student and faculty. Users should not make any changes to computing equipment settings. Any equipment in the computer lab connected to the University network system can only use IP addresses assigned by the computer lab administrator. Any device connected between lab computing equipment and the university network must be approved by the University network administrator. Any device connected to the university network system is subject to this provision.

E-mail and Communication Activities

The University has established e-mail system to facilitate efficient communications between members of university community. The university reserves the right to change or withdraw email services especially when there is cause to believe misuse of the university e-mail system. Use of University mailing list, should be limited to academic and official business only. The content of any e-mail sent through the university computing system, and/or using the university mailing system should be appropriate and should not be in violations of acceptable use regulations. User should not send unsolicited emails, or try to conceal or alter their identity. No user should attempt to hinder or intercept email communication. Authorized university staff may view the content of user email if they have a reason to believe the user violated this policy.


The University has established discussion forum in form of blogs to facilitate online discussion between students and faculty. User using blog should be aware that blog spaces are online class room. Any material that is not appropriate for normal classroom discussion is also not suitable for blogs. All user should exercise discretions when blogging and should conduct themselves in a manner that shows respect for other bloggers. Blog should be limited to student expression of ideas. They should not be used for non academic purposes.


Any reports of violation of computer lab policy may be made to Strayer University IT department staff, supervisor, attendant or network and system administrator. Admonition and face to face discussions will be used to address alleged minor violations. Depending with the severity of violation that calls for sanction, the following may be applicable: loss of computer lab access and use privileges, formal reprimand, probation, termination of employment in case of staff and expulsion from the university in case of students.

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IvyPanda. (2021, December 15). Strayer University's Computer Labs Policy.

Work Cited

"Strayer University's Computer Labs Policy." IvyPanda, 15 Dec. 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Strayer University's Computer Labs Policy'. 15 December.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Strayer University's Computer Labs Policy." December 15, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "Strayer University's Computer Labs Policy." December 15, 2021.


IvyPanda. "Strayer University's Computer Labs Policy." December 15, 2021.

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