The BMW Firm’s Corporate Social Responsibility Report

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BMW, one of the biggest automobile manufacturers in the world, became the first factory to implement the concept of sustainability in its production. Indeed, according to the company’s 2021 report, the use of renewable sources of energy now became the norm at BMW (BMW Brilliance Automotive, 2021). The company started to engage in the global movement against climate change before it became widely popular to invest in green energy sources to reduce carbon dioxide production by vehicles. The future goal of this corporation is to reduce toxic gas emissions into the atmosphere by 50% in 2030 (BMW Group, n.d.b). BMV utilizes the proactive approach in terms of sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) by increasing the number of recyclable materials in their vehicles, minimizing the amount of carbon dioxide emitted, and creating jobs worldwide.


BMW chose to have a proactive stance regarding sustainability, environmental protection, and CSR. According to the company’s official website, “as part of its corporate due diligence, the BMW Group is actively taking responsibility and participating in local projects” (BMW Group, n.d.c, para 3). For instance, one of the projects was to develop a cobalt mining program for people in Congo to not only obtain materials for vehicle production but also reduce unemployment rates in the region (BMW Group, n.d.c). This corporation invests in the development of electric cars and more advanced recycling methods to reduce harm made to the environment (Ullrich, 2021). It appears that BMW Group is proactively trying to contribute to sustainable development and the common good.

Another aspect of BMW’s proactive stance is that it started to make cars from recyclable materials. In fact, the corporation strives for the economical use of resources by recycling and redesigning old cars (BMW Group, n.d.a). In addition, the firm is working on improving the manufacturing process to reduce waste products by reusing primary materials. Thirty percent of BMW automobiles are made of recyclable components, and the company plans to increase this number in the future (BMW Group, n.d.d). Furthermore, more than 2,800 return points were established worldwide to accept old cars to be restructured or reused (BMW Group, n.d.a). This approach is essential nowadays since global waste production by various industrial sectors has caused tremendous harm to nature.

Another issue that BMW Group strives to resolve is carbon dioxide production by its vehicles. Since the number of cars, especially in metropolitan areas, increased significantly, the amount of pollution in cities rose too. Therefore, automobile manufacturers, including BMW, try to modify the vehicles they produce to ensure that they release less CO2 into the atmosphere (BMW Group, 2022). Indeed, BMW was able to minimize CO2 production by its cars by approximately 70% over the past fifteen years (BMW Group, n.d.b). This company strives to control carbon dioxide production in its plants and automobiles to ensure the sustainability of its business.


In conclusion, BMW Group is currently considered one of the most sustainable manufacturers in the automobile industry. It started implementing various methodologies in its vehicle production to reduce toxic waste production, carbon dioxide emission into the atmosphere, and recycling of used products. Additionally, BMW expresses its corporate social responsibility not only through its care for environmental problems but also by creating jobs and training programs worldwide to reduce unemployment and poverty. Overall, BMW corporation takes proactive steps to minimize harm to nature and resolve some global social issues.


BMW Brilliance Automotive. (2021). Sustainability report 2021. (2021). Web.

BMW Group. (2022). . Web.

BMW Group. (n.d.a). . Web.

BMW Group. (n.d.b). . Web.

BMW Group. (n.d.c). . Web.

BMW Group. (n.d.d). . Web.

Ullrich, B. (2021). . BMW Group. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 25). The BMW Firm's Corporate Social Responsibility.

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"The BMW Firm's Corporate Social Responsibility." IvyPanda, 25 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'The BMW Firm's Corporate Social Responsibility'. 25 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "The BMW Firm's Corporate Social Responsibility." May 25, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "The BMW Firm's Corporate Social Responsibility." May 25, 2024.


IvyPanda. "The BMW Firm's Corporate Social Responsibility." May 25, 2024.

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