The Brand Positioning Map for Netflix Essay

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competitorrange of choicepersonalization
Disney Plus53
CBS All Access32
Amazon Prime Video54
YouTube TV22
Apple TV Plus44
Sony Crackle43
Curiosity Stream11

Note. Created by the author.

Figure 1 above illustrates the brand positioning map for Netflix with respect to the home entertainment market segment, which can be referred to as a streaming service. The map is based on the scores derived from market analysis, and the assigned values can be accessed in Table 1 below. On the basis of the findings, it is evident that the perceptual map is inherently subject, but online sources reflect the scores shown in the table (Gupta, 2021; Business Strategy Hub, 2022). Aside from the quality of content as well as their subscription fees, two key parameters include the range of choice and personalization capabilities.

Netflix is a clear leader on the personalization front but has a relatively lower score of 4 when it comes to choices since it is rather common that the streaming service has older movies. It compensates for the lack of choice with its own Netflix specials as well as content created by itself. On the lowest end of the spectrum of two parameters is the curiosity stream, which is solely based on documentaries and niche content with limited personalization options. Both Disney Plus and Amazon Prime offer a wider selection of movies, films, and TV shows, which is due to the scale and resources available to these large conglomerates.

Brand positioning map
Figure 1. Brand positioning map.


Business Strategy Hub. (2022). Top 15 Netflix competitors & alternatives. Web.

Gupta, J. (2021). . Feed Dough. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2023, December 10). The Brand Positioning Map for Netflix.

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"The Brand Positioning Map for Netflix." IvyPanda, 10 Dec. 2023,


IvyPanda. (2023) 'The Brand Positioning Map for Netflix'. 10 December.


IvyPanda. 2023. "The Brand Positioning Map for Netflix." December 10, 2023.

1. IvyPanda. "The Brand Positioning Map for Netflix." December 10, 2023.


IvyPanda. "The Brand Positioning Map for Netflix." December 10, 2023.

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