Child abuse is one of the most important social problems in the whole world that has to be solved as soon as it is identified.
People cannot even understand the true effects of child abuse on the future of a society; this is why the question of child abuse as well as child neglect has to be discussed all the time in order to avoid the most unpleasant consequences and help children in need.
The development of a Capstone Project will become a new step in solving the problem and thinking about the possible ways of improvement the situation and creation the most appropriate living conditions for children.
The following time line with the specific dates should serve as evidence that the project mentioned above is about to start and has to be improved.
In general, the above-developed time line seems to be a good plan to be followed while writing a capstone project.
Each stage has its deadlines and purposes. It is easy to follow it, make the necessary improvements in case of emergency, and think about the most interesting ideas on how to develop the chosen topic “The Effects of Child Abuse” properly.