The Fundamentals of Buddhism and the Belief in Impermanence Essay

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The belief in impermanence is an essential aspect of Buddhism since it defines the basic principles of this religion. Perspectives of this religion include constants truths and reliance on the cyclical nature of existence. However, several examples demonstrate that Buddhism emphasizes the need for constant change as an essential aspect of this religion’s concept of principles. In general, impermanence represents a crucial element of this religion despite the considerable importance of permanence in Buddhism fundamentals.

Impermanence is a characteristic that determines the need for spiritual development and the establishment of attitudes toward life among different people. For example, the story of the Life of Gautama Buddha, concerning the questions of the believer and the atheist regarding the existence of God, reveals the importance of impermanence in religion (Words of Wisdom, 2021). In this case, Buddhism promotes the need for constant spiritual development despite established views and beliefs. Another example relates to the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism, which indicate that suffering exists but can be ended (I Am Your Target Demographic, 2019). Thus, this religious teaching focuses on the finality of some aspects of human existence. In addition, impermanence is expressed in the example of reincarnation, as this aspect of Buddhism refers to permanent changes (I Am Your Target Demographic, 2019). In this respect, the cyclical nature of being correlates with the impermanence of soul transformations, which reveals the significance of impermanence in the spiritual dimension. In general, the instances that relate to the principles of Buddhism demonstrate that this religion is primarily associated with the concept of impermanence.

The chronology of Buddhism involves several significant events which directly relate to the life of Siddhartha Gautama, the central figure of this religion. The first important event in Buddhism was the birth of Siddhartha Gautama, which occurred in approximately 490 BCE (Side, 2022). This event is crucial to faith as it refers to the central figure of the beliefs. The second key event in this religion is Gautama’s becoming a Buddha which occurred around 455 BCE (Side, 2022). This event is vital for Buddhism as it represents the emergence of the central personage of the religion in the form of a deity. In addition, the transition from the human to the divine demonstrates the importance of impermanence in spiritual development. The third critical event is the appearance of the Buddha’s first disciples, which occurred approximately 455 BCE and signified the beginning of the development of Buddhism as a religion (Side, 2022). Therefore, several key events in the timeline of Buddhism relate directly to the biography of the Buddha.

Several critical events of Buddhism occurred after the death of Siddhartha Gautama and are characterized by their influence on the development of religious beliefs. In this aspect, the fourth important event in the history of Buddhism is the emergence of the Mahayana school in the 1st century BCE (Side, 2022). This event was one of the milestones in the development of this religion because Mahayana represents one of the significant movements of Buddhism. The fifth important event in the history of this religion is the introduction of Buddhism to the West which happened in the 13th century CE (Side, 2022). This event is crucial since it allowed the influence of Buddhism to expand considerably in its global aspect. Overall, this religion’s major events after Gautama’s death relate primarily to expanding beliefs and developing various religious movements.

Buddhism is a religion that includes a considerable number of branches with various beliefs and perspectives. At the same time, a central aspect of Buddhism is the cyclical nature of human existence alongside a belief in impermanence. Thus, this religion focuses considerably on the importance of human spiritual development and constant change to reach an understanding of the essence of faith. Furthermore, the historical development of Buddhism reveals that impermanence is essential to the evolution of religious beliefs. Therefore, Buddhist beliefs feature the importance of incorporating impermanence into the faith since constant change represents one of the essentials of religion.


I Am Your Target Demographic. (2019). [Video]. YouTube. Web.

Side, D. (2022). Discovering Buddhism. Troubador Publishing.

Words of Wisdom. (2021). [Video]. YouTube. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, June 5). The Fundamentals of Buddhism and the Belief in Impermanence.

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"The Fundamentals of Buddhism and the Belief in Impermanence." IvyPanda, 5 June 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'The Fundamentals of Buddhism and the Belief in Impermanence'. 5 June.


IvyPanda. 2024. "The Fundamentals of Buddhism and the Belief in Impermanence." June 5, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "The Fundamentals of Buddhism and the Belief in Impermanence." June 5, 2024.


IvyPanda. "The Fundamentals of Buddhism and the Belief in Impermanence." June 5, 2024.

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