The Indigo: International Fashion Exhibition Essay

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Fashion is a part of life for many people. Many people prefer to wear and live according to fashion trends. The style of many people is dictated by fashion. And we are talking not only about clothes. Fashion dictates the lifestyle: the clothes, the room design, and many other aspects of life. The fashion exhibitions give people an opportunity to see the style tendencies in other countries and to compare them.

The fashion event we are going to discuss now is an Indigo fair in Paris, France in Première Vision. This fair took place from the 10th till the 13th of February, 2009. Winter was on the streets and a fashion industry was ready to present the fashion tendencies for spring and summer 2010.

‘Faithful to the Paris event, some 38,945 fashion textile professionals, including 27,834 international visitors, came to discover weaver’s and spinner’s latest developments for spring summer 2010, as well as early yarn directions autumn winter 2010-2011’ (Spring summer 0: Discover the season 2009)

The Indigo is a unique and leading international exhibition which specializes in textile design and creation. The fashion exhibition offered designs, embroideries and appliqués, knits, fabrics and a lot of other aspects that deal with the fashion industry.

The heart of Indigo exhibition was in a green color with modern design, where people could get all necessary information, relax and inspire themselves for new ideas and collections. ’By presenting 50 preselected designs, Indigo provides the start to a rich, in-depth collaboration between students and the industrial world’ write authors of ‘The daily news of Premiere Vision’ (Young designers take centre stage at Indigo 2009-2)

A huge attention is given to fabrics. The use of fabrics is surprising: natural cotton, pure silk, linen, cotton-silk, wool-silk, wool-silk, cotton-linen, cotton-stretch, silk-polyamide and pure polyamide. These fabrics were exhibited in Première Vision and are in a great fashion in spring and summer. ‘Cotton and silk blends impose themselves with distinction for everyday. Fibres and filaments are blended, soberly toning down shine. Wool and linen are mixed with silk for fluid, soft and light-weight summer suitings’ (Spring Summer 0. The new start 2009-3).

Leather is also coming into fashion and can compete with multiple choices of other fabrics. ‘Leather-textile bonding finds its ultimate expression in the stretch leather used for closing and accessories such as leggings, skirts, boots and gloves, all of which are very sensual and can be worn next to the skin’ (Bonding leather-textiles at Cuir a Paris 2009-2).

The Indigo exhibition makes us understand that the spring/summer collection involves a light background with bright geometric circles, stripes. The most vivid tendency is going to be the use of big bright flowers on a light monophonic background. ‘You can find, for example, flowers in a matte technical fabric with lathes cut-outs and embroidered on slightly rustic guipure, in a macramé style’ (Zibetti 2009-2).

The exhibition combines beauty and functionality. Many designers and common people found the solutions to their ideas, the exhibition inspired them for new actions and collections.

Fashion is a bright side of human life. Fashion is an entertainment for one, and a hard work for others. Modern fashion industry works with a high rate. The fashion collections are updating every season what shows that the industry does not stay on one place and continues to surprise people with new striking and unpredictable ideas.

Works Cited

“Bonding leather-textiles at Cuir a Paris”. The daily news of Premiere Vision. 2009.

“Spring summer 0: Discover the season”. Première Vision. The World’s Premier Fabric Show ™. 2009. Web.

“Spring Summer 0. The new start.” The daily news of Premiere Vision. 2009.

“Young designers take centre stage at Indigo”. The daily news of Premiere Vision. 2009.

Zibetti, Adele. “The modest transparencies”. The daily news of Premiere Vision. 2009.

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IvyPanda. (2021, December 7). The Indigo: International Fashion Exhibition.

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"The Indigo: International Fashion Exhibition." IvyPanda, 7 Dec. 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'The Indigo: International Fashion Exhibition'. 7 December.


IvyPanda. 2021. "The Indigo: International Fashion Exhibition." December 7, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "The Indigo: International Fashion Exhibition." December 7, 2021.


IvyPanda. "The Indigo: International Fashion Exhibition." December 7, 2021.

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