The Jewish Covenant with God Throughout History Essay

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The Bible is divided into the Old and New Testaments; both of these texts were written by Divine inspiration. God made covenants with people for their own salvation. Consequently, the testaments are obligatory to read not only for Jews, but also for every Christian.

A covenant is a contract, an agreement between God and people, a solemn promise that God has given to man. A person who wants peace with God has agreed to follow the Commandments given to him by the Creator Himself. When Abraham was ninety-nine years old, God appeared to him and established a covenant with him and his descendants. Then Moses went up the mountain and stayed there for 40 days. God himself spoke to Moses and gave it to him, and through him to the people of Israel. The ten commandments of the Law of God, and then other laws of the sacred and secular dispensation were transmitted through Moses.

If the covenant of Abraham was an instruction, then in the covenant of Moses the commandments were clearly traced, the observance of which was not just prescribed, but mandatory. King David compiled one of the books of the Old Testament — the Psalter. She praises God together with the angels and drives away and stings demons. Thus, a covenant evolves through biblical history from Abraham to Moses and the David as follows. The Abraham Covenant is a guide on how to live, the Mosaic Covenant lists in the commandments what is forbidden to do, and both covenants help to achieve heavenly life. The Covenant of David aims to fight the devil by providing sacred chants. In Judaism chapter, biblical passage of 2 Samuel 7.5, 11-12 seems to point to the Messianic expectation that Christians relate to Jesus (Bellini and Patsko 93). It is this passage that says that when the will of God is fulfilled, the kingdom of the Lord will come to the whole earth.

Biblical history can be viewed as a chain of covenants or agreements that God entered into with patriarchs, prophets, kings, the chosen people, the Church and the whole world. In baptism, a person becomes a participant in the history of salvation and a member of the covenant. Therefore, it is the covenant and the observance of its commandments that are the key to the salvation of mankind.

Works Cited

Bellini, Dennie, and Robert Patsko. Re-Ligio: Introduction to World Religions. Academx Publishing, 2015.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 31). The Jewish Covenant with God Throughout History.

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"The Jewish Covenant with God Throughout History." IvyPanda, 31 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'The Jewish Covenant with God Throughout History'. 31 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "The Jewish Covenant with God Throughout History." May 31, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "The Jewish Covenant with God Throughout History." May 31, 2024.


IvyPanda. "The Jewish Covenant with God Throughout History." May 31, 2024.

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