The Necessity of Anti-drug Activities in Newark Essay

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Today, among the topical issues that are faced by Newark’s community and require an early solution, there is a severe problem of the growth of drug addiction as a threat to the health of the city’s population and local interests in general. The city is currently undergoing a continuous expansion of drugs of various types and forms of origin.

For Newark, in the short and medium term, the problem of drug trafficking and the growth of drug addiction can seriously affect the following important areas of society. In the social sphere, it is a threat to the preservation of the nation’s healthy gene pool. Of particular concern is the fact that the number of drug addicts among women and minors is growing. In the political sphere, there is a danger that the drug mafia is not interested in regional and national stability. The profits received from drugs go to support the forces seeking to influence the states (Abdel-Salam et al., 2017). The drug problem is closely linked to the financing of international terrorism and religious extremism. In other words, the source argues that there are more than public healthcare implications of mass drug addiction, which is why the prioritization of effective and well-equipped outpatient drug rehab centers is of paramount importance for the city.

In the economic sphere, this is the aggravation of economic problems during the transition period, creating conditions for the development of the drug business and the growth of drug addiction (Akyar et al., 2016). Among the factors contributing to the deterioration of the drug situation in the county, one should mention the persistence of a notable level of poverty, unemployment and the development of shadow economic activity. In other words, the second source argues that the general environment of mass-scale drug addiction promotes a criminal environment in regards to drug relocation activities as well as economically damages the city through public deterioration.

Today, in Newark there is an intensive restructuring of the drug market, as well as an active process of replacing traditional drugs of plant origin (marijuana) with “heavy” drugs (primarily heroin). Consumption of highly active, expensive and most hazardous to health synthetic narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances (LSD, ecstasy, amphetamines) is increasing (Peckham et al., 2018). The analysis of the results of the previous attempts and program documents adopted within the given scope indicates that there have been many activities dedicated to the issue, including the development of drug rehab centers. In Newark, a unified and balanced state policy in the field of drug trafficking has been formed and is being implemented, state and social control over the development of the drug situation has been established (Abdel-Salam et al., 2017). It was possible to achieve its stabilization and limit the negative impact on the state of internal and external security of Newark, health and well-being of the people.

All three sources highly influenced the design of the program by increasing the general need for higher funding in order to ensure that the rehab center will both effective and efficient. Therefore, it will require a consistent level of top performance of the center, which is mainly driven by the work done by professionals specializing in the given field alongside a necessary lab equipment and data collection tools to enhance the number of strategic approaches, which could be taken to both monitor the drug addiction rates in the city and improve the chances for recovery. The conclusions and findings from the presented sources are clear in regards to severe damaging effects of mass scale drug addiction in the city, which can manifest themselves in economic, public health, and environmental as well as social deterioration, and thus, countering the current increase in drug addiction cases through effective rehabilitation is critical and requires prioritization.

At the same time, the severity of the problem does not subside, which is facilitated by a number of interrelated factors, one of which is the increased traffic of drugs. The implementation of a complex of law enforcement measures to create anti-drug activities is becoming more and more urgent. Then, the measures taken by the authorized state bodies to comprehensively counter the drug business are not fully adequate to the current situation, the problem of prevention, treatment and subsequent rehabilitation of drug addicts is being solved at an insufficient level (Peckham, Aet al., 2018). Proceeding from this and in order to promptly respond to the current situation and take the necessary measures for the primary prevention of drug addiction, special attention should be paid to the development and improvement of AGAPE.

The fundamental factors influencing the achievement of the designated goal of AGAPE are:

  1. Coordination, professionalism and consolidation of interested competent authorities of the state;
  2. Support of the general population and non-governmental organizations, including youth;
  3. Sufficient financial and technical equipment;
  4. Phased and systematic implementation of AGAPE’s initiatives (development and implementation of sectoral programs for the prevention of drug addiction and the fight against drug trafficking).

Taking into account the world experience and the peculiarities of the development of the situation in the region, the fight against drug addiction and drug trafficking in Newark is carried out in the following main directions:

  1. Primary prevention of drug addiction;
  2. Treatment and social rehabilitation of drug abusers;
  3. Suppression of illegal traffic in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors;
  4. Ensuring effective control over the circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors, established by the state.

Effectiveness in achieving the goals of AGAPE depends on the conditions for maximum consolidation of all interested state bodies, non-governmental organizations and the general public in the development on its basis of sectoral programs to combat drug addiction and drug trafficking in the state at all levels.

The analysis of the activity of the centers of complex help allows one to state that this type of center is the most suitable for the realization of social and pedagogical activity. The purpose, content, directions, forms and methods of work most fully, in our opinion, meet the needs of the addicted person in professional help. Although most of them are also created by people who have been addicted, it is this fact that allows such actors to interact effectively with drug addicts based on their own experience. This type of center implements a unique socio-pedagogical method of “peer-to-peer”, which in essence cannot be used by a specialist who has no experience in the use of psychoactive substances (Fletcher, 2013). Therefore, realizing this potential, the staff of the center gradually masters the profession of psychologist, social educator, social worker and provides high-quality professional assistance. The positive results of such centers are that graduates have the skills to function independently in society, lead a healthy lifestyle, have a high level of social values.

The purpose of the centers is to re-socialize drug-addicted youth by providing a range of social rehabilitation and other services, as well as preventive work with clients. Highlighting the specifics of the rehabilitation centers of comprehensive care, we note that such services are essentially social. Rehabilitation centers perform a number of tasks, including the tasks of social and pedagogical direction are singled out: development of skills of independent living in a society and socially tested models of behavior at drug addicts; promoting the formation of individuality and development of the personal potential of rehabilitators; development of abilities and formation of personal goals in young people; ousting drugs from the value system of the individual, the formation of new values; formation of sustainable drug intolerance; acquisition of work skills; the revival of moral and ethical and family values; restoration of physical activity; promotion of a healthy lifestyle (Fletcher, 2013).

The activities of the centers are based on universal principles, which are reflected through the principles of socio-pedagogical activities, which include the principles of voluntariness, confidentiality, tolerance. The principle of monitoring and evaluation of the quality of services provided characterizes the activities of rehabilitation centers in terms of their effectiveness and efficiency. The analysis of scientific and methodological literature, as well as the experience of practical activities of rehabilitation centers, leads to the conclusion that the effectiveness of measures related to the provision of assistance to drug addicts depends primarily on its system and complexity.

The resocialization program should be aimed at developing and mastering problem-solving skills, abstinence from alcohol and drugs, self-affirmation skills, cognitive restructuring skills, relaxation, behavioral self-management, family interaction, etc. In order to master these skills, various training and educational activities will be used, which include individual and group consultations on information and motivation, individual consultations of a social educator or consultant, group training sessions, self-study, application of different therapies (art therapy, body-oriented therapy, employment therapy, etc.) (Fletcher, 2013). The formation of such skills is a long process; each problem and life situation is understood in different aspects. Appropriate and effective forms of work at the initial stages are training, which in the centers are supported by communication in non-rehabilitation time. At the end of the rehabilitation period, these skills are practiced in real life.

The environment of the rehabilitation center is a necessary and appropriate environment for the resocialization of drug addicts. Based on the socio-pedagogical positions, the positive and negative features of the environment of rehabilitation centers are highlighted (Fletcher, 2013). The positives include isolation of rehabilitators from the negative natural influences of society (agents of de-socialization, interdependent family members), the ability to improve health, the acquisition of lost socially positive knowledge, skills and abilities, including and motivation to make a professional choice of work in the field of rehabilitation services, the organization of positive, socially useful leisure.

Analysis of the structural components of rehabilitation centers indicates the need to strengthen the socio-pedagogical component in rehabilitation centers in the direction of creating a special environment for resocialization, which will be filled with socially positive influences. There is also a need to develop a system of social and pedagogical assistance to drug addicts in such an environment, with a justification of technological aspects for the possibility of such work. The grant support from Essex county is also a major factor, which makes the case a valid and relevant one, since there is a great deal of support from Improving Reentry for Adults with Substance Use Disorders Program in collaboration with Essex County Human Resources (Essex County Human Resources, 2021).

The key definition of resocialization of drug addicts will be understood as the restoration, preservation and development of socially useful connections and relations of drug addicts with the social environment, the formation of new socially approved patterns of behavior, norms and values, positive social experience and subjectivity for full functioning in society. The purpose of resocialization of drug addicts will be to change the norms and values, patterns of behavior of drug addicts, gaining positive social experience and subjectivity to realize the possibility of fully functioning in society (Fletcher, 2013). By preventing a return to chemical addiction, shaping the experience of dealing with risky, in terms of returning to drug use situations, the goal can be achieved. Resocialization will be considered the result of resocialization, which means re-social formation, development, mastery and reproduction of socially positive life experiences in society.

The analysis of the general theory of systems and selection of the most expedient and exact from the point of view of the investigated system of theoretical positions allowed to describe the system of social and pedagogical work on resocialization of drug addicts in rehabilitation centers. In particular, the theoretical study of the main approaches to understanding the concept of “system” led to the selection of its features, properties, components (Fletcher, 2013). The features of the studied system are structure, purposefulness, integration properties, functional characteristics of the system (both its individual elements and the system as a whole), properties of exchange (both internal and external relations), historicity and predictability, management. The properties of the system of socio-pedagogical work on resocialization of drug addicts in rehabilitation centers will be considered integrity, emergence, purposefulness and expediency, structure, hierarchy, synergy, information, openness, balance, stability, dynamism, reliability, conceptuality. Without sufficient funding, the mentioned complexity and advancement of AGAPE cannot be achieved.

Goals and Objectives

The goals of AGAPE is to create a system of effective rehabilitation for people exposed to the negative effects of the use of narcotic drugs through cooperation with experts and the development of comfortable conditions for patients. The goals of the project also include creating a system within which patients can receive care, working to create a more supportive social environment, and collecting statistics and data to assess the state of the population and the dynamics of change.

  1. researching the negative consequences of drug misuse to determine the size of the population that needs help and identify therapy targets;
  2. cooperation with experts to assess existing conditions and develop a program of the most effective potential therapeutic interventions;
  3. liaising with local authorities to obtain legal support;
  4. development of a program to inform the target population about the possibilities of rehabilitation and the positive effects that it can have on their lives;
  5. creating a suitable comfortable space within which patients can participate in rehabilitation activities;
  6. direct work of experts with people susceptible to the negative influence of drugs, providing them with the most timely and appropriate treatment programs;
  7. interacting with families and relatives of drug misuse sufferers to prepare social environment nessessary to recovery;
  8. continuous work on collecting statistics, tracking the dynamics of changes in the situation, as well as informing the population about the available treatment options.

Methods and Design

The implementation of this program will be founded on the following:

  1. Creation of a center where drug addiction patients can receive the necessary treatment;
  2. Development of the most effective rehabilitation programs depending on the type of drug addiction, the severity and characteristics of the patient;
  3. Creation of an environment in which patients can communicate with each other and with experts to develop social skills;
  4. Implementation of social rehabilitation assistance programs including work with the patient’s family, assistance in finding job opportunities, and training in communication skills;
  5. Involvement of patients of the rehabilitation program in activities to increase the awareness of the population about the existing problem and treatment options;
  6. Attracting patients to the development and implementation of anti-drug campaigns;
  7. Interaction with various public and private communities and centers for the exchange of experience and joint activities;
  8. Interaction with government agencies and non-profit organizations to develop funding programs for the center;
  9. Development of programs to work with the wider population to provide information about the problem.
  • isolation of rehabilitators from the negative natural influences of society;
  • the opportunity to improve health, gain lost socially positive knowledge, skills and abilities;
  • motivation to make a professional choice of work in the field of rehabilitation services, the organization of positive, socially useful leisure;
  • anti-drug campaign.
  • partial loss of social interaction skills;
  • impossibility of professional self-realization;
  • social deprivation of drug addicts.
  • cooperation with other centers across the state and the country;
  • diversification of anti-drug activities.
  • the return of patients to the same social environment that can negatively affect the long-term consequences of rehabilitation and contribute to the resumption of drug misuse;
  • lack of funding.

Table 1. The SWOT Analysis

The SWOT analysis above demonstrated that AGAPE has more critical advantages than weaknesses (Table 1). This allows assuming that the center can take all the benefits of the opportunities. However, it should be mentioned that the threat of the enhancement of the return of patients to the same social environment that can negatively affect the long-term consequences of rehabilitation require flexible policy, appropriate organization, and stable funding. The Logic Model (Table 2) shows the AGAPE’s essentials in detail.

Public funding

Private funding

Human resources



Cooperation with local authorities

Launch of the center

Development of the center

Provision of help to drug-affected people

Anti-drug campaign

Healthy relationships with the local government in terms of anti-drug activities

The occurrence of the modern outpatient drug rehab center

Obtained help of drug-addicted people

Advertisements and strong social media presence and impact

Short term (12 weeks)Medium term (6 months)Long-term (12 months)
Significant impact of the anti-drug campaignBecoming a primary help-provider for those affected by drugs in the stateReduced drug traffic and the decreased numbers of those who need help in terms of drug addiction
Process EvaluationOutcome Evaluation
Responsible departments’ reportsSupervision and constant monitoringSurveys and primary research

Table 2. The Logic Model


Given the fact that there will be public investments, the program can be constantly evaluated by surveys and primary research. In this vein, cooperation with a number of local universities and scholars is implied. Governmental assistance in the given framework, as well as the issue itself, will encourage them to assist us in this regard.

Other Funding/Sustainability

It was mentioned that there would be investments from the governmental sector – from Newark’s Department of Health and Department of Human Services. It is expected that they will allocate $250 000 each, which equals your potential financial part in this start-up. We are not planning to involve any other private investor so that an exclusive opportunity could be provided to you. The combination of public and private funding implies constant reporting, long-term goals, and sustainability.

Point Information About AGAPE

AGAPE is a significant project that will improve the state of affairs in Newark within the scope of drug addiction and the related help. It is a start-up that does not have its own history and accomplishments yet. However, with your support, I believe that our attainments will be great.

I, as a CEO, strictly follow the NASW Code of Ethics so that the organization would be appropriate and recognized. In particular, I value dignity and worth of a person to a great extent, which contributes to my healthy relationships with colleagues and others. I understand that serving to those in need – especially as a leader of such a program – is essential as well. I also consider myself a competent specialist, given my notable academic and practical background.


The Thompson Foundation’s funding will be primarily utilized for administrative and overhead expenses, including data collection, equipment of the rehab center, as well as competent salaries for the professionals in order to run the rehabilitation effectively. Although the general construction and operating costs will be covered by the public funding sources, the Thompson Foundation funds will be used to hire the top professionals in the field and to run the rehab with a high degree of functional efficiency. The more detailed income and expense allocations can be accessed in Table 5 below. The data will be collected on the basis of a wide range data collection instruments, such as program data on training sessions, demographic information about participants, data from emergency medical centers regarding overdoses, data from social service agency data on referrals, data from mental healthcare providers, data from healthcare systems on patients, and data from police reports. The data will be used to build a comprehensive background for each rehab patient with an emphasis put on a selection of proper treatment procedures.

Public Funding (Essex County Human Resources ($250 000) and Department of Health ($250 000) – $500 000Direct Project Costs
Operational Costs
$350 000
$150 000
Private Funding (The Thompson Foundation) – $500 000Administrative
Overhead Expenses
$350 000
$150 000

Table 3. Budget

Additional Materials

Board of Directors

Board of Directors
Chief Operating Officer
Chief Financial Officer
Chief Marketing Officer
Senior Vice President Corporate Development

Table 4. Board of Directors

Grant Budget
Essex County Human Resources250000
Department of Health250000
The Thompson Foundation500000
Total Revenue/Income1000000
Salary & Wages/Administrative Expenses
Executive Director100000
Program Supervisor80000
Front Desk Staff50000
Payroll Taxes64000
Strategy Arts EvaluationIn Kind
Total Salary & Wages Expenses350000
Capital Expenses
Chairs (50)5000
Conferences tables (10)15000
Computers (5)15000
Presentation equipment5000
Printers (2)2000
Lab equipment (7)158000
Total Capital Expenses250000
Operating Expenses
Campaign marketing80000
Diagnostics consumables30000
Rehab materials40000
Data collection45000
Wi-Fi & Phone3000
Personnel Training17000
Security Alarm1000
Security Camera4000
Other utilities20000
Total Operating Expenses and Overhead Expenses300000

Table 5. Detailed Grant Budget


Abdel-Salam, S., Kilmer, A., Monico, L., & Visher, C. A. (2017). . International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 61(2), 210–228.

Akyar, E., Seneca, K. H., Akyar, S., Schofield, N., Schwartz, M. P., & Nahass, R. G. (2016).. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 22(5), 907–909.

Essex County Human Resources. (2021). .

Fletcher, A. M. (2013). Inside rehab: The surprising truth about addiction treatment – and how to get help that works. Penguin Books.

Peckham, A. M., Ananickal, M. J., & Sclar, D. A. (2018). Risk Management and Healthcare Policy, 11, 109–116.

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IvyPanda. (2022, August 12). The Necessity of Anti-drug Activities in Newark.

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IvyPanda. 2022. "The Necessity of Anti-drug Activities in Newark." August 12, 2022.

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