The New Life: Fitness Application Coursework

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Reflection of the Code

In the code above, the sendSMSNotification () function is only called if the user grants permission for the App to send SMS messages. If the permission is denied, the App continues to function without this feature. In-line comments and appropriate naming conventions are used to enhance the readability of the code. The classes are kept concise, and the code’s style and naming conventions are consistent.

On the reflections of the first and second projects, I received positive feedback on the App’s UI design, stating that it is visually appealing and easy to navigate. However, in the second project, it was suggested that I improve the color choices and font sizes for better readability. In the first project, I was recommended to emphasize the App’s core features and functionality more. Based on this feedback, I can change their UI design to address these issues and improve the overall user experience. Carefully uploading an app is an intelligent way to ensure the message reaches the right people (Singh & Shobha, 2021). This plan outlines all the steps needed to get the “New Life” app ready for the Google Play store.

App Description, Android Version and Application Permissions

The New Life fitness app will be compatible with most mobile devices, including Android 11 API level 30 and version 4.4. The App will require users to provide ten pieces of personal information during the registration process and will be tested on various Android devices before its release. The Android version will include improvements, but most will not affect the user experience. Specific versions of the App may have some features that are restricted to them. New Life will only seek permission to send notifications to the user. We have set up a service to display local alerts to counteract the discouragement of sending and receiving SMS messages in Android Pie. We will use a backend with RESTFUL server endpoints instead of a local database.

Monetization and App Launch Plan

It will be possible to download the “New Life” app for free on mobile devices. The developer intends to include monetization options like advertising to make money. Launching the “New Life” app includes ensuring compatibility with various Android versions and requesting only necessary permissions. It also needs users to provide a clear and detailed description of the App’s capabilities and incorporate monetization strategies such as in-app advertising. The developer should also test the App on various Android devices and consider implementing a backend server to improve user administration and the overall app experience.


Singh, M., & Shobha, G. (2021). . International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering, 10(6), 21–26. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 26). The New Life: Fitness Application.

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"The New Life: Fitness Application." IvyPanda, 26 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'The New Life: Fitness Application'. 26 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "The New Life: Fitness Application." May 26, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "The New Life: Fitness Application." May 26, 2024.


IvyPanda. "The New Life: Fitness Application." May 26, 2024.

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