The Newest Gadget in Action: Anything Locator Application for iPhone Report

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Concerning the Design: It’s not What It Seems

Introducing a gadget with an original design is one of the keys to the success of the given technological novelty. Therefore, the peculiarities of the Locator Application for iPhone are of crucial importance for the public’s perception.

Taking into consideration the elements that add to the stylishness and the functionality of the given gadget one must admit that the features of the given Locator Application for iPhone offer a balanced and well thought-out idea.

Speaking of the aesthetic look of the gadget, one must mark the sleek look of the black surface and the glittering chrome internal components, which add incredible smoothness to the entire device. The blue light striking when the device receives the signals adds a certain element of high-tech and makes the gadget look more impressive, whereas the hole in the left upper corner allows both to decorate the device and to make sure that it’s secure.

It is essential that the design of the Locator Application for iPhone also presupposes high functionality of the device. Only 2” square, the given gadget fits one’s hand perfectly well, yet is not too light owing to the rubber bottom that adds certain weight to it, both literally and metaphorically.

With the help of the LED display, one can see the battery life, which is quite important and convenient. It is important that the gadget can run for three days without recharging. In addition, the innovation that allows to plug the battery for charging into the car, computer or wall socket is also quite fresh.

Protection: Reinforcing the Security System

Because of the controversies concerning the high rates of competition in the modern gadgets market, a specific protection strategy must be worked out to provide the maximum security for the Locator Application for iPhone; otherwise, it is highly probable that the other companies could plagiarize the given gadget.

When speaking of the gadget protection, it is necessary to consider the Intellectual Property rights. Documenting the development of the gadget and obtaining the patent for the development of the Locator Application for iPhone, one can efficiently avoid the possible violations of the copyright law and make certain that no accidents of plagiarism could occur.

Therefore, patenting the Locator Application for iPhone is absolutely necessary for the project to be completely safe from the plagiarism of the ideas and the concept.

Beware the Competitors: No Trespassers Allowed

Because of the large number of the competitors in the given market, one must take considerable care of the plausible attempts on outrunning the given device. Therefore, the list of the competitors in the given sphere is to be made. Moreover, the weaknesses of the latter are to be marked. Hence, the strategies for the integration of the Locator Application for iPhone into the market can be offered.

Among the most widespread competitors to consider, such Apple products as the Dealer Locator Application for iPhone that assists in finding the closest Continental service provider should be considered (Tucker).

To counter the given applications, it is necessary to introduce a larger number of locations in the digital map of the Anything Locator Application for iPhone. Therefore, high efficiency of the device will enjoy wide popularity in the market. Learning the strengths of the competitors, one can improve the current gadget and succeed in the world market.

Works Cited

Tucker, Laura. “Useful iPhone Locator Apps… Never Lose Your Phone Again.” MakeTechEasier, 25 Apr. 2011, Web.

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IvyPanda. (2019, July 10). The Newest Gadget in Action: Anything Locator Application for iPhone.

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"The Newest Gadget in Action: Anything Locator Application for iPhone." IvyPanda, 10 July 2019,


IvyPanda. (2019) 'The Newest Gadget in Action: Anything Locator Application for iPhone'. 10 July.


IvyPanda. 2019. "The Newest Gadget in Action: Anything Locator Application for iPhone." July 10, 2019.

1. IvyPanda. "The Newest Gadget in Action: Anything Locator Application for iPhone." July 10, 2019.


IvyPanda. "The Newest Gadget in Action: Anything Locator Application for iPhone." July 10, 2019.

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