Introduction: Orchestra Team Model as a Prerequisite for Leadership Use
The study claims that the conception of efficient leadership may be constructed based on any group functioning model since it relies on the complex of standards, which predetermine a leader’s success. Thus, in this work, the attempt to transfer orchestra success on army efficiency is made. The subject of the investigation is Red Tops orchestra, which was founded under the direction of a gifted drummer, Walter Osborne, in 1953 (“Red Tops – Vicksburg” par. 1).
Red Tops Group Functioning: Analysis and Implications
The position of the orchestra was shaped under the influence of several critical elements, which defined the leadership direction. Primarily, the efficiency of the Red Tops team is assigned to the personality of Walter Osborne. Mainly, it is claimed that his ability to predict the needs of the team, as well as the rejection of negative behavior standards such as alcohol use, served the vital prerequisites for efficient leadership (Gage and Gage 232). Indeed, according to the theories of leadership, the creation of non-harmful conditions contributes to team success (“Core Leadership Theories” par. 6).
Secondly, the successful functioning of the orchestra relied on the inner discipline and the establishment of certain rules, which formulated the cultural behavior within the group (Novicevic et al. 535). Specifically, Osborne gave special attention to long-term and short-term goals, which had to be achieved by the orchestra. Furthermore, the leader developed a stable system of performance monitoring, which is the main evaluator of team efficiency (“Setting clear targets and monitoring performance” par. 2).
Conclusion: Applying Osborne’s Leadership Skills in the Modern Army
The example of Red Tops may be applied for the military leadership system as well. According to army ethics, the reliability of soldiers is the main prerequisite of efficient service (“Maneuver Self Study Program” par. 6). The aim may be reached if one practices strict discipline rules, in the army. That is why, overtaking Osborne’s no-alcohol regulation, as well as taking up constant surveillance of army success, contributes to the facilitation of military efficiency. Conclusively, a good army leader has to use three critical Red Tops’ recommendations, which refer to behavior impact, goal and strategy establishment, and outcomes evaluation.
Works Cited
Core Leadership Theories 2012. Web.
Gage, Justin and Melissa Gage. Explorer’s Guide Memphis & the Delta Blues Trail: A Great Destination, Vermont: The Countryman Press, 2009. Print.
Maneuver Self Study Program 2015. Web.
Novicevic, Milorad, John Humphreys, Ronald Buckley, Corey Cagle and Foster Roberts. “Effective Leadership in Unexpected Places: A Sociohistorical Analysis of the Red Tops Dance Orchestra.” Business Horizons 54.1 (2011): 529-540. Print.
Red Tops – Vicksburg 2011. Web.
Setting clear targets and monitoring performance 2013. Web.