The Role of IoT-Based Intelligent Home Technology Report

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I will create a learning reflection on what I have learned this semester for this task. The test will specifically demonstrate what I learned in my semester-long classes on MATLAB, neural networks, and scientific writing. Concerning the study I will undertake at the end of my course, I will discuss the new lessons, the difficulties encountered, and the module’s contribution to my final Ph.D. thesis. This reflection report summarizes my experiences with each of the four classes covered in the MATLAB and neural networks modules, as well as my thoughts on how to use the approach to implement and enhance IoT-Based Smart Home Technology utilizing the knowledge from the class.

My research focus is the role of IoT-based intelligent home technology in the work-from-home environment during and after COVID-19. Prior research work and a working knowledge of programming and computer science are required for this engineering project. I will perform the study and create a prototype of an IoT-Based Smart Home Technology appliance using the knowledge I’ve gained from my MATLAB and neural networks coursework. I will then write a scientific report on the project, create a presentation, and publish it to make it available to the scientific and engineering community, utilizing the skills I learned in the scientific writing workshop. The goal is to get my report published and available to readers so they can be inspired to conduct more research and achieve more advancements.

Before attending this class, I considered how to complete my assignments and gave them my all. That meant I was wasting much time on tasks that could have been finished quickly. I learned in this class that there are some things I can do to help myself, like develop my mental toughness and believe in myself despite my obstacles. There will be progress toward my goal and a commitment to work organizationally. I must constantly remember why I am doing this and what I hope to accomplish.

The AI Algorithm

When new technologies are included in the Smart Home system, the artificial intelligence base receives all the necessary data from the Internet of Things, already carrying out a predetermined algorithm of actions. AI converts the data into commands, which are then built into a behavior model that perfectly satisfies human demands. This is because technology may assess the outcomes of contact with a person and forecast potential future paths for the course of events. Integration of assistants is commonplace, and most people use it to automate processes. They enable users to communicate commands to their gadgets remotely and guarantee that no mistakes will be made.

Learning Reflection on the Initial Plan

To get the most points for my GPA in the MATLAB course, I intended to attend every session in the two modules. I previously knew that MATLAB requires a variety of computing classes. It integrates a programming language for expressing matrix and array mathematics with a desktop environment for design processes and iterative analysis. I saw that skipping even one computer science class meant losing out on crucial information and knowledge required to develop all-encompassing computer and programming skills. I, therefore, intended to attend all of the modules’ allotted time, which was 100%. Aimed primarily at research students who are not frequent MATLAB users, Module 1 was separated into four sessions, each with a different topic and accompanying activities. Students who have never used MATLAB before or those who were briefly exposed to it in the past but haven’t seen or used it since were the target audience for this module. In essence, Module 1 is created for MATLAB beginners.

The advanced course, Module II is intended for research students already familiar with MATLAB fundamentals. It should be mentioned that MATLAB and neural networks may not be expected by many Ph.D. students in engineering and other disciplines. Instead of being offered to graduate and undergraduate students, these courses are launched at the doctoral level. Their learning of valuable skills, including statistics, optimization, curve fitting, regression analysis, and application design using graphical user interfaces (GUI) and data visualization, is the goal. I created a learning plan to help me manage my time over the semester after reviewing the offered outlines of the two modules. The department’s schedule, which I utilized to create my itinerary for the MATLAB course, is shown in Table 1.

Table 1: Module outlines

Module 1: Basic MATLABCredit PointsModule II: Advanced MATLABCredit Points
Session 1: Modeling, simulation, and different programming techniques1.5Session 1: General Introduction to MATLAB, essential commands for coding and working with vectors and arrays0.5
Session 2: Application development, including graphical user interface building1.0Session 2: Flow controls in codes as well as data management (loading and saving files), data analysis, and data exploration1.0
Session 3: Curve fitting, regression analysis, probability and statistics toolbox1.5Session 3: Programing using functions, as well as data visualization and Scientific and engineering graphics (2D and 3D)1.0
Session 4: Optimization techniques and neural network fitting application1.5Session 4: Symbolic mathematics, including mathematical computations, nonlinear equations, integration, and differential equations1.0
Total Points5.5Total points3.5

Table 2. Summary of the goals that I achieved

Name of WorkshopTotal Credit PointTimeframe
Writing and presenting for your CA1, Presentation and Conference Skills1.504/10/2022
2-4 pm
Scientific writing and publication1.529/08/2022
3-6 pm
AI algorathim and byoned0.526/08/2022 3-5 pm
02/09/2022 3-5 pm
09/09/2022 3-5 pm
23/09/2022 3-5 pm
Introduction to Neural network and fuzzy logic0.514/09/2022 10-12 am
21/09/2022 10-12 am
28/09/2022 10-12 am
Introduction to Matlab1.030/08/2022 11-1 pm
06/09/2022 11-1 pm
13/09/2022 11- 1 pm
20/09/22 11- 1 pm
Advance application Matlab1.027/09/2022 11-1 pm
04/10/2022 11-1 pm
11/10/2022 11-1 pm
18/10/2022 11-1 pm

Reflection on Learning Modules


This module aimed to introduce novice or new users to the concept of MATLAB. Individuals who have never had experience with and those with little exposure to the system are the targets for the course. In my case, I have prior experience with the system but have not been using it for several years. In my undergraduate days, we were introduced to MATLAB as a programming language and statistical tool. Although interesting, I did not pursue it beyond the introduction phase. The module ensures that new and novice users of the system are provided with the basics of the language.

In the first session, we were given a general introduction to MATLAB, essential commands for coding, and working with vectors and arrays. In the second session, we learned about the flow controls in codes and data management (loading and saving files), data analysis, and data exploration. On its part, session 3 engaged us in programming using functions, data visualization, and Scientific and engineering graphics (2D and 3D). Finally, session four is designed to teach about symbolic mathematics, including mathematical computations, nonlinear equations, integration, and differential equations.

Module II is designed to improve our understanding of the functioning of MATLAB and its application in computing. This module is quite advanced and divided into four sections to make it easy to learn and apply. Table 1 indicates that session 1 taught us about modeling, simulation, and different programming techniques. I learned about application development in the second session, including graphical user interface building. Session III was about curve fitting, regression analysis, probability, and statistics toolbox. The final session engaged the learners with optimization techniques and neural network fitting applications.

Personal achievements

I attended 94% of the classes under module I, which is beyond the recommended minimum of 85% for all students. Although I did not participate in three hours of the module, I acquired all the skills and knowledge taught in the classes. The module was essential to me because it served as a refresher course for MATLAB, given that I had prior exposure to the system but failed to pursue it beyond the introduction phase. Introduction to MATLAB allowed me to revise basic programming, the use of desktop applications, and general mathematics. In the process, I found myself reviewing my old books and notes on these subjects.

Moreover, it introduced me to new programming techniques and methods, which play an essential role in the research methods and development of the Internet of Things (IoT). In the same manner, I attended 96% of classes in Module II, which was an improvement compared to my attendance in Module I. Having undergone the introduction to MATLAB under the first module, I have already developed an interest in the course. In particular, I created a deep interest in programming as it became more and more enjoyable as we progressed.

Reflection on Programming Skills

The MATLAB course has been designed for beginners and novice users, given that there are no prerequisites for Module I except for some fundamental knowledge of computers. The course is developed to create interest among the participants and encourage learners to undertake the project tasks and activities, leading to research and development. With the system, I was acquainted with MATLAB software and its applications in various fields of mathematics, science, engineering, and allied domains. The practice sessions and the literature on MATLAB helped me acquire fundamental programming skills, which are done using an object-oriented approach, basic Matlab syntax and functions, and GUI programming. These skills allow the learner to implement a complete project using the method.

It is worth noting here that the course focuses on the latest version of MATLAB (R2018), which gives the learner some examples from thousands of projects from its database. Apart from learning MATLAB functions and syntax, the course also involved advanced graphics, including 2D curves, 3D surfaces, and 2D and 3D parametric curves. With the program, I can now develop such operations as 3D plots, merging several graphs in a window, parametric plots, and graphs. Moreover, I can perform arithmetic operations on images and matrices, including addition, multiplication, subtraction, standard functions, operators, vectors, matrix equations, and others. I have also acquired logical operations on images using a pixel basis, which includes ‘AND’ and ‘OR’ functions to select sub-images from the main idea.

Besides, MATLAB supports the ability to communicate with external devices via communication ports and translation into high-level programming languages (C and C++) with their subsequent compilation for any possible architecture, be it ARM, AVR, or digital signal processing processors. Using this program will explain the algorithm for creating an effective intelligent home system that will meet the needs of remote employees. This process is based on a systematic analysis of information risks, which allows timely identification of threats to information security and vulnerabilities of the information system and implements appropriate measures to neutralize them. As a result, it constantly monitors the state of information security in the organization, taking into account previous experience and new threats and vulnerabilities.

Reflection on the Applications MATLAB skills

The skills I acquired during the course are essential for my research, which I will conduct the following semester. I have practiced applying MATLAB skills in various fields and tasks during the procedure. First, I can confidently use my skills in statistics and machine learning. MATLAB has a toolbox that comes in handy for programmers as the statistical methods, such as inferential and descriptive approaches, are easily implemented. Similarly, the toolbox allows the users to implement machine learning efficiently. I have practiced various MATLAB models to solve daily statistics and machine learning problems. For example, I can use algorithms for data applications.

Secondly, I have applied MATLAB skills to conduct curve fittings since the toolbox helps analyze the patterns of data occurrence. After obtaining a given trend as a surface or curve, I can predict its future directions. Also, I can do plotting, derivatives, integrals, interpolations, and derivatives. In the same way, I have practiced MATLAB with control systems by obtaining such factors as open-loop, closed-loop, Bode plot, observability and controllability of actions, Nyquist property, and others. Also, I can apply control systems with various techniques such as PID, PD, and PI visualization and further conduct analysis in the time or frequency domain.

We have further learned how to conduct signal processing for systems and digital signals, primarily tasks meant for engineering students. I can visualize these signals with MATLAB and complete such transforms as Laplace and Z on some given signs. Apart from these tasks, I can now do mapping with the MapReduce tool, deep learning, image processing, and financial analysis. One of the most exciting things I learned in the course is that the standard barcode scanners, selfies, and image enhancement in our daily lives are developed using MATLAB. Also, I was surprised to note that the system is also applied in text analysis that allows users to compare handwriting in forensics, which is vital in crime and fraud prevention. Moreover, I can conduct speech analysis, audio processing, and acoustics measurement as I have practiced with MATLAB. The system has algorithms for speech and audio feature extraction and audio signal transformations.

Having obtained these skills in MATLAB, I am now doing more practice to ensure that I will apply them in my forthcoming project on the use of IoT in Smart Home Technology. The rationale is to use such applications as image and text analysis, mapping, and control systems to ensure that such things as house doors, windows, and other home appliances are improved and further enhanced. With MATLAB and its applications, it is possible to develop better software systems and analytical methods to improve Smart Home Technology’s functioning. The idea is to ensure that the appliances can quickly solve the daily challenges that people undergo, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic and after that, as more people and companies seek to implement, sustain, and enhance the work-from-home approach.

Reflection of Neuro Networks Skills

I also took the neuro networks class during the semester, as shown in Table 2. The course was known as Neural Networks and Fuzzy control. In this case, Fuzzy control is based on fuzzy logic concepts and is used in complex process control systems. By analogy with traditional rules, methods based on fuzzy logic can be used to describe control mechanisms and participate in calculating the control action. This workshop will allow me to define the process of creating algorithms for a smart home in the field of remote work and the cyber security of employees. An artificial neural network is a mathematical model based on the principle of organization and functioning of biological neural networks. Artificial neural networks are successfully used in control and regulation systems, including for setting up automatic control systems.

Thus, the knowledge gained at this workshop will allow me to develop an AI training algorithm that improves remote employees’ work and maintains cybersecurity for the organization. With their help, programs are improved, and whole systems are created that can automate, speed up and simplify the work of a remote employee. The main research goal is to teach the system to make decisions independently in difficult situations the way a person does. The method involves processing data on the characteristics of security network devices to determine abnormal behavior.

Reflection on Scientific Writing, Publication, and Presentation

As shown in Table 2, we also completed scientific writing and presentation course to acquire essential skills not only for academic purposes but also for future projects in the workplace. My project on the use of IoT in Smart Home Technology is a scientific and engineering research that will require writing, publication, and presentation. As indicated in the class, failure to produce a published report is as good as not conducting the study at all. Therefore, my objective is to use my skills from the course to write scientifically, print, and present my project after its completion. As expected in my initial plan, I acquired writing and publication skills from the course.

Scientific writing and publication help us systematize knowledge and thoughts on a particular topic and form the skill of generalizing information and analyzing existing problems. In the course, we learned how to argue our positions as scientists and researchers, draw conclusions, consistently present our ideas, reveal the essence of our topic, justify the relevance, and prepare documents according to standards and rules. We learned that the value of a scientific article lies in the fact that it contains the author’s developments, research results, and conclusions that have not been published anywhere before. Therefore, a pre-thought-out structure of the work will help to build it logically, not miss important points and summarize the study’s results. This workshop is helpful for my research paper as it draws attention to the basics of scientific activity.

Having a good idea or topic for research is the first approach. But this is not enough because a good idea should be substantiated from a scientific perspective and supported by various factors. Therefore, we learned that scientific writing and publication pay attention to aspects that will allow identifying the relevance of research not only for the scientific community but also for experts in this field. The purpose of writing such a work is to deepen the student’s knowledge in a particular area and identify his abilities to use them to solve specific tasks. This process is aimed at obtaining information of research value.

Scientific publications indicate my expertise in a particular field, especially if they meet the highest evaluation criteria. Moreover, it is a way to declare my research interests to the scientific community and the employer. This is especially important for reputable scientists who can confirm the high quality of their research in this way. Additional research needs to be done for my research work, which can be reflected in various publications. Thus, after reviewing the feedback from the scientific community, I will be able to identify the most pressing issues in developing innovative home technologies for remote employees during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Furthermore, the publication of scientific research contributes to the development of my entire field of activity, as I make a direct contribution. This aspect makes my final research paper more elaborated since it is preceded by significant experience. Moreover, all this is reflected in a well-constructed structure and the data provided, which will be more relevant and essential. By preparing material for articles, I can more accurately determine the direction of my most significant interest. In addition to developing the writing and publication skills for my Ph.D. project, it is also important to note that they will help me in my career. Specifically, the skills will improve my competency level during job applications and interviews. Moreover, once I am employed, I will still use the skills in daily routines such as developing projects in software development, analysis of various aspects of companies, financial predictions and reports, financial prospectus, and other areas.

Many organizations strive to employ various technologies to improve their competitiveness in the modern world. One of the emerging applications is IoT and related technologies, which are applied to enhance performance in multiple aspects. As these technologies rely on data analytics, engineering students must have the necessary knowledge and skills in this field. This is the reason for considering MATLAB and neural networks, as they provide the basics for data analytics. After completing the project and publishing the report, I will continue to improve my skills in MATLAB and neural networks to ensure that I am capable of developing even sophisticated IoT-based Smart Technology products not only for home use but also for other purposes such as public transport, the business world, hospitals, schools, and other fields.

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IvyPanda. (2024, April 2). The Role of IoT-Based Intelligent Home Technology.

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"The Role of IoT-Based Intelligent Home Technology." IvyPanda, 2 Apr. 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'The Role of IoT-Based Intelligent Home Technology'. 2 April. (Accessed: 26 March 2025).


IvyPanda. 2024. "The Role of IoT-Based Intelligent Home Technology." April 2, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "The Role of IoT-Based Intelligent Home Technology." April 2, 2024.


IvyPanda. "The Role of IoT-Based Intelligent Home Technology." April 2, 2024.

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