Shattered Glass is a 2003 film purposely based on a 1998 article, “Vanity Fair,” which focuses on a young journalist who has fallen from grace after discovering fabricated changes. Based on the film, the strongest impression arises from the clip from minute 0:10 to 3:20; the impression expresses the ideal trip to Bethesda. In that scene, Stephen expresses various issues and ideas, creating some breakdowns of facts and severe charges. In this instance, Stephen sires to Quash on the suspicion lane, which was taking a different shape in the anonymous building of Bethesda.
In minutes 0:10 to 0:19, the glass moves towards the alleged site of the convention hackers, giving out validated moves in which people comply with the opposite building. It is an issue that creates some sought of confusion as the lane is alleged with the convention of changes and other frameworks. The impression view explains how Stephen explains that the smoker made in the opposite building has an impressive outcome. The issue given has comprehensive terms of moving, ensuring that the outcome solution has doubts and ideas that are not stated at the conference level.
From minute 0:55 to 1:38, the lane is highly angered by how the building next door is too small and can accommodate over 200 people. The nature of how the approach is made makes validate impression on how hackers from the conference can show out their tactics. Based on this level, there is a huge revealing that fulfills how the building can be closed on Sunday. Overall, the scene gives compiled information on how Lane is confident in asking people to cross the streets.
Analysis shows that Stephen was more of a liar in the film due to their genius level, as seen in minutes 7:14 to 8:45. Stephen developed a habit of lying and using conception to write most of his articulate facts and ideas. On his reason level, Stephen Glass expresses diverse effects on most of his short clips, which cut to fame though the outcome is more of deception, which does not go unrewarded. From the film and from minutes 8:50 to 9:30, some fact-checkers only have some defined level of bad habits views which have leveled views that tend to check trees. Towards this reflection, Stephen is a total fraud, where most of the words used are certain to fool listeners.
The film reminds us of the most emphasized ethical principle, which minimizes most of bad habits. To satisfy that change, it is good to avoid lying and always focus on honesty which is a good issue that abides by minding other people’s interests and welfare. It can be assumed that Stephen could not realize how far he would go with this ideal view of deception. Manipulation of people through his confidence is an issue that made him lack this ethical principle which led to lies and fiction. The whole film is a disclaimer of perspective as the outcome has a more unnoticeable solution. It would be perfect for dipping deep into some words that hire and ensure that good and consequential habits work out on the employee’s history.
The aspect of integrity cannot be displayed on a person’s resume. Therefore, I would humbly request and ask people who have interacted with that person to know exactly about his career and how the outcome of his teamwork works out. The kind of pre-employment screening that I can recommend based on Stephen’s reflection and related video is that new employers should not be allowed any chance to publish their articles without consent and confirmation. It is an issue that will overcome worst habits and allow for integrity to work out perfectly.
Bill Ray (2019). Shattered Glass. Web.