The Internet has quickly become one of the technologies that shape people’s everyday lives and how they communicate with one another. From messengers and content creation websites to complex and mundane tasks that are completed automatically, the overall growth of the Internet is extremely noticeable. Therefore, it leads us to the question of whether people can imagine living without the Internet in today’s environment. Limiting the time spent using digital technologies and implementing special training for children and parents are two proposed solutions to the problem of the use of the Internet with some advantages and some disadvantages.
Solution #1: Advantages and Disadvantages
The primary solution that can be offered when talking about the impact of the Internet on people’s lives is to limit the amount of time spent using digital technologies. The biggest advantage of this solution is that it will give humans more activities to explore without linking them to computers or the Internet. Nevertheless, too many interpersonal interactions can become too intensive for some people (). Thus, the main idea here is to help people understand that the Internet is a valuable resource that has to be utilized carefully.
Solution #2: Advantages and Disadvantages
Another solution that can be helpful when dealing with Internet addiction is to implement special training carried out with the help of nurses or other medical professionals. Children and their parents will have a chance to improve their literacy on the topic of the use of the Internet and prevent themselves from the physiological and psychological consequences of spending too much time online (). The problem here is that such a solution requires local government officials to invest additional resources in the healthcare system. Hence, disparities between low- and high-earning families can become more visible over time.
Improved Internet use management and educational sessions to mitigate Internet addiction can be seen as the future of enhancing children’s well-being. The shift from comfort to positive health outcomes is going to happen if all people join their efforts in an attempt to collaborate and limit children’s exposure to the Internet. Overall, it can be predicted that growing interconnectedness is going to generate even more problems for Internet users in the future, but proper interventions are going to protect younger consumers.
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Matheu, S. N., Hernandez-Ramos, J. L., Skarmeta, A. F., & Baldini, G. (2020). A survey of cybersecurity certification for the Internet of Things. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 53(6), 1-36. Web.