Toddlers and Tiaras is a TV series show where young girls compete for the coveted crown of glory. The way this show is organized has sparked rough criticisms and debates about its concept and suitability for young girls. Parents travel hundreds of miles in order to prepare their children for this kind of event. What is more interesting, they sometimes abandon the moral rules just to please their child. Studies show that such girls have nothing to say when they are being interviewed because most of these contestants are forced to take part in the show. A lot of people are of the opinion that parents have gone too far in trying to prepare little girls for the show since it turns out that the moral values are of no concern to the parents. Below are the pros and cons such children have to face being involved in the entertainment industry (Cabot, 2011).
Pros and Cons of having toddlers in beauty pageants.
Self-Control and Organization
As the girl prepares for the contest, the parent grooms her child on how to conduct herself. The child becomes aware of a code of conduct, and the order of the day she has to follow before the big event takes place. She continues to follow this habit even after the show thus making such a child responsible for her actions which distinguishes her from other girls. On the other hand, this can lead to complications such as withdrawal from society. Such a girl can feel she is not involved in the life of her peers because she has a strict daily routine to adhere to.
Positive Mind-set
A child is trained for such an event with a mindset of being the best. The girl’s mother will emphasize that the show is not about winning but having a positive attitude. In a case where she fails to qualify, such a child learns that doing her best will give her a reward later in life. With long hours of training and body exercise, the child will be under a lot of pressure which may break her down. The pressure mounted on such a child could have an adverse effect though thus reducing her chances of being confident should she fail to qualify (Triggs & West, 2011, p. 19).
Parental support
For a child to be convinced to participate in a beauty pageant competition, she needs to have the support of her parents that at an early stage in life build the child’s character and nature. The closeness between the mother and her daughter will be an added advantage for the child in building her self-confidence. Nevertheless, the child can experience the feeling of sadness because of the pressure mounted on her by the parents. The child sometimes desires to make her own decisions on whether to participate or not.
A child is exposed to all the hazards associated wilt the competition. For example, the girls tend to imitate adults in their style of dressing, and as such, it can affect the overall image of the child. Although the mental alertness of the child will be increased, she will learn habits that may be not appropriate or even dangerous for her age (“Child beauty” 2010, p. 5).
Cabot, M. (2011). All American Girl: Ready or Not. West Indiana: Pan Macmillan.
Cabot, M. (2011). The Princess Diaries: Take Two. West Indiana: Pan Macmillan.
Child beauty pageants pros and cons. (2010). The Buzzle. Web.
Disadvantages of beauty pageants for little girls (2010). The Squidoo. Web.
Triggs, C & West K. (2011). Toddlers & Tiaras: Too Much Too Soon. People Magazine. p. 19.