96 Affordable Care Act Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 Best Affordable Care Act Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. Affordable Care Act in Ethical Theories
    Since the ACA is faced with numerous ethical issues, it is imperative to consider some of the ethical theories that can be applied in addressing its administration.
  2. Politics of Affordable Care Act Reform
    Efforts to repeal or replace the ACA are affected by the legislators’ approach to fulfilling interests while pushing the policy change in favor of voters.
  3. Policy A: Affordable Care Act
    According to the background of the Affordable Care Act, this paper would analyze the effect of policy A that raises the age for which young adults could stay on their parent’s employer-sponsored health plan.
  4. The Affordable Care Act: Key Points
    This means that there is a need to consider the disadvantages of repealing the Affordable Care Act. The outstanding benefit is that the move will allow many healthy citizens to receive cheaper and affordable health […]
  5. Affordable Care Act Medicaid Expansion Pros & Cons
    The ACA Medicaid expansion affects nurses’ role in the provision of care. Therefore, the ACA Medicaid expansion should provide specific details on the effect of a demand shock on nurses and healthcare organizations to prepare […]
  6. Affordable Care Act: Section 4305
    The Section 4305 of the Affordable Care Act was developed and implemented in order to improve pain management and ensure that the majority of current care models could be altered in line with patients’ and […]
  7. Requirements of the Affordable Care Act
    The ACA’s primary requirement is that healthcare providers establish and maintain an effective compliance program to prevent and detect fraud, waste, and abuse.
  8. Ethical Issues in the Affordable Care Act
    The normative theory is directly related to this law, as it means that public consent plays a central role in the adoption of any law.
  9. The Affordable Care Act: Cutting Costs
    The model’s objectives include lowering costs while maintaining or improving the quality of care, encouraging the formation of new ACOs in underserved or rural areas, and encouraging smaller current ACOs to take on more financial […]
  10. Analysis of the Affordable Care Act
    The article by Levitt was taken as the basis for this work, which investigated the effectiveness of the Affordable Care Act. This is especially true of the availability and affordability of medical services for individuals.
  11. The Affordable Care Act Challenges
    In addition, some corporations may see it more beneficial to have employees take care of their insurance than provide reliable assistance in the workplace.
  12. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Components
    Its goal was to update and reform the healthcare system of the country to meet the needs of vulnerable populations and provide equitable access to quality care to a broader population of American citizens.
  13. Affordable Care Act and Its Impact on Minorities
    However, not every stratum of the American population has been affected by equality, and white citizens are the main beneficiaries of the Act.
  14. Affordable Care Act: Equity-Efficiency Tradeoff
    The implementation of the Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program is one of the massive influencers on the medical industry as it aims to increase the efficiency of healthcare.
  15. Healthcare Settings and Affordable Care Act
    According to Crowley and Bornstein, the number of people receiving inpatient and outpatient care has increased thanks to the ACA, and outpatient and preventive services have improved.
  16. Aspects of the Affordable Care Act
    Consequently, at least one of the main intentions in health care reform should be reducing waste, fraud, and abuse in this act.
  17. Affordable Care Act and Minimum Essential Coverage
    500A point to the benefits of increased and, ultimately, universal insurance coverage: increased quality and access to care and spreading the financial burden.
  18. Components of the Affordable Care Act
    The Affordable Care Act aims to reduce escalating health costs by tightening control regarding healthcare rates and procedures while prioritizing primary care, prevention, and efficient interventions.
  19. The Affordable Care Act and Economic Objectives
    For instance, the introduction of Obamacare was designed to guarantee that people can access healthcare services in the community. Thus, many people can access quality healthcare and become active community members due to the Affordable […]
  20. Affordable Care Act (ACA) and Its Main Objectives
    One of the primary objectives of the ACA was to magnify health insurance coverage, reduce healthcare costs, and eventually improve access to healthcare.
  21. Affordable Care Act and Nursing
    Indeed, nurses are educated and trained with the purpose of proper interaction with both the patients and public institutions in order to convey relevant data.
  22. Affordable Care Act Repeal and Demand and Supply
    Consequently, the abolition of the ACA will take away this opportunity from many people, which will significantly reduce the demand and supply for health insurance and affect the purchasing power of citizens and the labor […]
  23. Trinity Health Services: The Impact of the Affordable Care Act
    This way, the purpose of the paper is to outline the essential measures for reorganizing the medical services. Another significant consequence of the Affordable Care Act is improving the ambulatory offerings in the organization, so […]
  24. Health Insurance and the Affordable Care Act
    As soon as the specifics of the staff’s role in the organization and the threats that they are exposed to are taken into account, the implementation of the PPO strategy should help improve the quality […]
  25. Affordable Care Act and Medicaid Expansion Waivers
    Despite the ruling, 24 of the 29 states are in the process of the implementing the expansion as provided forth by the law.
  26. Affordable Care Act: History, Key Principles and Effects
    The ACA is aimed at improving the provision of healthcare and nursing services through the enhancement of the patient-centered approach and the promotion of health insurance among U.S.citizens.
  27. Healthcare Policy and Affordable Care Act: Four Key Issues
    As reported by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, the United States has the largest nursing workforce in the world, and yet it does not meet its residents’ demands.
  28. Cost-Effective Healthcare and Affordable Care Act
    This paper will examine the Medicaid system, investigate the role of the Quality Improvement Organization, review the Medicaid qualifications, discuss the impact of the Affordable Care Act, and analyze healthcare professionals as changemakers.

👍 Good Essay Topics on Affordable Care Act

  1. Affordable Care Act Website’s Breakdowns
    It would be proper to mention that the former President of the United States of America always said that all the ACA website breakdowns happen due to the source’s popularity.
  2. Affordable Care Act: A Transparent Set of Available Coverage Choices
    A Bronze plan is targeted at people who are generally healthy because it is the cheapest of metal plans and features high deductibles and copays. Health care reform is expensive, and someone will have to […]
  3. Three Provisions of the Affordable Care Act
    The main purpose of the ACA was to enhance the quality of health care services and ensure that as many people as possible can have access to these services. The introduction of the ACA led […]
  4. Affordable Care Act: Healthcare Policy Position
    The history of a single-payer system in the US is long and it dates back to the times of President Franklin Roosevelt in the 1930s when he proposed the adoption of a universal healthcare plan […]
  5. Affordable Care Act and Nursing Shortage
    The purpose of the ACA was to provide the population of the United States with the increased security in healthcare services they receive through the expansion of service coverage, holding insurance companies accountable, lowering costs […]
  6. Keiser Permanente in the Affordable Care Act Context
    The mission of the company is to “provide high-quality, affordable health care services and to improve the health of our members and the communities” they serve.
  7. The Affordable Care Act: Stabilizing and Strengthening
    Considering this, it is essential to analyze how the inclusion of high-risk population in the insurance program affects the level of enrolment and coverage costs in the non-group market.
  8. Healthcare Delivery After Affordable Care Act
    This work aims to analyze the impact of the Affordable Care Act 2010 on the USA health care organization and delivery in hospitals.
  9. Affordable Care Act: Impact on Citizens
    Although some companies are still considering the option to enter the program, the majority of them have already decided to limit their participation to 2-5 states only, which puts people living in other states in […]
  10. Colorado Commission on Affordable Health Care
    The agenda of the committee was to identify and propose new practices to deliver affordable health care to the elderly members of the society.
  11. Healthcare Cost Reduction in Affordable Care Act
    Containment of healthcare cost is one of the key goals of The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. In the process of cost reduction, the government must address the effects of the strategies it puts […]
  12. Affordable Care Act as Transformational Leadership
    We argue that ACA should be seen as transformational leadership because it introduces qualitative changes in health care sphere, including extended coverage and better quality of care, and thus changes the existing situation and optimizes […]
  13. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)
    At the onset of the journey, President Theodore Roosevelt in 1912 campaigned on the platform of making national health insurance a reality.
  14. The Affordable Care Act: Effect on Small Businesses
    The Affordable Care Act makes it almost compulsory for all businesses in the United States to offer health care coverage to all employees.
  15. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Impacts
    This is one of the points that can be made. This is one of the details that can be distinguished.
  16. Provisions of Affordable Care Act
    The hospital readmission reduction initiative, which is under the provision of improving the efficiency of healthcare, is a move towards ensuring that majority of the Americans can afford the re-admission costs; for example, the payments […]
  17. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
    Issues of priority such as access in terms of the uninsured, quality and cost in that order are the three most important things in a health care system.
  18. The Affordable Care Act and Benefits Management
    From the onset, the interviewee agreed that the ACA has the capacity to substantially shift the American workplace and workforce, in large part due to the important obligations that employers are expected to assume to […]
  19. Business Impact of the Affordable Care Act — Obamacare
    According to the arguments presented in the article, there are several uncertainties that bedevil individual entrepreneurs and employers in regards to the Affordable Care Act.
  20. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
    Some of the provisions within the bill claimed that individual fines from failing to purchase the insurance does not work within the scope of taxing powers of the Congress.
  21. “Obamacare” the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
    An example of the valid argument is represented in the article published in The New York Times where the author criticizes the reform because of the fiscal crisis.
  22. The Affordable Health Care
    I will analyse this Act in its merits as a solution to affordable health care and a compromise between the interests of health care providers and the beneficiaries of the health services.
  23. Medicare and the Affordable Care Act
    The Affordable Care Act is the new law based on reforms in the United States health care. First, the Act’s top priority is fighting fraud in the Medicare program that has inhibited the delivery of […]
  24. The Tea Party and the Affordable Care Act
    Specifically, the politics of the Tea Party and the Affordable Care Act have closely interacted in the past in the opposition of the ObamaCare.
  25. Microeconomic Implications of the Affordable Care Act
    When the act will be fully implemented in the year 2014, the government expects the act to tackle the above health issues.
  26. Affordable Care Act Review
    His belief in universal healthcare for all led the president to see the shortcomings of the current healthcare laws and the need for further coverage expansion and a reassessment of the way insurance companies operate […]
  27. The Healthcare Reform Debate and the Affordable Health Care for Americans
    A group of health policy experts, health insurance executives, business leaders, economists, hospital administrators among other experts held several workshops to discuss health care reforms in a forum known as the Fresh-thinking Project and came […]
  28. The Affordable Health Care for America Act of 2009
    The intent of this law is to make available, an inexpensive health care coverage for all Americans and to put a hold on growth in national health care spending and other practical reasons.

📌 Most Interesting Affordable Care Act Topics to Write about

  1. Addressing the Physician Shortage and Affordable Care Act
  2. Affordable Care Act: Implications for Mental Health Illness and Substance Abuse
  3. The Link Between Affordable Care Act and Economic Growth
  4. Affordable Care Act Implementation: State of Florida
  5. The Relations Between Affordable Care Act and Healthcare Business Strategies
  6. Affordable Care Act and How It Isn’t That Affordable
  7. Comparison of Affordable Care Act and Universal Healthcare in Sweden
  8. Affordable Care Act and Issues It Faces
  9. Overview of Affordable Care Act From a Doctor’s Perspective
  10. Affordable Care Act and Its Controversies
  11. Positive and Negative Effects of the Affordable Care Act
  12. Affordable Care Act and Its Impact on Retail Pharmacies
  13. America Needs the Patient Protection Affordable Care Act
  14. Affordable Care Act and Its Effect on the Economy
  15. Average Marginal Labor Income Tax Rates Under the Affordable Care Act
  16. Affordable Care Act: Anything but Affordable
  17. Business and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
  18. Affordable Care Act: Financial and Ethical Considerations
  19. Contraception Within the Affordable Care Act
  20. Affordable Care Act Impact on Stock Performance of Pharmaceutical Companies

⭐ Simple & Easy Affordable Care Act Essay Titles

  1. The Relations Between Economic Freedom and the Affordable Care Act
  2. Affordable Care Act: Medicaid Expansions and the Impact on Nurses
  3. Nexus Between the Community Reinvestment Act and the Affordable Care Act
  4. Affordable Care Act: Potential to Improve the Health of African-American Women
  5. Federal Public Health, the Affordable Care Act, and Public Health Reform
  6. Financial Impact of the Affordable Care Act
  7. Healthcare and Its Evolution Due to the Affordable Care Act
  8. Analysis of Healthcare Practices Under the Affordable Care Act
  9. Overview of How Affordable Care Act Affects Nurses
  10. Important Aspects and Goals of the Affordable Care Act
  11. Improving the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
  12. Long-Term Challenges for the Affordable Care Act
  13. Medicaid Coverage Across the Income Distribution Under the Affordable Care Act
  14. More Jobs for Nurses From the Affordable Care Act
  15. Prevention Trends and Health of the Affordable Care Act
  16. Pros, Cons, and Ethics of the Affordable Care Act
  17. Reducing Small Business Employment With the Affordable Care Act
  18. Re-Inventing American Healthcare: Success of the Affordable Care Act
  19. Supreme Courts Decisions Regarding the Affordable Care Act
  20. The Affordable Care Act and Its Impact on Our Current Public Health

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IvyPanda. (2024, November 15). 96 Affordable Care Act Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/affordable-care-act-essay-topics/

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"96 Affordable Care Act Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 15 Nov. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/affordable-care-act-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. (2024) '96 Affordable Care Act Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 15 November. (Accessed: 22 March 2025).


IvyPanda. 2024. "96 Affordable Care Act Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 15, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/affordable-care-act-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "96 Affordable Care Act Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 15, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/affordable-care-act-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "96 Affordable Care Act Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 15, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/affordable-care-act-essay-topics/.