The objective of this paper is to discuss the case of a 35-year-old woman with a history of nasal congestion. Management and treatment of illnesses are often intended to alleviate the symptoms of a disease, […]
The purpose of this research paper is to create a survey about food allergies in the UAE with the aim of establishing the seriousness of the situation within the region.
It is possible to explain the emerging asthma epidemic as the increasing number of allergens and pollutants in the air, which harms the human immune system.
The current dataset allowed us to test the OR for the relationship between family history of diabetes and the presence of diabetes in a particular patient: all variables were dichotomous and discrete and could take […]
Allergic rhinitis is an intermittent or persistent inflammation of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, characterized by nasal congestion, discharge, itching, sneezing, and a combination of several symptoms is possible.
As in the case of asthma and allergic reactions investigations, descriptive studies can be used to describe the nature of the relationship between asthma and asthma attack, therefore explaining the cause and effect.
In a study, pediatric patients with histories of allergic reactions to amoxicillin were tested with the antibiotic. In a recent study, allergists observed that patients, especially children, with amoxicillin-associated allergic reactions became non-allergic when rechallenged […]
It is known that “allergic contact dermatitis is caused by a delayed-type hypersensitivity response to contact allergens. Patients must then be provided with practical behavioral modifications to help decrease the inflammatory response of this disease.
In 2009, a large cohort study set to investigate the effect of antibiotic exposure in early age and development of asthma found a positive association between antibiotic use in early years of life and development […]
In review articles, it is generally stated that oral tolerance can be induced by a variety of factors and immune system cells, the most important of which are the regulatory T cells.
According to Gibbs et al, the concept that non-exposure to infections in early life leads to the development of Atopic disease has come to be referred to as hygiene hypothesis.
As it can be seen, AC can be related to various diseases in children, including severe and progressing conditions; it can also be complicated by DES, which is frequently hard to diagnose due to a […]
When a person who is allergic to tomatoes decides to visit a Mexican restaurant and orders chili con carne, it is necessary to have a special plan of action to guarantee the customer’s safety.
The following section of results includes information presented by the interview and involves her experience regarding the course of the disease, its occurrence and treatment, and the limitations it set on her life.
Generally, the effect of the two allergies is the same, and the treatment may also be similar. In the United States, the amount of money allocated to study food allergies and how to control their […]
Food allergies have become a menace in contemporary society, but the unfortunate thing is that there is no known underlying cause for this upsurge of the food allergies.
This view is reinforced by Liu et al, who argue that the production of high levels of allergen-specific IgE in certain individuals adversely interacts with inflammatory cells found in the respiratory and upper airways, particularly […]