105 Beowulf Essay Topics & Examples

See tips on writing the Beowulf thesis statements and critical analysis of the poem. Also, our experts have prepared a list of ideas and prompts that allow you to explore the archetypal epic hero and more!

Beowulf is an Anglo-Saxon poem, named after the main character. The old English poem tells us about the victory of Beowulf over the terrible monster Grendel and over the dragon that devastated the country.

The author of the poem remains unknown. Researchers state that some legends are probably brought by Angles and Saxons from the homeland, but in the form in which it is preserved, the poem bears undoubted traces of the later Christian treatment.

Thus, the poem Beowulf is the oldest significant monument of folk poetry of the Germans. Now, it’s available in one single manuscript.

If your professor asked you to write a Beowulf essay, then you’ve come to the right place. In this article, you will find an advice on how to write a paper on the poem and sample questions that would ease your writing.

Tip #1. Carefully read the poem.

Maybe it is one of the most obvious Beowulf essay tips, but you must read the poem to get a clear understanding of the source under review.

Reading just critical review and short summaries of the plot won’t be enough to write a good paper. Use active reading strategies that will help you to increase the text comprehension.

Tip #2. Pick up the topic.

Here are some Beowulf essay questions that will help you to master your paper:

  • What are the key components of Beowulf as an epic poetry? Compare and contrast Beowulf to Homer’s Odyssey or Iliad, or Aeneid by Virgil.
  • Describe similarities like a long form poem, a heroiс figure, a presence of a supernatural being, etc.
  • How does the poem of Beowulf compare to its numerous interpretations? Explore characters of Grendel and Beowulf, storylines and visual interpretations of scenes and characters in different interpretations.
  • Who is your favorite character in the poem? If you’re looking for Beowulf essay topics for your character analysis, select one of them and discuss their features. Analyze their development throughout the novel.
  • How would the poem look if it were told from dragon’s or King Hrothgar’s point of view? Explain why the third-person narrator’s point of view is important.
  • What is the role of courage in the poem? Provide examples when Beowulf fights the monster.
  • What does Beowulf and Grendel’s fight symbolize? Is he fighting just for courage or for all humanity? Include evidence to support your ideas.
  • What do the mead hall and the cave symbolize? Why are these symbols important for the story?

Tip #3. Write your essay while keeping a logical flow.

Once you’ve finished with your topic research and created a Beowulf essay thesis statement, start writing your paper. Focus on the key issue of the essay and make a list of key points you’re going to discuss.

First, write an introduction that will catch the readers’ attention and contains the thesis statement. Then represent your detailed ideas in the essay body.

Don’t forget to separate the body into sections. This will ease the navigation for your readers. In the Beowulf essay conclusion, summarize the key points of the paper.

Tip #4. Revise your text.

The revision is one of the most underestimated parts of the essay writing. Although, it can save you from getting bad marks because of spelling and grammar mistakes. Look through the paper and make sure that it is error-free. You can ask your friends or relatives to proofread the essay.

If you’re struggling to find topics for your Beowulf essay or ideas to add to it, check the free samples of high-quality papers to get inspiration!

🏆 Best Beowulf Essay Examples & Topics

  1. Beowulf: Role of Women
    Female characters in Beowulf are very important, as they help to understand of the entire poem and also the culture of the people in ancient times.
  2. Beowulf
    Beowulf and Grendel’s mother make a deal and the warrior becomes the next king while the Water Demon gives birth to Beowulf’s son.
  3. Is Beowulf an Ideal Hero and King? The Ideal in “Beowulf”
    The opening of the poem confirms this when Beowulf has to travel all the way to Denmark to set the Danes free of the monster.
  4. Grendel’s Mother in Film “Beowulf”
    She is one of the main antagonists in the plot, and she is directly involved in the lives of the main characters.
  5. British Literature: Beowulf vs. Macbeth
    They are as follows: the presentation of the heroes, the consideration of the ethical themes, and the final stages of the plays the latter help to draw some ethical conclusions based on the peculiarity of […]
  6. Heroes in English Literature
    From the above mentioned epic heroes, we find that the aspect of heroism is differentiated mostly to suit the time in which they were written and also to meet the expectation of the audience and […]
  7. The Epic Poem “Beowulf”: Arms and Armor
    Beowulf uses all manner of tools to slay and protect himself from being slain, and the poet constantly compares the hero to the monsters he fights. Beowulf’s three great battles are the most prominent: the […]
  8. Main Idea and Literary Devices of Beowulf Poem
    Furthermore, in the third part of the text, which focuses on Beowulf’s last battle, the author introduces a different point of view to the story.
  9. The Mead-Hall in “Beowulf” and Anglo-Saxon Society
    The purpose of this paper is to describe the significance of the mead hall and its concept of community among Anglo-Saxons.
  10. Ancient Works of Literature
    According to the author, the king is “given such glory of war, such honor of combat, that all his kin obey him gladly till great grow his band of youthful comrades”.the character of the king […]
  11. Heroes’ Noble Intentions in Epic Poems: Sundiata, Beowulf and Gilgamesh
    The monster was killed, and later Beowulf had to protect his people from the vengeful mother of the beast, although even the hero’s original sword refused to harm a woman.
  12. Depiction of Heroism in “Beowulf”, “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” and “Le Morte D’Arthur”
    In Le Morte D’Arthur, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, and Beowulf, the central characters in the tales appear to represent their own unique description of heroism.
  13. Comparison of Heroes in Early English Literature
    As a recap, to the thesis of this essay, the representation of a hero in early literature was closely linked to the culture that produced it. The above portrayal of a hero is slightly distinct […]
  14. Heroism in Beowulf
    He was welcoming and showed this feature by accepting Beowulf’s assistance and aiding in the development of Beowulf into maturity, as indicated in the first section of the narrative.
  15. Beowulf Character in Historical and Cultural Contexts
    After reading the poem, a lot can be learned about Beowulf as a warrior and his challenges, as well as the historical and cultural context of the literature of that period.
  16. Beowulf Among Ancient European Poems
    The poem describes the glorious life and deeds of a hero, Beowulf, who was regarded as a person sent by heaven for people.
  17. “Beowulf” in Contemporary Culture
    The title of this literary work is the name of the main character. In addition, a key factor contributing to the plot of the heroes’ destinies is the presence of an enemy, on whose destruction […]
  18. Gender Roles in “Beowulf” Poem
    Women are portrayed as belongings for the advantage of the men throughout Beowulf and are made to support the male characters.
  19. Traditional Sociocultural Elements of the Germanic Society in the “Beowulf” Poem
    In particular, the poem describes the relationship between tribes and the role of ethnos in the development of early kingdoms. In particular, the period of the early medieval kingdoms was marked by the definition of […]
  20. Beowulf Defeats Grendel: Relationships With Family, Women, and His Own Gender
    A battle with the monster’s mother was going to be even harder for our hero. Nevertheless, a few days after, I was extremely happy to see Grendel’s arm and claw exhibited in Herot as a […]
  21. “The Poem of Beowulf” in the Anglo-Saxon Culture
    The first part is the legend of Beowulf and Grendel; the second is about Beowulf and the dragon. He is ready to sacrifice himself and his courage for the sake of justice.
  22. The “Beowulf” Anglo-Saxony Epic Poem
    The willingness to save the opponent’s head describes the main hero’s braveness, which is one of the central features that is explained during the poem.
  23. Classical Epos of Beowulf and Gardner’s Work Connection
    This paper is dedicated to the study of the connection between classical epos of Beowulf and Gardner’s work through the analysis of Gardner’s toying with the conventions of the warrior code, the place of heroes […]
  24. Thematic Concepts in Beowulf and Divine Comedy (Inferno)
    The tension is not resolved because this exploration does not factor in the causes of the evil meaning that the reinforcement of the doctrinal message overrides critical thinking. In paradise, the issue of God’s Justice […]
  25. Treasured Objects in Beowulf, Milton’s Paradise Lost, and Pope’s “Rape of the Lock”
    This piece of literature is not a work of so to say, an eternal value that can be explained by the transient nature of the life experience addressed in it.
  26. “Beowulf” by Seamus Heaney Review
    Through the story telling of the poem it becomes evident that its main character is somehow corrupted by the glory, power and money he acquires for his acts of bravery; still, his main qualities are […]
  27. Female Superhero: Beowulf and “Wonder Woman” Film
    The central argument of the essay is that Beowulf inspired Wonder Woman and led to the creation of a story that asserts the ability of females to be superheroes.
  28. Feudalism in Europe in the “Beowulf” Poem
    The Old English epic poem Beowulf presents a good illustration of the relations and obligations of lords and vassals. God defines the rights and obligations in feudal society.
  29. Dragon-Fight in “Beowulf” Epic Poem
    My armor is blazing in the hot rays of the old sun. He defeated the beast, I must admit it, and and saved the kingdom.
  30. Heroism and Characters in the “Beowulf” Epic Poem
    The central figure of any heroic epics is the character who represents the interests of his people and serves as the embodiment of the human qualities which are considered to be the best in their […]
  31. Beowulf, the Hero of the Epic Poem
    Wisdom in Beowulf’s life is evident in his journey to Denmark and his reign over the Geats. At this time, all he had in his mind were the battles he was going to engage in […]
  32. Tales of Beowulf: Theme’ Analysis
    Considering the peculiarities of Beowulf, the paper aims at exploring particular themes such as family, fame and shame, changes and cycles, and the theme of religion present in the poem to show how the interpolated […]
  33. Reading Between the Lines: The Monster That Haunted Heorot
    To start with, it is so ancient that one cannot help gasping in awe; second, “Beowulf” is the first written and, therefore, the most treasured British poem; third, the poem is truly epic from beginning […]
  34. Role of Women in the Poem Beowulf
    However, from a careful analysis of the context of the poem and the society in which it is set in, it is evident that women also played a key role in the poem.
  35. Why the Story of Beowulf Focuses on the History of the Main Character as a Hero Rather Than a King
    The story of Beowulf, to a great extent, focuses on the history of the main character as a hero as opposed to a king.
  36. Beowulf: Grendel’s Mother Viewpoint
    This essay demonstrates the linguistic, thematic, and cultural importance of Beowulf from the eyes of Grendel’s mother, an antagonist in the novel.

📍 Simple & Easy Beowulf Essay Topics

  1. A Literary Analysis of Grendel in the Epic Poem “Beowulf”
  2. An Analysis of the Concept of Fear and the Familiarity of Heroism in Anglo-Saxon Epic “Beowulf”
  3. Self-Realization and the Hero’s Quest in “Beowulf”
  4. The Contrast of the Epic Poem “Beowulf” to the Modern Works of Literature
  5. The Importance of Friendship Portrayed in “Beowulf” Epic Poem
  6. A Description of Courage, Intelligence and Strength in “Beowulf”
  7. An Analysis of a King’s Qualities and Leadership Skills in the Epic of “Beowulf”
  8. The Portrayal of Beowulf as an Invisible Warrior in “Beowulf”
  9. A Look at the Anglo-Saxon Era in the Recorded Epic Poem “Beowulf”
  10. The Power and Importance of Treasure, in “Beowulf”
  11. The Question of Whether Beowulf Qualifies as a Hero in “Beowulf”
  12. The Consequences of Bravery in the Epic Poem “Beowulf”
  13. An Overview of the History of English Literature and the Role of “Beowulf” in Anglo-Saxon’s Literacy
  14. Why “Beowulf” Is a Work of Christian Propaganda
  15. A Differente Perspective of Grendel From “Beowulf”
  16. The Element of Revenge and Bravery as Portrayed in the Poem “Beowulf”
  17. The Feminist Heroine of the Middle English Poem “Beowulf”
  18. The Epic Narrative as Exemplified in the Poem of the CID and “Beowulf”

💡 Most Interesting Beowulf Essay Prompts

  1. An Introduction to the Comparison of “Beowulf” Heroes and Today’s Heroes
  2. A Female Perspective of Honor, Loyalty and Social Welfare in the Poem “Beowulf”
  3. Women in the Epic of “Beowulf” and in Other Anglo Saxon Poems
  4. A Description of “Beowulf” as an Amazing Tale of One Man’s Courageous Deeds and Adventurous Tales
  5. The Motives and Inspiration in the Creation of the Epic of “Beowulf”
  6. The Heroic Character of the Protagonist in “Beowulf” Epic Poem
  7. A Literary Analysis of the Qualities of a Hero in the Epic Poem “Beowulf”
  8. The Concept of Character Preservation in the Epic of “Beowulf”
  9. Two Warriors: A Comparison and Contrast of “Beowulf” and the Knight From “The Canterbury Tales”
  10. Two Different Philosophical Views in Grendel and “Beowulf”
  11. Analyzing Differences Between Two Versions of “Beowulf”: The Original vs the 1971 Version Written by John Gardner
  12. The Horrors Caused by the Dragon in the Epic of “Beowulf”
  13. The Characterization of Grendel as a Purely Evil Abomination in the Epic of “Beowulf”
  14. The Hero Beowulf and the Effects of “Beowulf” on the People
  15. The Expression of Courage and Superhuman Strength in “Beowulf”
  16. A Look at the Portrayal of Beowulf’s Strength, Compassion and Valor in the Play “Beowulf”
  17. Representation of Monsters in the Epic Poem “Beowulf”
  18. Symbolism in “Beowulf” to Reinforce the Importance of Religion and the Values of the Anglo Saxons
  19. What Makes “Beowulf” a Hero and How Does It Compare to Modern Day Heros
  20. The Importance of Loyalty and Rewards Between the King and His Warriors in “Beowulf”

❓ Beowulf Essay Questions

  1. What Role Does Food and Drink Play in “Beowulf”?
  2. Would You Say That the Characters in “Beowulf” Are as Psychologically Complex as Those in Modern Works of Literature?
  3. How Did Christianity and Paganism Coexist in “Beowulf”?
  4. What Does Single Out “Beowulf” Among All Other Works of Anglo-Saxon Poetry?
  5. What’s the Difference Between “Beowulf” and “King Arthur”?
  6. How Does the Dragon Provide the Most Dramatic Development in “Beowulf”?
  7. What Traits Do “Beowulf” and Gilgamesh in Common?
  8. How Did People Worship Heroes During the Anglo-Saxon Period as Portrayed in “Beowulf”?
  9. What Are the Characteristics of “Beowulf”?
  10. Whether Has Beowulf the Qualities of an Epic Hero in the Epic Poem “Beowulf”?
  11. What Role Do the Digressions Play in “Beowulf”?
  12. How Does the Arthurian Known Represent a Characterization of Nordic in the Story of “Beowulf”?
  13. Why Does “Beowulf” Begin and End With a Funeral?
  14. How Does the Author Capture the Reader’s Attention and Imagination in the Poem “Beowulf”?
  15. Does Beowulf Fight Evil Creatures for His Sake or the Sake of Other People?
  16. How Does “Beowulf” Demonstrate Courage?
  17. How Are the Honorable Men During “Beowulf’s” Time Different From the Modern Men?
  18. What Are the Qualities of a Good Warrior in “Beowulf”?
  19. How Was War Portrayed in “Beowulf”?
  20. What Role Does the Mead-Hall Play in Anglo-Saxon Warrior Culture in “Beowulf”?
  21. How Does Treasure Function in “Beowulf”?
  22. What Should a Good King Do According to “Beowulf”?
  23. What Is the Role of Women in the Heroic Culture of “Beowulf”?
  24. Is Beowulf an Ideal Hero and King?
  25. What Are the Main Features of Beowulf Which You Consider Positive?
  26. How Does “Darkness” Affect the Atmosphere of “Beowulf” and From a Historical Viewpoint?
  27. Does “Beowulf” Glorify Violence?
  28. What Are Common Formal Elements Found in “Beowulf” and How Do They Contribute to the Overall Style?
  29. How Does the Landscape of “Beowulf” Contribute to the Style and Tone?
  30. What Is the Importance of Hrothgar’s Sermon in “Beowulf”?

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"105 Beowulf Essay Topics & Examples." IvyPanda, 22 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/beowulf-essay-examples/.


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1. IvyPanda. "105 Beowulf Essay Topics & Examples." February 22, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/beowulf-essay-examples/.


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