135 Cardiovascular Diseases Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 Best Cardiovascular Diseases Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. The Circulatory System: Cardiovascular System
    Part of the requirements of living beings is the capability of transporting nutrients, wastes and gases to and from cells. The heart is the pump that moves the blood and gases throughout the body.
  2. Brigham and Women’s Hospital: Shapiro Cardiovascular Center
    In the paper, there is an overview of the hospital and its organizational structure; the paper then goes ahead to describe in detail the Shapiro Cardiovascular Center and some of the developments that have been […]
  3. Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Using Socio-Ecological Model
    In order for a public health promotion to have the maximum efficiency and outreach, it should follow a proper structure and socio-behavioral model. HAAD attempted to use health policy as a method of intervention to […]
  4. Cardiovascular Fitness Effect on the Rate of Heart Beat
    The rate of the heart beating is also called the pulse rate and simply refers to the speed at which the heart pumps blood from the left ventricle to the rest of the body for […]
  5. Concept of Cardiovascular Diseases in UK
    Around 19 per cent of male and 10 per cent of female die prematurely due to the disease totaling the number of premature deaths in the UK to 31,000 as of 2006 according to the […]
  6. Habitual Alcohol Intake and Cardiovascular Disease
    When ethanol is absorbed into the body, it goes to the liver, then uses the hepatic vein to get to the heart before going to the lungs.
  7. Cardiovascular Health Disparities Among Hispanics
    At the same time, we need to realize the existence of this issue for efficient response as all people have a right to adequate health care for proper well-being regardless of their ethnicity.
  8. Cardiovascular Disease Among Hispanic Americans
    The prevalence rate of CVD between the subgroups differs due to factors such as genetics, the rate of smoking, and cholesterol.”However, the prevalence rate of the Hispanic subgroups is lower compared to the non-Hispanic group […]
  9. Cardiovascular and Cardiopulmonary Disorders
    In addition, the presence of depression, regardless of race, is associated with neglect of treatment, and the patient refuses to take diuretics.
  10. Cardiovascular Disease Among Women
    These symptoms may continue within the prodromal period, the time from the onset of the first signs to the final development of the disease, up to a year.
  11. Cardiovascular Disease Among Hispanic Adults in the US
    Most minorities in the United States are Hispanic and have a disproportionate number of socioeconomic disadvantages and risk factors for CVD. A, & Rodriguez, C.J.
  12. Cardiovascular and Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiology
    Breathing is inextricably linked to blood circulation, and without oxygen saturation of the blood, the function of the heart to pump blood loses its meaning. The most dangerous symptom of COVID-19 is shortness of breath […]
  13. The Contribution of Epidemiology to Understanding Cardiovascular Diseases
    One of the goals of epidemiologic research is to explain the features of a disease, such as the associated risk factors, and to design the most efficient techniques for disease control.
  14. Nutrition and Functioning of Cardiovascular System
    The purpose of this study will be to identify the potential mechanisms of the relationship of the elements consumed in the food on the configuration of the heart rate.
  15. How the Cardiovascular System Controls Blood Pressure
    Additionally, if the rate of nervous conduction between the sinus node and atrioventricular node, which promotes heart contraction is reduced, is reduced, the cardiac output lowers, reducing the overall blood pressure.
  16. Cardiovascular Disease in Minorities
    The disease in question is left ventricular dysfunction, which is caused by social determinants of health, as she is a minority.
  17. Cardiovascular System: Physical Examination
    Among various roles and responsibilities, emergency department nurses must understand the basics of cardiovascular examination and the necessary steps to assess the vital signs and observe the patient.
  18. The Effect of Vitamin E on Cardiovascular Diseases
    In conclusion, the apparent difference is linked with the bias during the selection of participants for each study, as observational studies tend to be less objective.
  19. Obesity and Related Inflammatory Diseases in the Cardiovascular System
    The hypothesis is to prove the decrease of TNF- concentration after ghrelin implementation on adipose cells. The study is quantitative with the measurement of the concentration of the pro-inflammatory molecule before and after adding the […]
  20. Obesity and Inflammatory Diseases in the Cardiovascular System
    One of the largest risks connected to obesity is the damage to the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system. However, when a part of this system is impaired due to obesity, the delivery process becomes […]
  21. Cardiovascular Therapy: Pathophysiology Scenario
    The pathophysiology of hypertension is rooted in the fact that there is severe impairment in renal pressure of the natriuretic mechanism, where high pressure in the blood leads to elevated water and sodium excretion.
  22. Cardiovascular Health Problem Among Older Adults
    Moreover, the ability of the cardiac system to pump blood through veins and arteries is reduced due to the variety of changes in the structure and function of the heart muscle.
  23. The Cardiovascular Pathophysiologic Processes
    When the compensative mechanisms of the left atrium are exhausted, the increased pressure spreads to the vessels of the pulmonary circuit that leads to blood congestion in peripheral lung vessels, pulmonary edema, dyspnoea, and shortness […]
  24. Social Marketing in Reducing Cardiovascular Disease
    Thus, according to these benchmarks, the product of a social marketing strategy aimed at decreasing the rate of cardiovascular disease should be the change in people’s behavior and lifestyle.
  25. Cardiovascular Disease Research in the Arab World
    Therefore, more research into the development of chronic CVD diseases should be conducted despite the publication in low-impact journals.
  26. Cardiovascular and Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiologic Processes
    In this case, it is vital to consider cardiovascular and cardiopulmonary pathological processes since they are connected to the causes of the patient’s condition.
  27. NSAIDs and Cardiovascular Outcomes
    Even though the risk of the principal outcome amid nonselective NSAIDs with comparatively more cox-2 than cox-1 inhibitors was to some extent bigger than the risk of the cox-2 selective mediators, the researchers believe the […]
  28. Cardiovascular Disease Profile in Female Patient
    She talks impolitely to the health workers and she is not even appreciative of the fact that the health professionals want to help her.
  29. Nursing Practice Concerning Patients With Cardiovascular Problems
    Regardless of the method used, the studies illustrated the importance of physical, emotional, religious, and moral fitness in reducing heart problems. The analytic strategy was the final activity that included the checking of inconsistencies in […]
  30. Cardiovascular Diseases and Health Promotion in Women
    The article notes that women are at higher risks of developing this condition due to misdiagnosis and lack of specialized care and treatment procedure and very few manage to get guideline-based preventive and treatment services.
  31. Childhood Development and Cardiovascular Disease
    Cardiovascular diseases are not as prevalent among children as they are among adults; however, a number of factors that children are exposed to during their development predispose them to the diseases in adulthood.

👍 Good Essay Topics on Cardiovascular Diseases

  1. Cardiovascular Diseases and Associated Risk Factors
    Risk factors that are associated with cardiovascular diseases and that can be modified or addressed in order to prevent the development of severe conditions are the tobacco use, the physical inactivity, and the unhealthy diet […]
  2. Cardiovascular Case Study and Care Plan
    The patient is subjected to the genetic and lifestyle risk factors. It is obligatory for the patient to lose weight and begin exercise.
  3. Diet Therapy & Cardiovascular Disease
    The authors have attributed the increase to “the combined effect of population growth, the aging of populations, and epidemiologic changes in cardiovascular disease”.
  4. Chronic Inflammation: Metabolic Syndrome and Cardiovascular Disease
    Meta-analytical reports have indicated that the relative risk of CVD as a result of metabolic syndrome is 1. Inflammation is evident among persons with metabolic syndrome that is mainly a result of abdominal obesity.
  5. Dietary Calcium Intake and Mortality From Cardiovascular Diseases
    In this article, Xiao et al.reported the results of their study, which had been performed to analyze the relationship between dietary and supplemental calcium intake and the rates of mortality and morbidity from cardiovascular diseases […]
  6. Cardiovascular Alterations: Diagnosis and Treatment
    The appropriate methods of diagnosing heart murmurs of the patient in the case study include the use of echocardiogram, electrocardiogram, cardiac catheterization, and magnetic resonance imaging.
  7. Pathophysiology Of Cardiovascular Disorders
    There is consequently congestion of blood in the veins in the lungs that further weaken the heart. When there is increased blood flow, the compensatory mechanism of the heart is increase in heart size and […]
  8. Cardiovascular and Nutrition Program
    The key features of my cardiovascular and nutrition program are: The program trained participants on ways of preventing and ceasing the smoking of tobacco, which is a major contributor to cardiovascular diseases. The importance of […]
  9. Long-Term Retention of Older Adults in the Cardiovascular Health Study
    The author then examines the article’s structure, analyzing the layout of the information and its accessibility to the reader. The objectives of the study are presented in the very first paragraph of the article.
  10. Causes & Preventing Proliferation of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)
    For the case of CVD, the risk factors are identified at the baseline of the study. The accumulation of the macromolecules leads to pathophysiology of the arteries that carry clean and oxygenated blood away from […]
  11. Periodontal and Cardiovascular Diseases: Research Development Project
    Objectives to be derived through this include analyzing lifestyles factors responsible for emergence of periodontal and cardiovascular diseases; how increase of factors in one of the diseases may increase chances of the other disease emerging; […]
  12. Cardiovascular Disease and Caffeine Effects
    There have been conflicting ideas about the effects of caffeine on the body especially in relation to the development of cardiovascular diseases. The increased prevalence of cardiovascular diseases is mainly due to the changes in […]
  13. Application of Healthcare IT in Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases
    The human heart is the core of the cardiovascular system. However, the most common form of heart disease is the reduction or obstruction of the coronary arteries, which deliver blood to the heart muscle.
  14. Cardiovascular Disease: Acute Coronary Syndrome in Women
    The aim of this essay is to critically study a case of a female case of acute coronary syndrome, the path of discussion will focus on risk factors, pathogenesis and the role of emergency and […]
  15. Cardiovascular Technology and How the Career Relates to Physics
    The activities of the CVS include the pumping of the heart muscle and valves, the dynamics of blood flow, the wall motion of the blood vessels and heart and the exchange between the nutrients and […]
  16. Health Promotion Program: Cardiovascular Disease Mortality Decrease
    Around the world cardiovascular disease happens to be the leading cause of death, and among the major causes of disability and diminished productivity in adults.
  17. Cardiovascular Physiology: Interval Training in a Mouse Model of Diabetic Cardiomyopathy
    The abstract does not describe the study and the results accurately. The authors did not give enough details of the study in the abstract.
  18. Connection Between Nutrition and Cardiovascular Diseases
    According to its research and reports, the number of patients with cardiovascular disease has been on the rise in recent years and is likely to continue to rise.
  19. Cardiovascular Diseases and Saudi Male Patients Aged 40 – 65 Years
    The main purpose of this proposal is to come up with a project that will study the relationship between depression and cardiovascular diseases among Saudi male patients aged between 40 65 years.
  20. Canagliflozin and Cardiovascular and Renal Events in Type 2 Diabetes: Medical Terminology Definition
    Vascular is another term that can be found in the article as a separate word and as a part of a word.
  21. Alcohol Consumption and Cardiovascular Diseases
    This is necessary to examine the relationship between individual experience of disease and consumption, and, in the population, is essential to the calculation of attributable risk.
  22. Cardiovascular Disease in African American Women: Reasons
    In order to understand the reason for heart disease being a health disparity amongst African American women, it is essential to focus on the behaviors within this population that may be affecting their health directly.
  23. Cardiovascular Nutritional Assessment
    Therefore malnutrition assessment would result in the lack of appropriate awareness about the relationship between nutritional status and the cardiovascular system.
  24. Cardiovascular Illnesses: Guidelines on Screening Procedures
    There are several screening guidelines for the condition; for example, the American College of Cardiology Foundation recommends the use of a checklist to assess the risks of heart disease.
  25. Diabetes Impact on Cardiovascular and Nervous Systems
    Diabetes is one of the commonest conditions affecting many people in different parts of the world. The first type is also called “juvenile diabetes” and it occurs when the body of an individual is incapable […]
  26. Diagnosing Cardiovascular and Neurologic Conditions
    The differential diagnosis includes stable angina, myocardial infarction, and costochondritis, and a treatment plan for the primary diagnosis is offered. The description of the signs and patient’s history shows that angina is the primary diagnosis.
  27. Cardiovascular Disorders: Pharmacotherapy
    This progression of weight gain can be considered a factor that contributes to the patient’s health changes and negatively affects the outcomes of the prescribed drug therapy.
  28. Cardiovascular Condition Adjustments
    In case the accident that led to the surgery happened in the workplace, Mr.L.might have developed PTSD. If it is the case, Mr.L.might be struggling with feeling happy and safe at work.
  29. Physical Assessment: The Cardiovascular System
    A physical assessment is the first stage of examination and evaluation of a patient that is conducted by a physician. A physical assessment is critical to the management of patients presenting symptoms of chest discomfort.
  30. Prevalence of Cardiovascular Disease and Associated Risks
    In conclusion, the authors summarize the data and clarify that the percentage of strokes in the Gulf region is lower than in developed countries.
  31. Heart Disease: Causal Effects of Cardiovascular Risk Factors
    The process of cause and effect can be described as a relationship between issues where one is the outcome of the other.

📑 Good Research Topics about Cardiovascular Diseases

  1. Alzheimer’s and Cardiovascular Diseases Progress
    While the design of the study involves a review of the existing papers and a compilation of their key results, the information provided by the authors is nonetheless crucial to the understanding of the issue.
  2. Cardiovascular Diseases as a Public Health Challenge
    Different conditions of the heart known to affect the valves, rhythms, or muscles of the heart are categorized as cardiovascular diseases.
  3. Cardiovascular Diseases in the UAE
    Apart from the establishment of the registry, the authorities have launched a few promotion initiatives that are to encourage more people in the United Arab Emirates to undergo necessary examination and increase the awareness of […]
  4. Cardiovascular System: Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
    It is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and exerted in the feces without changes. Elimination of an oral dose is in the urine and the feces.
  5. Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Cardiovascular Disease
    Given the explanation, the article is aimed to discuss the aspects of relating mitochondrial function and damage to the development of cardiovascular disease and the risk factors involved.
  6. Aspirin Use for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention
    There are many ways to prevent risk, and aspirin therapy is probably one of the safest for people between 45 and 80.
  7. Diabetes and Cardiovascular Diseases in Medicine
    The aim is to enhance the impact of this intervention on individuals and on the society at large. General Concepts and Key Elements of the Program The planned strategy is a comprehensive undertaking in the […]
  8. Action of Nandrolone on the Cardiovascular, Renal, Blood and Respiratory Systems
    Nandrolone is one of the most common performance enhancement drugs. Nandrolone is one of the major performance enhancing drugs that athletes use.
  9. Health Risks and Prevention: Cardiovascular Disease and Cancers
    In addition, African Americans men have a higher risk of prostate cancer just as it is with men with a family history of the cancer. CRP test is recommended for persons who are at the […]

⭐ Simple & Easy Cardiovascular Diseases Essay Titles

  1. Gene Therapy in Cardiovascular Diseases
  2. Extracellular Vesicle-Mediated Processes in Cardiovascular Diseases
  3. The Equivalent Variation of Cardiovascular Diseases
  4. Immunological Aspects of Cardiovascular Diseases
  5. Management of Cardiovascular Diseases in HIV/AIDS Patients
  6. Probiotics and Their Effect on Cardiovascular Diseases
  7. Nutritional Management of Cardiovascular Diseases
  8. Oxidative Stress in Cardiovascular Diseases
  9. Inflammatory Markers for Arterial Stiffness in Cardiovascular Diseases
  10. Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Chronic Kidney Disease With Cardiovascular Diseases
  11. Potential Applications of Lasers in the Management of Cardiovascular Diseases
  12. Resveratrol and Omega-3 Fatty Acid: Its Implications in Cardiovascular Diseases
  13. A New Therapeutic Strategy for Cardiovascular Diseases
  14. Diet-Gut Microbiota Interactions on Cardiovascular Diseases
  15. Risk Prediction in Cardiovascular Diseases
  16. Associations Between Added Sugar Intake and Risk of Different Cardiovascular Diseases
  17. Red Blood Cell Distribution Width and Cardiovascular Diseases
  18. Link Between Smoking and the Occurrence of Cardiovascular Diseases
  19. The Emerging Role of Angiotensinogen in Cardiovascular Diseases
  20. Discovery of Biomarkers for Cardiovascular Diseases

💡 Interesting Topics to Write about Cardiovascular Diseases

  1. Mitochondria-Associated Endoplasmic Reticulum Membranes in Cardiovascular Diseases
  2. New Potential Therapeutic Target for Obesity and Cardiovascular Diseases
  3. Relationship Between Cardiovascular Diseases and the Central Nervous System
  4. Low Dose Rivaroxaban for Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Diseases
  5. Herbal Medicine for Cardiovascular Diseases
  6. Endocrine Organs of Cardiovascular Diseases: Gut Microbiota
  7. The Significant Role of the Golgi Apparatus in Cardiovascular Diseases
  8. The Structural and Agency Debate in the Construction of Cardiovascular Diseases
  9. Cardiovascular Diseases Among Diabetic Patients
  10. Cardiovascular Diseases: Protective Effects of Melatonin
  11. Injectable Hydrogel-Based Nanocomposites for Cardiovascular Diseases
  12. Bioresponsive Nanoplatforms for Imaging and Therapy of Cardiovascular Diseases
  13. Association Between Periodontal Disease and Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Diseases
  14. Aging and Longevity Genes in Cardiovascular Diseases
  15. The Compensating Variation of Cardiovascular Diseases
  16. Cardiovascular Diseases among Suicidal Individuals
  17. Advanced Signal Processing for Cardiovascular and Neurological Diseases
  18. The Major Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Diseases
  19. Inflammatory Mechanisms Linking Periodontal Diseases to Cardiovascular Diseases
  20. The Role of Mitochondrial Dynamics in Cardiovascular Diseases

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IvyPanda. (2024, November 19). 135 Cardiovascular Diseases Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/cardiovascular-diseases-essay-topics/

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"135 Cardiovascular Diseases Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 19 Nov. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/cardiovascular-diseases-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. (2024) '135 Cardiovascular Diseases Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 19 November.


IvyPanda. 2024. "135 Cardiovascular Diseases Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 19, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/cardiovascular-diseases-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "135 Cardiovascular Diseases Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 19, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/cardiovascular-diseases-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "135 Cardiovascular Diseases Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 19, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/cardiovascular-diseases-essay-topics/.