The move has enabled the company to develop innovative shoe designs that are in high demand in the market. The overall goal is to come up with innovative procedures that can improve Nike’s competitive edge […]
With regards to Toyota Motor Corp, the company identified hundreds of substances and chemicals that the suppliers must not use in their manufacturing process.
What I like about Nestle’s environmental sustainability efforts: Nestle’s environmental sustainability efforts are concise and clear towards the company’s sustainability plans, that is, clear goals and objectives which are time bound. The company’s sustainability efforts […]
The formulation of the ‘Triple Bottom Line’ scorecard in Amanco was done at the corporate level, but the stakeholders are not shown to have been involved in any part of the formulation.
Corporate sustainability is a relatively new term that defines the ability of an organization to produce goods and services in a manner that supports the long-term objectives of the firm and the community that supports […]
For instance, when the authors describe the success of the Zara model, they attribute it not only to innovation, but also to observation of standards and operating on low cost. The firm should be cautious […]
This proposal introduces the plan of a research project devoted to the association between a company’s adherence to corporate sustainability reporting and tax avoidance trends. Define and research the concept of corporate sustainability reporting within […]
Therefore, Khattak proposes to analyze the role of institutional quality as the mediator of a causal link between sustainable behavior and financial performance.
The management, who immediately responds to the complaints of their female employees in an emphatic manner and makes sure that the offenders receive punishment, develops a bond between themselves and the staff.
The concept of corporate sustainability is escalating in Saudi Arabia. The researcher will review available literature to obtain preliminary information on the law and application of corporate sustainability in Saudi Arabia.
The article fails to demonstrate the shortcomings of sustainability to the corporate world in terms of cost. The author offers a triangulation of both theory and practice to interpret a situation in the organization.
Outsourcing helps to gain access to a market of highly talented individuals that are striving to achieve a career, thus dedicating time and effort to the company’s project.
To this end, the research will highlight the context of the research, the purpose of the research, relevance of the study, research areas, and structure of the proposal.
The influence of some external factors is present; nevertheless, the internal structure of this organization and the principles of its functioning primarily influence the nature of any changes that are being implemented and how these […]
Third, both the environmental and social enhancements usually result in the increased productivity and efficiency of the operations, and, in the long run, decrease the amount of the required resources.
Due to the awareness of the importance of the customers’ time and the tight connection between the length of wait and the level of customer satisfaction, Emirates NBD can secure and maintain its position as […]
The company has encouraged various sustainability practices in order to reduce the impacts of its operations on the environment. The company has continued to champion the best ideas and practices towards a sustainable environment.
The Procter & Gamble Company attempts to reduce the impact of their activities on the environment. Furthermore, they encourage clients to speak about possible problems, because, in this way, the corporation can improve the quality […]
The main objective of this move is to mitigate the problem of shortages of natural resources such as water, oil, animal-based resources, and coal among others, and promote healthy living and avoid extreme weather for […]
The main strategies, which should be implemented within the company, are the development of the sustainable car design with references to using materials that are more efficient; the improvement of a supply chain; the focus […]
Corporate social responsibility is also a major part of the sustainable programs that the Coca-Cola Company tried to work out with the community that they are in.
The government used to handle the task of waste management in the Sultanate but with the establishment and legalization of Be’ah, the task of such is delegated to the said company.
This paper is an in-depth analysis of sustainability in Canada and the impact of the Coca-Cola Company on environmental protection. In addition to this, the Canadian government has established the Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators, which […]
The company has been ranked as the 41st in relation to revenue in the United States. The other weakness of the company is in relation to bad mortgages.
This growth prompted the company’s founders to redefine the company’s mission and goals because there was a strong need for the company to stay true to its initial mission and goal, as opposed to fragmenting […]
🔄 Interesting Topics to Write about Corporate Sustainability
Corporate Sustainability: Accounting Standards vs. Tax by Design
Linking Stakeholders and Corporate Reputation Towards Corporate Sustainability
Business Model Innovation and Organizational Mindfulness as Determinants of Corporate Sustainability
Corporate Sustainability Reporting: Opportunities and Challenges in a Post-transition Country
Are There Gender-Related Influences on Corporate Sustainability?
Corporate Sustainability: Historical Development and Reporting Practices
Assessing and Managing Sustainability in International Perspective: Corporate Sustainability Across Cultures