89 Foreign Aid Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 Best Foreign Aid Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. Foreign Aid and Economic Growth in Developing States
    The paper under analysis covers the topic of the relationship between foreign aid and economic growth in developing countries. There is a raging debate on the real effect of foreign aid on developing countries, and […]
  2. US Foreign Aid and Its Strategic National Interest
    The national interest for the United States is to have peace all over the world, freedom for all and finally to create opportunities for all nations to develop.
  3. Foreign Aid Impact on Bosnia
    In addition to the rehabilitation of schools, buildings within the Ministry of Education were also reconstructed. The financial aid has enabled reconstruction of various economic sectors such as education, health and infrastructure.
  4. Positive and Negative Implications of Foreign Aid
    Foreign aid of any kind is offered for the benefit of the receiving country but the donor country may equally benefit indirectly or directly in the event that it wishes to attain any of the […]
  5. Foreign Aid: Detrimental or Beneficial?
    In the past, Egypt and Israel, due to their location in the Middle East and cordial relationships with the west, have been the major beneficiaries of foreign aid.
  6. War and Peace Effects on Foreign Aid in Kenya
    President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya and his leadership has ensured that foreign aid is allocated to various programs that will ensure peace prevails in the country.
  7. Liberia’s War, Peace, and Foreign Aid
    According to the data provided by the World Bank Group, Liberia has been receiving FA since before the 1980s, and its amount has had the tendency to increase with some of the years breaking this […]
  8. War and Peace Effects on Foreign Aid in Sudan
    Also, at the end of the war, it was decided to allocate a considerable amount of money to Sudan by the European Commission for the reconstruction of the country after its crisis.
  9. Effects of War and Peace on Foreign Aid
    Recently, the leadership of Kenya discovered that a number of organizations operating in Kenya have been using foreign aid to support the operations of the Al-Shabaab terror group.
  10. War and Peace Effects on Foreign Aid in Madagascar
    The lack of systems to ensure that the citizens are the real beneficiaries of foreign aid continues to hamper the ability of Madagascar to sustain its peace process.
  11. War and Peace Effects on Foreign Aid in the Dominican Republic
    During instances of civil unrest and peace, donors have attempted to link the foreign aid provided to the Dominican Republic to increased protection of human rights, the establishment of democratic ideals and institutions, cessation of […]
  12. Foreign Aid in Africa: Countries Experiences Learning
    Despite the fact that most of the aid given to African countries is meant to help the people who are not able to access their basic needs, most of the money ends up in the […]
  13. The UN Foreign Aid for Lebanon Analysis
    Speaking about the wars and conflicts which had a great impact on the country, it is possible to admit the role of foreign countries and United Nations in the attempts to make the compromise and […]
  14. Impact of Foreign Aid on Sub Saharan Africa
    This occurs due to lack of transparency on the side of sub Saharan African countries on the purpose of the foreign aid leading to cynicisms.
  15. War and Peace Effects on Foreign Aid in Bangladesh
    Despite the fact that the effects of foreign aid are admittedly vast in Bangladesh, claiming that the provision of financial support to the state that suffers a military and a political conflict is the ultimate […]
  16. Importance of Foreign Aid in Poverty Reducing
    Foreign aid is one of the methods used by wealthy nations to help reduce poverty in the least developed countries. Such countries as the US and Canada have provided financial aid to a number of […]
  17. Human Development. Role of Agriculture. Importance of Technology and Foreign Aid in Mozambique
    The access to wage labor, which enhances the state of agriculture and the whole country, depends on the people’s education. The rapid development of the agriculture is connected with foreign investments and earnings, as they […]
  18. Why Foreign Aid Doesn’t Work
    As an effect, the reason as to why Foreign aid has failed is because its main objective has been ignored, and it is not being assessed in light of industrialization and advancement in agricultural.
  19. United States Foreign Aid in Perspective
    The American foreign aid is one of the instruments used to extend American dominance in the world. Consequently, the fall of the USSR reduced the American funding in the third world.

📑 Interesting Topics to Write about Foreign Aid

  1. Foreign Aid and African Exporters: Help or Harm
  2. Foreign Aid and Economic Growth in Cameroon: Evidence From Cointegration Tests
  3. America Must Provide Foreign Aid to Poor Countries
  4. Donor Strategy Under the Fungibility of Foreign Aid
  5. Assessing Foreign Aid’s Long-Run Contribution to Growth and Development
  6. Australia’s Foreign Aid Dilemma: Humanitarian Aspirations Confront Democratic Legitimacy
  7. Making Foreign Aid More Efficient in Putting Into Place the Development Fundamentals
  8. How Important Is Aid Effectiveness to People for Choosing Countries to Support
  9. Linking Blockchain Technology and the Governance of Foreign Aid
  10. Reasons Why Britain Should Not Give Foreign Aid
  11. Bureaucratic Incentives, Path Dependence, and Foreign Aid: Irrigation in the Philippines
  12. Cambodia’s Patient Zero: The Political Economy of Foreign Aid and Avian Influenza
  13. Canada Should Change Policies on Peacekeeping, Foreign Aid, and Free Trade
  14. Foreign Aid and Aid Policy Effectiveness on Economic Growth of Ghana
  15. Capital Mobility, Foreign Aid, and Openness: Evidence From Sub-Saharan Africa
  16. China’s and Japan’s Foreign Aid Policies Vis-à-Vis Lusophone Africa
  17. Collusion Among Interest Groups: Foreign Aid and Rent-Dissipation
  18. Coming Into Money: The Impact of Foreign Aid on Leader Survival
  19. Company Interests and Foreign Aid Policy: Playing Donors Out Against Each Other
  20. Japan’s Foreign Aid Sanctions Policy After the End of the Cold War

🔎 Good Essay Topics on Foreign Aid

  1. Donors and Domestic Politics: Political Influences on Foreign Aid Effort
  2. Comparing Taiwan’s Foreign Aid to Japan, South Korea, and DAC
  3. Competition for Export Markets and the Allocation of Foreign Aid
  4. Conditional Linkages Between Iron Ore Exports, Foreign Aid, and Terrorism
  5. Linking Corruption, Foreign Aid, and Welfare to the Poor
  6. Relations Between Decentralization and Foreign Aid Effectiveness
  7. Foreign Aid and Conditions Precedent: Political and Bureaucratic Dimensions
  8. Deterring Emigration With Foreign Aid: Overview of Evidence From Low-Income Countries
  9. Development Strategies and Foreign Aid Policies for Low-Income Countries
  10. Foreign Aid and Its Environmental Implication in India
  11. Diamonds, Foreign Aid, and Uncertain Prospects for Post-conflict Reconstruction in Sierra Leone
  12. Donor Preferences and Recipient Fiscal Behavior: Simultaneous Analysis of Foreign Aid
  13. Economic Development and the Effectiveness of Foreign Aid: A Historical Perspective
  14. Effective Foreign Aid, Economic Integration and Subsidiarity: Lessons From Europe
  15. Foreign Aid and Domestic Savings: The Crowding Out Effect
  16. Ethnicity, Foreign Aid, and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa: Kenya Case
  17. Explaining the Nepalese Trade Deficit: Foreign Aid or Stagnant Agriculture
  18. Federal Budget Cuts for Domestic Programs and Foreign Aid
  19. Financing Growth: Foreign Aid vs. Foreign Loans
  20. Foreign Aid Agreements With North Korea: Proposal to the United Nations

❓ Questions About Foreign Aid

  1. Are Debt Repayment Incentives Undermined by Foreign Aid?
  2. What Are the Advantages of Foreign Aid?
  3. Does Foreign Aid Work or Does It Only Help the Rich Country?
  4. Has Foreign Aid Been Effective in the Water Supply and Sanitation Sector?
  5. Why Do Countries Depend on Foreign Aid?
  6. Does Foreign Aid Help Donor Countries More Than the Recipients?
  7. What Are the Types and Purposes of Foreign Aid?
  8. How Significant and Effective Has Foreign Aid to Indonesia Been?
  9. Are Democratizing Countries ‘Rewarded’ With Higher Levels of Foreign Aid?
  10. What Is the Difference Between Foreign Aid and Foreign Direct Investment?
  11. Are Foreign Aid and Remittance Inflows a Hedge Against Food Price Shocks in Developing Countries?
  12. Does Foreign Aid Accelerate Economic Growth?
  13. What Are the Pros of Foreign Aid in the US?
  14. Can Foreign Aid Create an Incentive for Good Governance?
  15. Does Foreign Aid Cause the Adoption of Harmful Economic Policies?
  16. Can Foreign Aid Dampen the Threat of Terrorism to International Trade?
  17. How Does Foreign Aid Affect the Economy?
  18. What Are the Potential Benefits of Foreign Aid to Developing Countries?
  19. Can Foreign Aid Motivate Institutional Reform?
  20. Does Foreign Aid Increase Foreign Direct Investment?
  21. Why Was It Important for the United States to Get Foreign Aid During the Revolution?
  22. Can Foreign Aid Reduce Income Inequality and Poverty?
  23. Why Does the United States Use Foreign Aid?
  24. How Important Was Foreign Aid in Henry VII’s Seizure of the English Throne?
  25. Does Foreign Aid Promote Economic Growth in Sudan?
  26. Who Is the Largest Provider of Foreign Aid?
  27. Has the Foreign Aid Carried on the Best Course of Action in the Sub-Saharan Region?
  28. Which Country Has the Best Foreign Financial Aid?
  29. Does Foreign Aid Reduce Energy and Carbon Intensities of Developing Economies?
  30. Why Can Corrupt Governments Receive More Foreign Aid?

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IvyPanda. (2024, February 24). 89 Foreign Aid Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/foreign-aid-essay-topics/

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"89 Foreign Aid Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 24 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/foreign-aid-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. (2024) '89 Foreign Aid Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 24 February.


IvyPanda. 2024. "89 Foreign Aid Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 24, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/foreign-aid-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "89 Foreign Aid Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 24, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/foreign-aid-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "89 Foreign Aid Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 24, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/foreign-aid-essay-topics/.

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