97 Harry Potter Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🔝 Top-10 Harry Potter Essay Topics

  1. Harry Potter Books and Movies
  2. “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” by Rowling
  3. Analysis of Story Excerpts: Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone
  4. The Harry Potter Phenomenon Analysis
  5. The Book “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” by J. K. Rowling
  6. Concept of Home in “The Odyssey” and “Harry Potter”
  7. Rowling’s “Harry Potter” Books in Connection to Mythology
  8. Harry Potter vs. Hari Puttar: Battle of Intellectual Property
  9. The Themes of Hope and Trauma in “Harry Potter”
  10. Conan Doyle’s “The Hound of the Baskervilles” and J.K. Rowling’s “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone”

🏆 Best Harry Potter Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. The Book Series “Harry Potter” by J.K. Rowling: Education Issues
    This theory describes the learning process as an interconnection between nodes in a network where the nodes are the teachers, and the networks are the learners.
  2. Enslavement in “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” by J. K. Rowling
    Dobby embodies the new era of house-elves, those who have a sense of self-respect and demands that his rights be recognized by those who wish to have him in their service.
  3. J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and Its Popularity
    It is because of the uniform content and constantly relevant themes of the children’s stories that have allowed it to endure the test of time.
  4. Harry Potter Movies in Concentric Circles Model
    The center of the model is the most important notion which influences a great number of other issues and leads to the appearance of new layers which could be compared with the ripples on the […]
  5. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2
    15″depicting the last series of the movie to be produced and also the first day of its first release to the theaters.
  6. Acts of Heroism in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J. K. Rowling
    Rowling’s Harry Potter series is the narrative about “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”. A breakdown of three specific instances in the book that illustrate Harry’s bravery and the exceptional traits that make him a […]
  7. The “Harry Potter” Movie vs. Book Comparison
    For my essay, I chose the movie and the book Harry Potter, which differ in many aspects, such as the plot, the details of the narrative, and the representation of the main characters.
  8. The “Harry Potter” Novels by Joanne Rowling
    A virtuoso command of the English language and an understanding of how to portray teenagers plausibly from their psychology allowed the author to reach the hearts of millions of children worldwide.
  9. Influence of Harry Potter and The Hunger Games
    The study is useful because it illustrates the importance of Harry Potter books within popular culture through the lens of improving young readers’ literacy.
  10. Literary Values of Harry Potter Novels by Rowling
    However, the world of wizards or wizardry that Harry lives in is secretive and is unknown to the non-magical people or the Muggles.
  11. “Harry Potter” Movie and Novel: Plot Changes
    The changes of the plot throughout the movie in comparison with the original novel are disturbing watchers since the times of cinema appearing and performance of the derivative movies.
  12. Harry Potter Stories and Impact on Pop Culture
    Harry Potter shows how prejudices, conflict, and social hierarchies work in the community and the role of the moral concepts in struggling with difficulties.
  13. “Harry Potter Casts a Spell for Tolerance” by A. M. Paul
    The author of the article explores the role of literature in the social and moral development of the adolescents and children.
  14. The Harry Potter Series
    Thus, in his article “Cryptozoology and the Paranormal in Harry Potter: Truth and Belief at the Borders of Consensus”, Peter Dendle discusses the role of the paranormal in the books.
  15. Comparison Between Hooters Translates in China and Harry Potter and Magical Realism
    Having stayed in china for a long period, Craig wanted to bring to focus the culture and the lifestyle of the Chinese.
  16. Gender Role in Harry Potter Books and Movies
    However, it is important that if the children and adolescents are going to be affected, it should stand out as a positive influence making gender one of the timeless societal problems that should be approached […]
  17. Media Interpretation of Harry Potter and Sexuality
    Apart from that, it should be pointed out that in the fifth film of the series Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix, she urged Harry to use force against her.
  18. Fantasy Works: “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” and “Harry Potter”
    Generally, I would like to state that the plot of the novel is to be considered in relation to socialization issues.
  19. Heroes at Hogwarts: The Journey of the Hero in the Harry Potter Series
    That the Harry Potter books are written in a fashion robust enough to allow for close reading, for example, in the context of the monomyth of the hero, or in light of philosophical concepts, is […]

🪄 Harry Potter Topics to Discuss

Are you stuck on coming up with good Harry Potter topics? Don’t get upset! Below, we’ve prepared lots of fresh ideas to inspire you!

Is Snape a Good Character?

Being neither evil nor completely good, Snape is a morally gray character, which is what makes him so divisive. Even though he acts cruelly towards Harry, likely due to his past experiences with Harry’s father, Snape ultimately sacrifices his life in the fight against Voldemort. This selfless act transforms him into a morally ambiguous character.

Why Was Harry Potter Banned?

The Harry Potter books were banned because they were believed to promote witchcraft and dark magic. Besides, critics accused the series of being anti-family and containing occult references. This controversy has been eclipsed in recent years by another divisive issue: the author’s views on transgender people. J.K. Rowling’s beliefs have ignited a heated debate among fans and the Harry Potter cast.

How Is Harry Potter a Hero?

Harry Potter qualifies as a classical hero. Throughout the plot, he experiences the key stages of a hero’s journey. Harry leaves his ordinary world (departure), confronts challenges and grows (initiation), and finally returns home a changed hero (return). Eventually, he saves the world from the evil Lord Voldemort. Isn’t that what real heroes do?

What Are the Social Issues in Harry Potter?

The Harry Potter series, while fantastical, deals with significant social issues, including poverty, discrimination, racism, and gender inequality. For instance, the books depict pure-blood supremacy, which discriminates against wizards based on their ancestry. Furthermore, the treatment of house elves highlights issues of slavery and inequality. Meanwhile, the marginalization of werewolves and other magical creatures reflects real-world prejudices and stigma.

📌 Simple & Easy Harry Potter Essay Titles

  1. J. K. Rowling’s “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” and the Decisions of the Hero
  2. The Role of Fate Versus Free Will in “Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince” by J. K. Rowling and “Never Let Me Go” by Kazuo Ishiguro
  3. Parental Roles in the Magical World of Harry Potter
  4. Harry Potter Psychotherapy: Teenage Development and Emotionality
  5. A Comparative Analysis of Leadership Styles in the Magical World of Harry Potter
  6. The Sinister Art of Horcrux-Making in “Harry Potter”
  7. The Representation of Women in the Harry Potter Novels
  8. Narratives of Adolescence Explored Through the “Harry Potter” Saga
  9. Lacanian Psychoanalytic Criticism in “Harry Potter”
  10. Revival of Myths and Folklore in the Harry Potter Series
  11. The Geography of Censorship: Communities, Challengers, and “Harry Potter”
  12. The Major Internal and External Conflict of Harry Potter in “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets”
  13. The Global Success of “Harry Potter” Books
  14. Exploring the Enduring Friendships of Harry Potter Characters
  15. Causation, Prophetic Visions, and the Free Will Question in Harry Potter
  16. The Four Major Points of Socialization in “Harry Potter”
  17. The True Master of Death: An Existential Reading of Harry Potter
  18. Leadership Lessons from Harry Potter, Dumbledore, and the Wizarding World
  19. The Success and Popularity of the “Harry Potter” Series
  20. “Harry Potter” and the Aims of Transhumanism: A Magical Critique of Technological Immortality

🧙 Harry Potter Speech Ideas

Captivating your audience with a speech on Harry Potter can be challenging! But don’t panic! You’ll find plenty of fresh ideas below!

Why Should Harry Potter Be Taught in Schools?

Stories about Harry Potter are worthy of being included in the school curriculum. These books improve children’s reading and creative skills because they are filled with invented words and spells. Besides, the positive actions of Harry and his friends teach students vital moral lessons and cultivate responsibility, loyalty, and integrity.

How Did Harry Potter Change the World?

Harry Potter’s popularity significantly influenced the publishing industry. It led to the expansion of children’s literature and the rise of children’s books as a significant cultural force. Moreover, Harry Potter books popularized fandom and geek culture. As a result, series cosplay, fan art, and online discussions helped to break down stereotypes about fans and niche hobbies.

What Makes Harry Potter So Special?

One of the things that makes Harry Potter so unique is J.K. Rowling’s masterful character development. The author balances personages’ strengths and flaws, combining them with their choices and motivations. This tactic allows readers to identify with the characters. Rowling shows us how each character’s appearance can be deceiving and that everyone has a complex story behind them.

What Is Harry Potter’s Greatest Weakness?

Harry Potter’s greatest weakness is his impulsiveness and recklessness. He rushes into situations without fully considering the risks, often endangering himself and his close friends. This trait, while sometimes leading to heroic outcomes, also results in unnecessary conflicts and challenges. A prime example of Potter’s weakness is when he casts the Sectumsempra on Draco Malfoy, clearly unaware of its actual consequences.

What Lessons Does Harry Potter Teach Us?

Harry Potter books encourage critical thinking and urge readers to question everything around them. The series also highlights the importance of knowledge and learning from mistakes, showing how it can result in resilience and resourcefulness. Besides, the series contains crucial lessons on true friendship, empathy, sacrifice, and acceptance.

👍 Good Harry Potter Research Paper Topics

  1. Harry Potter and the Role of the Oracle
  2. Symbolism, Imagery, and Motif of “Harry Potter”
  3. Hogwarts in History: The Neo-Medieval Vision of Harry Potter
  4. Segregation and Prejudice in “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets”
  5. Harry Potter’s Ethical Paradigms: Augustine, Kant, and Feminist Moral Theory
  6. A Critical Discussion of Professor Dumbledore as a Moral Leader and Ideal in the Harry Potter Series
  7. Trauma, Harry Potter, and the Demented World of Academia
  8. A Comparison of Jane Eyre and the Harry Potter Books as Novels of Development
  9. Popular Perceptions and Political Economy in the Contrived World of “Harry Potter”
  10. Harry Potter and the Evolving Hero Archetype
  11. The Character of Severus Snape as a True Hero in the “Harry Potter” Series of J. K. Rowling
  12. Harry Potter and Control: An Inherent Power Narrative in the Wizarding World
  13. Harry Potter and the Hero’s Journey: An Analysis of a Wizard’s Transformation
  14. Horcruxes: The Sinister Essence of Voldemort’s Immortality
  15. Harry Potter and the Analysis of a Hogwarts Education
  16. The Different Educational Philosophies Presented in the Movie “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix”
  17. Why “Harry Potter” Should Be Taught in School
  18. The Character of Hermione Granger in “Harry Potter” by J. K. Rowling
  19. From Hogwarts to Self-Discovery: The Joy and Snag of Revisiting Books
  20. Moral Education at Hogwarts: The Role of Empathy in the Moral Life
  21. The Criticism and Possibilities of the Use of J. K. Rowling’s Novel Series “Harry Potter” in Classrooms

🔮 Themes in Harry Potter: Presentation Ideas

Harry Potter is the best topic for presentations! Read on to discover some fantastic ideas for discussing the themes of this book series in your speech!


The Harry Potter series portrays friendship as a powerful anchor. The bond between Harry, Ron, and Hermione gives them emotional support and stability, especially during dark times. While their friendship is tested by jealousy and arguments, it ultimately endures. This way, the book series highlights the significance of having close companions to cope with life challenges.

Rules and Rebellion

The Harry Potter series explores the tension between following rules and doing what is morally good. While the wizarding world offers Harry freedom from the Dursleys, it still has strict rules, especially at Hogwarts. Despite not being rebellious by nature, Harry readily breaks the rules when he feels a compelling moral duty. His frequent success in such situations highlights that J.K. Rowling believes rules can be flexible when fighting for what is truly good.

Greed and Desire for Power

In books, Voldemort symbolizes the destructive nature of power and greed. His relentless pursuit of ambition transformed him into the evilest wizard. This link between power and evil is further emphasized by the tragic deaths of Harry’s parents, Lily and James. Voldemort targeted them because they opposed him.


In the story of Harry Potter, love is a powerful shield against evil. Despite tragically losing his parents, Harry finds a new source of strength in the deep friendship with Ron and Hermione. This love, both familial and platonic, gives him support and protection against the challenges of the wizarding world.


J.K. Rowling uses death to develop her characters. Harry grapples with the loss of his parents and other people meaningful to him, which highlights the emotional weight of mortality. The focus on death in books also underscores the value of love and friendship. Harry’s willingness to accept death and sacrifice himself for those he cares about helps him defeat Voldemort.

❓ Harry Potter Essay Questions

  1. Are “Harry Potter” and “Peter Pan” Movies Similar?
  2. Are “Harry Potter” Harmful for Children?
  3. Who Was the Antagonist in “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix”?
  4. How Many Chapters Are in Each of the “Harry Potter” Books?
  5. Does “Harry Potter” Follow the Hero’s Cycle?
  6. How Characterisation Creates the Theme of Good vs. Evil in the “Harry Potter” Series?
  7. How Are Gender Roles Represented Within “Harry Potter”?
  8. What Makes a “Harry Potter” Hero?
  9. How “Harry Potter” Expresses Britain’s National Identity in Postwar Culture?
  10. How the “Harry Potter” Phenomenon Changed American Culture?
  11. Why “Harry Potter” Should Be Taught in School?
  12. How the Nonprofit Organization “Harry Potter Alliance” Uses Story to Fulfill Their Mission?
  13. What “Harry Potter” Character Is the Most Underappreciated?
  14. What Makes “Harry Potter” So Popular and Well Known?
  15. How “Harry Potter” Film Characters Compare to Their Book Descriptions?
  16. How “Harry Potter” Changed the World?
  17. How Harry Potter and Dumbledore’s Relationship Illustrates Healthy Trauma Resolution?
  18. Why Do Children Read “Harry Potter” Books?
  19. Why Should the “Harry Potter” Series Not Be Banned?
  20. How “Harry Potter” Can Impact Children?
  21. Why “Harry Potter” When Voldemort Could Use Legilimency at Will?
  22. What Are the 12 “Harry Potter” Movies?
  23. How Successful Was the Marketing Campaign for the Movie “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets”?
  24. What’s the Darkest “Harry Potter” Movie?
  25. Why Did “Harry Potter” Turn Dark?
  26. What Is the World Famous Phenomenon of “Harry Potter”?
  27. What Are the Several Major Points of Socialization in “Harry Potter”?

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"97 Harry Potter Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 18 Nov. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/harry-potter-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. (2024) '97 Harry Potter Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 18 November.


IvyPanda. 2024. "97 Harry Potter Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 18, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/harry-potter-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "97 Harry Potter Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 18, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/harry-potter-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "97 Harry Potter Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 18, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/harry-potter-essay-topics/.