- 🔝 Top-10 Critical Care Research Topics
- 🔥 Hottest ICU Research Topics to Write About
- 🏆 Best Intensive Care Topic Ideas & Essay Examples
- 🏥 ICU Evidence-Based Practice Topics
- 👍 Good Essay Topics on Intensive Care
- 💊 ICU Nursing Project Ideas: Pain Management Strategies
- ⭐ Simple & Easy Intensive Care Essay Titles
- ⚖️ Ethical Issues in Critical Care Nursing: Research Topics
🔝 Top-10 Critical Care Research Topics
- Intensive Care & Critical Care Skills in Nursing
- Clinical Personal Experience in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
- Nosocomial Urinary Infection in the ICU
- Role of Nurse Practitioners in Acute and Intensive Care
- Palliative Care in Intensive Care Unit
- The Nurse Manager’s Role in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
- The Nursing Workflow in the Intensive Care Unit
- Why Intensive Care Unit Nurses Have Low Work Morale
- Actors Influencing How Intensive Care Unit Nurses Allocate Their Time Show Less
- Confusion Assessment Method in Intensive Care Unit
🔥 Hottest ICU Research Topics to Write About
Early Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Therapy
The neonatal intensive care unit therapy aims to provide care to ill or premature newborns. The NICU team is generally multidisciplinary and includes professionals from different departments ready to save newborns in the first days of their lives. Besides, the NICU offers emotional support to the families and helps them get through the challenging experience of having a newborn in intensive care.
Burnout of Critical Care Nurses: The Cost of Caring
Critical care nurses provide compassionate care to patients who experience life-threatening events, but they often forget to take care of themselves. As a result, they may experience burnout and compassion fatigue. Nurses become very irritable and have poor concentration, headaches, diarrhea, or sleep disturbances, which reduce their work quality.
Capacity Planning for Intensive Care Units
Poor patient flow management in ICUs causes service rejections and presents significant challenges, especially during crises like pandemics. That is where capacity planning comes in handy. It helps forecast critical care resource availability and optimize bed allocation, staffing levels, and medical equipment to meet patient demand.
Invasive Neuro Intervention Care after Surgery
Immediately after neurosurgery, the primary goal of care is to detect and prevent neurological deterioration and support systemic and neurological homeostasis. During this period, nurses trained in neurosurgical and neurocritical care procedures carefully observe patients. They manage the airway, control blood pressure, feed patients, and administer all the necessary medications.
The Pediatric Intensive Care Unit and Elements of Family-Centered Care
PICU often uses a family-centered approach to meet young patients’ emotional, psychological, and informational needs. Its fundamental elements are open communication, family participation in decision-making, and a supportive environment. These components enable collaboration between healthcare professionals, families, and sick children.
🏆 Best Intensive Care Topic Ideas & Essay Examples
- Use of BIS Brain Monitors in Intensive Care UnitThe objectives of the innovation project are to measure the present use of BIS in sedation at a specific facility and evaluate patient outcomes for BIS-guided sedation compared to routine clinical assessment.
- Nosocomial Infections in Intensive Care UnitsThe choice to insert the urinary catheter ought to be made with the awareness that it entails the risk of causing infections with a prolonged hospital stay.
- Hiring New Registered Nurses for Intensive Care UnitThe purpose of this paper is to outline methods for analyzing the ICU job, drafting the job description, and future changes that may affect the future of the job description.
- Intensive Care Units Standards and ServicesThus, in the cases of unplanned extubation, both self and accidental, the quality of care is observed through the nurse’s ability to react according to an incidence, with emphasis on the patient’s safety and the […]
- Comfort Care of the Patient in Intensive CareThe relationship between nurses’ comforting interventions and the patients’ comfort is the foundation of the theory. The purpose of the comfort theory is to establish the link between nursing interventions and patients’ comfort.
- Resuscitation of Patients in Intensive Care UnitsThe project utilizes a quasi-experimental design to choose the sample and manipulate the independent variable, the nursing training program of capnography use during CPR, to influence the dependent variable, the number of CPR cases with […]
- Reflection on “Concept of Hospital Readmission” and “Tele ICU Concept Analysis”Noticeably, the concept of Hospital Readmission has continued to take the largest part of health care discussions and this element is currently the criterion being used to measure competence in hospitals.
- Public Health: The Intensive Care UnitsTo achieve this, the program will transform the work culture within the ICU to be more rigorous and goal oriented. It is important that all of the hospital critical-care stakeholders to distinguish and enforce imperative […]
- Nurse Staffing, Medical Staffing and Mortality in Intensive CareIn order to discuss the contribution of different types of personnel to the survival of patients in ICUs, the researchers provided different hypotheses for the relationship between the number of nurses and rates of patient […]
- ICU Personal Impact PaperIn addition, it will not be incorrect to state that it is complicated for the patients of ETOH Cirrhosis to give up consuming alcohol.
- Ethics Review: ‘Living Wills’ and Intensive CareHowever, some opponents of the move to legalize advance decisions in England and Wales are of the idea that legalizing advance decisions will be tantamount to euthanizing the patients illegally.
- Having Visiting Hours in the Intensive Care UnitA family member selected to visit the patient will be in position to give feedback concerning the patient to the rest of the family members and friends.
- Prevention of Urinary Catheter-Associated Infection in ICU PatientsAccording to Mateucci, Walsh, and Pravikoff, alone in the USA specialists record the average of 1 million UTIs annually, and the major reasons for the bulk of these infections are the improperly carried out process […]
- Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants in the Intensive Care UnitKleinpell and Robert Grabenkort, the authors of the article under consideration, tell that nursing practitioners and physician assistants play a very important role in the intensive care unit, however, their participation is still not well […]
- Bowel and Urinary Incontinence Prevention and Care in ICUThe inefficient care of BUI in the ICU unit leads to several effects on patients, nurses, and the state of health in general.
- ICU Ethics Committee Meeting: The Spread of the Novel CoronavirusThe committee was asked to outline the borders of practice, use of equipment, triaging methods, as well as the rights of nurses for self-determination in regards to the management and containment of the diseases.
- Early Mobilization Therapy in Intensive Care UnitI believe that exactly this study approach has the greatest potential to answer my research question as it will allow me to assess the impact of both alternative methods and make conclusions having compared numerical […]
- Intelligent Hospital Pavilion ICU: Video AnalysisThe problem of miscommunication can be further reduced with a bedside array that combines the information from all medical equipment in the room and delivers it to nurses along with the current state of the […]
- Intensive Care Unit Nurses’ Education NeedsThe reason for choosing this target group is the affiliation of the researcher: since the researcher is a nurse who works in the ICU of KFH, the analysis of the educational needs of the nurses […]
- Medication Errors in Intensive Care UnitThe majority of medication errors take place at the stage of administration; however, mistakes also occur during prescription, preparation of medication, and transcription.
- Cross-Training in Intensive Care UnitThe students who took this course will exhibit the mastery of: Assessment of the need for care under time constraints and in adverse conditions; Provision of assistance to critically ill individuals with precision, speed, and […]
- Constructive Alignment in Intensive Care Nursing EducationGiven the potential benefits of CA for education, CA needs to be considered in terms of ICU nurse training to determine if it applies to the settings of ICU.
- Evidence-Based Practice in the Intensive Care UnitThe purpose of this paper is to identify challenges that are associated with the implementation of an evidence-based approach in a clinical environment and describe strategies that can be used for implementing this approach.
- Bloodstream Infections in Intensive Care DepartmentThe scope of the essay is limited to the discussion of the risks of contract in infectious diseases, which nurses may face in the context of the ICU environment in a hospital.
- Management of Burns in Intensive and Acute CareThe article can be viewed as the review of the currently used practices to cope with burns in intensive care units, and the author describes procedures that are necessary in order to provide the respiratory […]
- Early Mobility Therapy in the Intensive Care UnitParticularly, the advantages and the disadvantages of the early mobility therapy compared to the non-early mobility therapy for patients who are in intensive care will be analyzed.
- Implementation of Physical Restraints in the Intensive Care UnitOnce the tool determines the total number of FTEs needed for the ICU patients, they will be distributed throughout the day according to the trends of the patient volume.
🏥 ICU Evidence-Based Practice Topics
In an essay on this topic, you should discuss the benefits and challenges of using evidence-based practices in ICU care. Analyze how they can improve patient outcomes, reduce mortality rates, and shorten hospital stays.
Here are some other topics you can explore:
- High-Flow Nasal Oxygen Therapy in ICU Patients: Benefits and Risks.
- Best Practices for Pain Assessment in Children in ICU.
- Airway Management in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.
- How Does Early Mobilization Impact Recovery Outcomes for ICU Patients?
- The Benefits of the Tele-Icu During the COVID-19 Pandemic
👍 Good Essay Topics on Intensive Care
- Pain Management at a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
- Safety Score Improvement Plan For By-Faith Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
- Seizure Detection in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
- The Association Between Brain Volumes and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Intensive Care Unit
- Measuring Parent Satisfaction With Care in Neonatal Intensive Care Units
- Nurse Burnout and Stress in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
- Care for Critical Ill Patients With COVID-19 in Intensive Care Unit
- Early Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Therapy
- Implementation of an Intensive Care Unit Pharmaceutical Care Model
- Premature Triplets: Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Cook
- Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy in the Intensive Care Unit
- The Nature of Caring Work in an Intensive Care Unit
- Intensive Care Admission and Early Neuro-Rehabilitation
- Alarm Problems Going Off in the Intensive Care Unit
- Patients With Traumatic Brain Injury Admitted to the Ward or Intensive Care Unit
- Stress and Burnout of Nurses in the Intensive Care Unit
- Pain-Related Stress During the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Stay
- Expert and Competent Non-expert Visual Cues During Simulated Diagnosis in Intensive Care
- Preventing Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia in the Intensive Care Unit
- Intensive Care Nurses’ Views and Practices on Eye Care
💊 ICU Nursing Project Ideas: Pain Management Strategies
You can carry out a project to determine the most effective pain relief techniques for different types of pain in the ICU. Alternatively, you can explore the role of individualized care plans in addressing the unique pain needs of each patient.
Here are some other fresh topics for your project on pain control strategies in ICU nursing care:
- Non-Opioid Analgesics and Their Efficiency in ICU Settings.
- Implementing a Pain Management Nursing Protocol for Orthopedic Surgical Patients.
- The Use of Multimodal Analgesia in ICU Patients.
- Assessment of Cultural Competence in Pain Control.
- How Does Improving Sleep Quality Affect Pain Levels in ICU Patients?
⭐ Simple & Easy Intensive Care Essay Titles
- Risk Factors for Intensive Care Unit Admission in Patients with Autoimmune Encephalitis
- Chronic Pain and Chronic Opioid Use After Intensive Care
- Premature Infants’ Physiologic Outcomes in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
- The Relationship Between Safety Climate and Performance in Intensive Care Units
- Intensive Care Unit Related Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Treatment of Severe Infections in the Intensive Care
- The Needs of Bereaved Parents in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
- Intensive Care Unit-Acquired Weakness
- Nosocomial Infections and the Infant Intensive Care Unit
- Complications and In-Hospital Mortality in Trauma Patients Treated in Intensive Care Units
- The Uniform Need for Critical and Intensive Care Skills in All Branches of Nursing
- Moral Distress Among European Intensive Care Nurses
- Capacity Planning for Intensive Care Units
- Real-Time Predictive Analytics for Therapeutic Plans in Intensive Care
- Nursing and the Importance of Intensive Care
- Abuse of Drugs and Alcohol in the Intensive Care Unit
- Physician Scheduling for Continuity: An Application in Pediatric Intensive Care
- Monitoring Oxygenation and Gas Exchange in Neonatal Intensive Care Units
- Mortality in Intensive Care Unit Patients
- The Requirement for Supplementary Nurses in an Intensive Care Unit
⚖️ Ethical Issues in Critical Care Nursing: Research Topics
You can investigate moral issues that arise when caring for critically ill patients. Some problems include life and death decision-making, informed consent, and allocation of limited resources. Besides, consider examining how these ethical dilemmas affect patients and healthcare providers.
Look at some topics on ethical issues in critical care nursing that are worth investigating:
- Ethical Aspects of Caring for Patients in a Persistent Vegetative State.
- How Do Consent Guidelines Vary Across ICU Settings?
- Ethical Concerns in the Use of Experimental Therapies.
- Cultural and Religious Considerations in Critical Care Ethics.
- What Ethical Principles Guide ICU Resource Allocation During Shortages?