113 Masculinity Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 Best Masculinity Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. The Emergence of Fascist Masculine Personality in “Pan’s Labyrinth” by Guillermo del Toro
    During the Spanish War, the Republicans lost to the Phalangist government, and this concept is used to highlight the creation of a new form of masculinity.
  2. Gender Issues: Femininity and Masculinity
    Depiction of the Portuguese visitors to Benin by artist in the 16th century clearly emphasizes on that exclusion of women and the embrace of masculinity.
  3. Society’s Construction of Masculinity
    Every society views and constructs masculinity to suit the social and cultural values of such a society thus there is always a difference in the method which societies use to construct masculinity.
  4. Hegemonic Masculinity
    The hegemonic masculinity theory is particularly significant in understanding concepts such as the predisposition of men to violence, the evaluation of social network analysis in relation to hegemonic masculinity and the links between social identity […]
  5. Kenneth MacKinnon‘s ‘Masculinity in the Movies’
    The dominance of male stars in the movies and depiction of heroism from a masculine perspective has shaped perception of masculinity in the Western culture.
  6. Masculinity and Femininity
    Therefore, it is becoming increasingly fashionable to adopt the term masculinity or femininity not only to reflect the modern times, but also to depict the cultural construction and manifestation of masculinity and femininity to closer […]
  7. Masculinity: Theories and Approaches
    Among the ways of explaining why such a situation comes to be is the fact that masculinity is a relative attribute that needs to be defined by the activities, processes, practices, and relationships that men […]
  8. Femininity and Masculinity: Gender Stereotypes
    In conclusion, it is necessary to admit that femininity and masculinity are two sides of the same medal, and neither should be neglected.
  9. Ernest Hemingway’s Masculine Dominance
    However, he was dedicated to his craft and to the integrity of his stories; an integral aspect of this dedication was presenting experiences as realistically as possible.
  10. The Conflict of Masculinity and Queerness in Johnson’s “The Limitless Heart”
    In the essay, it is revealed that the narrator is visiting the parents of his partner, Larry, due to a promise he made to him.
  11. Redefining Sexual Harassment and Masculinity
    There is no arguing that sexual harassment is a gender issue: it is a production of gender differences, usually manifesting itself in a amen are the perpetrators, women are the victims’ dynamic.
  12. The Hip-Hop Phenomenon of Hyper-Masculinity
    Sociological Research Question: What lies behind the dominant hyper-masculine paradigm in Hip Hop and Black culture and its various manifestations in lyrics and music videos?
  13. “Mission: Impossible II”: Hegemonic Masculinity and Male Bonding
    Behind the chaotic representation of actions, the filmmaker reveals a complex theme of hegemonic masculinity through the subtopics of a man’s heroism and nobility, rivalry, and male relationship with the help of different elements of […]
  14. Harmful Masculine Core of Early American Legislation
    History shows that the collective gender of the ruling class significantly influences the nature of legislation and the social structure of the countries in which they govern.
  15. The Meaning of Masculinity in 2020
    The way to change the idea of masculinity was not easy, and many people had to go through discrimination and humiliation to change the world for the better.
  16. Bullying Behavior and Impact of Hegemonic Masculinity
    Rosen and Nofziger applied a quantitative research design to explore the relationships between students’ bullying experiences and race, age, and socioeconomic status and identify the frequency of bullying.
  17. Femininity and Masculinity: Understanding Gender Roles
    The understanding of how gender roles are portrayed in the media and the general perception of the expected behavior for men and women communicated non-verbally in the society is the basis on which children build […]
  18. “Feminizing The Masculine Body…” Analysis
    This article is written with the intention to analyze the use and the application of the feminine and masculine language and imagery in The Ballad Of The Sad Cafe.
  19. Misinterpretation of Masculinity and Mass Shootings
    For example, Phillip Reese, in the article “When Masculinity Turns Toxic: A Gender Profile of Mass Shootings”, describes the mass shootings in California, and applies gender-based statistics that reveal the men’s domination in these offenses.
  20. Black Masculinity in the United States in the 19th, 20th, and 21st Centuries
    One of the first to defend the slave trade at the beginning of the 15th century was the Portuguese, who believed that slavery was the salvation of the souls of black people that lived like […]
  21. Hegemonic Masculinity and Gender Variation in Suicide Rates
    This paper provides an overview of various aspects of psychology including the effects of sex, gender and sexuality on counseling psychology and the concept of hegemonic masculinity and its role in explaining gender variation in […]
  22. Masculinity and Femininity: Digit Ratio
    As shown in Graph 1, the age characteristic of the sample was quite homogenous, with all the participants falling within the range between 20 and 21.
  23. “(Re) Fashioning Masculinity” by Ben Barry
    The title of the work makes clear features of its content, and the abstract reflects the main hypotheses, the relevance of the topic, and the overall results of the study.
  24. Critic of Masculine and Feminine Genders
    This is because the apt language used is perfect and the brevity in vivid description correlates well with the notable examples cited in the article.
  25. Art in America. Hard Targets—Masculinity and Sport
    The transformation of the sport and the physical culture into a public spectacle, which expanded the possibilities in demonstrating masculine images, affected the image of men implementing the ideology of “muscular masculinity”.

👍 Good Essay Topics on Masculinity

  1. Masculinity as a Concept in the Reagan Era
    To understand what these terms mean to different people, it would be essential to look at the political scene that has been referred to the Reagan era.
  2. Masculinity: True Friendships Within Men
    Shakespeare’s play, The Merchant of Venice, which later Michael Radford used to direct the movie, The Merchant of Venice, is a remarkable example of a true friendship. The true essence of love and friendship is […]
  3. Masculinity as a Gender Oppression and Inequality
    Consequently, men address their aggression as a means to demonstrate their contradictions, and women believe that their aggressive behaviors can provide them with the necessary powers.
  4. Masculinity as a Social Norms Issue
    However, the advancements that occurred with the rise of the LGBT movement and the empowerment of women now challenge established ideas.
  5. Masculine Disciplines Role in Boys’ Life
    There is a strong imposition to follow a symbolic boy code described by William Pollack according to which boys have to be “stoic and independent, macho and athletic, powerful and dominant, and phobic of anything […]
  6. The Issue of Toxic Masculinity
    Toxic masculinity is the sum of values and behaviors that are traditionally viewed as “masculine” in many cultures and includes several crucial characteristics that allow calling it toxic.
  7. Violence Against Women Over History: Hierarchical Basis With Masculinity on the Top
    This was the first call for the establishment of a republic and the overthrow of the patriarchy. According to this, men, as a rule, served the society, and women were limited to the family.
  8. The New Insights of Masculinity
    In the end, the conclusions are drawn to summarize the primary outcomes of the paper associated with the new insights of masculinity.
  9. Gun Culture and Masculinity in the US
    This article will argue that the society’s conviction about the threat or actual usage of guns is a constructed notion of masculinity and the message relayed to the public following the use of a firearm […]
  10. Sexual Desire and Gender: Masculinity and Femininity Roles
    In a recent study conducted in the University of Texas, no student admitted that he or she engages in sex with the main purpose of reproduction, which proves that they gain the experience of sexual […]
  11. Man-Of-Action Heroes: The Pursuit of Heroic Masculinity
    The American society’s definition of a man of the hero is one who is a good father, a good husband, and successful in his career, yet this kind of expectation limits the abilities of a […]
  12. Masculinity and Femininity in Fairy Tales
    The role of a woman is to look good and attract attention, while a man needs to be privileged to be considered as a worthy partner.”Beauty and the Beast” is supposed to teach children to […]
  13. Sexuality and Masculinity in Adolescents
    This is the misunderstanding which makes many teenagers behave in the way they are not to behave, to act in the way they are not to act and to act as in the result the […]
  14. Masculinity in Fight Club
    Fight Club is one of the narratives that effectively bring out the state of masculinity as well as the nature of masculinity in the modern western culture.
  15. How Are Notions of Masculinity Represented in Advertising
    The companies have been adopting masculinity as a marketing strategy to help in attracting more men to relate with their products and subsequently enticing them to consume the products. The advertisements emphasize the idea that […]
  16. The Ideals of the Code of Masculinity in Advertisements
    Discussing the visual with the help of the masculinity lens, it is necessary to concentrate on the details which can attract the men’s attention and become associated with masculinity in order to make the potential […]
  17. Representations of Global Femininity and Masculinity in Contemporary Media
    The femininity of a woman in contemporary media is shown through pictures that bring out the beauty and attractiveness of the woman.
  18. Independence Day: How the Ultimate War Movie Showcases Masculinity
    Instead of fighting human villains, the lead actors in this movie fight the aliens and eventually win the ultimate war for the survival of mankind.

⭐ Interesting Topics to Write about Masculinity

  1. Masculinity and Its Matter for Female Leaders
  2. Distinct Hegemonic Masculinity Behaviors Between Heterosexual and Gay Men
  3. Advertising and Perception of Masculinity and Femininity
  4. Masculinity and Femininity: The Yin and Yang of Gender
  5. Double Standards, Masculinity, and Femininity
  6. Femininity and Masculinity During the Rise of Feminism
  7. African-American and African Cultural Beliefs on Masculinity
  8. Cultural Masculinity and Crime
  9. Epic Heroes and Image of Masculinity
  10. Defining Masculinity and Femininity Through Advertisements
  11. Impact Fashion for Gender, Masculinity, and Femininity
  12. Gender Identity and Relationships Between Masculinity and Femininity
  13. The Interaction of Masculinity and Control and Its Impact on the Experience of an Older Man
  14. How Toxic Masculinity Harms Men and Society as a Whole
  15. Challenging the Masculinity Index: The End of a Cross-Cultural Myth
  16. The Values, Self Control, and Attitudes of Masculinity
  17. 1950s Films and Masculinity Examples
  18. Automotive Advertising and Masculinity
  19. The Masculinity or Femininity of Cultures
  20. Conflict Between the Social Construction and Masculinity

✅ Simple & Easy Masculinity Essay Titles

  1. Geek Masculinity and Its Effects on Society
  2. American Playwrights Presentation of Masculinity
  3. Feminism and Masculinity as a Result of a Society Crisis
  4. Advertising and the Construction of Violent White Masculinity: Gender Differences in Advertising
  5. Americans and Mexicans Perceive Masculinity and Feminism Differently
  6. Masculinity and Femininity: Do Sex, Race, and Social Class Matter
  7. Femininity, Masculinity and Physical Activity
  8. Masculinity and Its Affect Society
  9. Attributes Traditionally Associated With Masculinity and Femininity and Their Contrasts in Medea and Pygmalion
  10. Representations of Masculinity: Associating Violence With Masculinity
  11. Economic Inequality and Masculinity–Femininity
  12. Fragile Masculinity: Social Inequalities in the Narrative Frame and Discursive Construction of a Mass Shooter’s Autobiography
  13. Femininity and Masculinity as Single Identities
  14. Social Structure of Gender – Masculinity, and Violence
  15. Gender Differences Between Masculinity and Femininity
  16. Hegemonic Masculinity, Gender, and Post-colonialism
  17. Feminism and Masculinity Defined Who People Are Today
  18. How the So-Called Crisis in Masculinity Paradoxically Furthers Forms of Hegemonic Masculinity
  19. Correlation Between Masculinity and Empathy
  20. The Repression of Masculinity and Its Effects on Society

❓ Research Questions About Masculinity

  1. What Role Does International Relations Play in the Shaping, Defining, or Legitimating Masculinity or Masculinities?
  2. How Has White Patriarchy Affected Black Masculinity?
  3. What Are the Characteristics of Masculinity?
  4. How Was Masculinity Constructed in Post-revolutionary French Art?
  5. How Do Palahniuk and Ellis Present Modern Masculinity?
  6. What Are the Norms and Ideals of Masculinity in Today’s Society?
  7. How Are Masculinity and Femininity Represented in Car Advertisements?
  8. What Are the Four Types of Masculinity?
  9. How Have Gender Roles in Japanese Theatre Influenced and Affected Societal Views on Homosexuality and Masculinity?
  10. How the Words Masculinity and Femininity Are Misused Nowadays?
  11. Who and What Defines Masculinity?
  12. How Does Masculinity Affect Women ‘s Choices?
  13. What Are Examples of Masculinity?
  14. How Does Media Effects the Subconscious Ideal of Masculinity?
  15. What Is Masculinity in Today’s Society?
  16. Does Feminism and Masculinity Define Who People Are Today?
  17. How Boys Develop Masculinity Through Sports?
  18. How Does David Fincher Project Masculinity and Gender Identity in His Films?
  19. How Has Hegemonic Masculinity Set Ideas of Gender Roles?
  20. Is Masculinity a Gender Role?
  21. How Manhood and Masculinity Have Been Shaped by Stereotypical Representation in Advertising?
  22. Does Masculinity Affect Our Society?
  23. What Is the Main Idea of Masculinity?
  24. How Does Advertising Dictate Femininity and Masculinity Perceptions?
  25. How Female Masculinity Empowers Women in Society?
  26. How and Why Is Masculinity in Crisis?
  27. How Does Arthur Miller Explore the Theme of Masculinity?
  28. What Are the Qualities of Masculinity?
  29. Does Masculinity Matter for Female Leaders?
  30. What Is Positive Masculinity?

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IvyPanda. (2024, November 22). 113 Masculinity Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/masculinity-essay-topics/

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"113 Masculinity Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 22 Nov. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/masculinity-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. (2024) '113 Masculinity Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 22 November. (Accessed: 24 March 2025).


IvyPanda. 2024. "113 Masculinity Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 22, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/masculinity-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "113 Masculinity Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 22, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/masculinity-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "113 Masculinity Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 22, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/masculinity-essay-topics/.