117 Stroke Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 Best Stroke Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. Stroke: Pathophysiology and Treatment
    Based on the research findings by Kuriakose and Xiao [2], whenever the passage of blood within the vessels to reach the brain is hindered, the quantity of blood to the organ diminishes, leading to stroke.
  2. Stroke: The Human Disease Project
    A stroke is a condition that affects the arteries that connect the brain to the rest of the body. A stroke can be caused by a clot impeding blood flow to the brain or by […]
  3. Stroke Prevention: Creating a Flyer
    Stroke is failed blood circulation to the brain. Healthy weight: Control your body weight as overweight and obese people are more vulnerable to stroke.
  4. Elderly Patients’ Post-Stroke Care at Home
    The point of focus should consist of the physical assessment, namely, the evaluation of the patient’s ability to carry out self-care tasks.
  5. Patient Assessment After a Stroke
    In addition, suitable adaptation is required, and its arrangement is not a single action but a result of several observations and analysis of the patient’s habits.
  6. Overview of Brain Ischemic Stroke: Assessment, Interventions, and Medical Management
    Examining the carotid pulse can reveal the volume and regularity of the blood flow to the brain. It is essential to monitor the pace and pattern of breathing since a damaged respiratory system might worsen […]
  7. Pathophysiological Processes After a Stroke
    The purpose of the paper is to explain the patient’s neurological and musculoskeletal pathophysiological processes after a stroke. Typically, a stroke results from the impossibility of the blood supply to the brain that is connected […]
  8. Ischemic Stroke in Patients with COVID-19 versus Patients with Influenza
    Comparing the risks of having an ischemic stroke and also the characteristics of the stroke in each of the COVID-19 patient groups was done.
  9. Risk Factors for Cerebrovascular Strokes
    In many countries of the world, stroke ranks third among the causes of death after cardiovascular and oncological diseases. In conclusion, cerebrovascular diseases are one of the main causes of death and disability in the […]
  10. Heart Rate, Stroke Volume, and Cardiac Output: Nervous and Chemical Factors
    The main nervous and chemical factors affecting heart rate and stroke volume and leading to changes in cardiac output are chronotropic and inotropic agents.
  11. NURS 114 Teaching Project: Teaching Plan for Stroke Patient
    First and foremost, I must advise the patient of all the prevention measures and detailed directions for what to do to prevent another stroke.
  12. Hemorrhagic Stroke: Cholesterol Plaques and Blood Clots
    Such indicators are a change in the level of consciousness, voluntary movements of the limbs, stiffness of the neck, pupillary response to light, skin temperature, and moisture content.
  13. The Effect of ACE Compared to the ARB on Recurrent Stroke Prevention
    The clinical question that will be explored in this research paper is, how does the ACE class of medications compared to the ARB class of medications affect recurrent stroke prevention in adults with hypertension?
  14. Quality Outcomes and Reduce Costs in Stroke Care
    Halbert and Bautista researched to evaluate the impact of telehealth services helping to promote the quality of outcomes and reduce costs of stroke care.
  15. Post-Stroke Patients: Preventing Falls
    The critical variables in this study are the Rate of falls and the Number of fallers. As a sample, various categories of the population were selected, which are patients who survived falls after a stroke, […]
  16. Family Nurse Practitioner: Stroke Scenario Analysis
    These conditions also correlate with the case description and add to the conclusion on the presence of this health issue in the patient and the necessity to plan further management of the emerged problems.
  17. Assessment, Diagnosis, Control, and Treatment of Transient Ischemic Attack and Stroke
    The thrombus in the cerebral artery of the victim was the underlying cause of the TIA, while the hemispherical brain infarction and atrophy of the second patient caused the stroke.
  18. Perioperative Stroke-Related Mortality After Procedures
    Cardiovascular disease is one of the principal results of demise in the United States. The patient’s updated medication list would look like this: Warfarin 5 mg daily MWF and 2.
  19. Stroke Management in a 40-Year-Old Male Patient
    The patient’s family quickly acted when he started experiencing a numb feeling in his right side with his arm contracting and bending at the elbow.C. It leads to a reduction in the blood flow as […]
  20. Discussion of Suboptimal Stroke Awareness
    Stroke remains the fifth largest cause of death in the U.S.and the key cause of bodily function loss or disability. The F.A.S.T.mnemonic is recommended by the American Stroke Association to promote the basics of stroke […]
  21. Stroke: Diagnostic and Treatment
    A stroke happens when a blood corridor in the brain bursts and drains or when the blood supply to the cerebrum is cut off.
  22. Stroke as a Prevalent Chronic Condition
    As information might occur to be the most powerful weapon, one should learn the signs and symptoms of stroke to be ready to identify it in others and provide the timely help. To minimize the […]
  23. Mediterranean Diet Affects Risk of Stroke
    The research question is as follows: “How does awareness of risk factors among the Nairobi population affect the prevention and development of cardiovascular diseases?” The study conducted by El-Hajj et al.will be used in terms […]
  24. Nursing Informatics: Mobile Stroke Unit Technology
    The mobile stroke unit is a new telemedicine technology in the United States of America that links people with stroke to doctors as a mobile clinic device.

💡 Interesting Topics to Write about Stroke

  1. Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Processes in a Patient with Strokes
    For instance, consumption of alcohol and smoking can affect drug metabolism in the body forcing the patient to take multiple drugs to manage the conditions.
  2. Interventions for Treating Depression after Stroke
    Inherently, the link between depression and stroke can be analyzed on the basis of post-stroke depression that is identified as the major neuropsychiatric corollary of stroke.
  3. Red Meat Linked to Higher Stroke Risks
    Stroke is known to be caused by the blockage of blood vessels that supply blood to the brain cells. These blockages of the blood vessel are mostly caused by overconsumption of fatty foodstuffs, Red meat […]
  4. Ischemic Stroke Disorder: Concentration of Serum Resistin Case
    In this article, the authors were studying the relationship between the concentration of serum resistin and heart disease. Several authors have studied the effects of the concentrations of resistin in the human body.
  5. Heart Disease and Stroke in Sarasota County
    Adults in Sarasota County must be informed of healthy lifestyles that reduce the risk of contracting cardiovascular diseases such as heart disease and stroke.
  6. “Aspirin for the Primary Prevention of Stroke” by Hart et al.
    The authors focused on identifying all published randomized medical trials examining the impact of aspirin in all doses versus placebo used for the major treatment of stroke and related conditions in people without medically visible […]
  7. Acute Ischemic Stroke Causes and Symptoms
    A stroke refers to a sudden loss of the normal functions of the brain that result from an anomaly in the supply of blood into the brain.
  8. Stroke Analysis: Psychology and Causes
    The impairment in supply of blood to the blood can happen under two conditions: clotting of blood within the brain or in some cases in the neck region.
  9. Jill Glomstad: Stroke in the Young
    As the article points out, the causes of strokes in the young population may be similar to those that cause the strokes in adults.
  10. Variables Explaining Functional Recovery Following Motor Stroke
    The paper deals with the recovery of function in the patients who suffered from the stroke and were at the rehabilitation or had just finished one. Independent variable: Patients who are dealing with the process […]
  11. The Risk of Stroke in Bell’s Palsy Patients Without Steroid Treatment
    As such, the review of the study will determine whether the use of steroids reduces the risk of stroke in patients with Bell’s palsy.
  12. Prevention of Heart Disease and Stroke in Collier County
    According to the statistical data, presented by the Health Planning Council of Southwest Florida, these health problems are among the leading causes of death in this particular community. This strategy is helpful for understanding various […]
  13. Ankle Foot Orthosis and Stroke
    The impact of stroke is proportional to the region of the brain affected and the magnitude of the damage. Spasticity refers to an increased barrier to the reflex movement of a joint due to hypertonus.
  14. Reliability and Validity in Stroke Rehabilitation
    In order to come up with a relevant research analysis, the research concepts have to be clearly and properly defined, as this will enable the researcher to identify the various ways of assessing the truth […]
  15. Evolution of the Caregiving Experience in the Initial 2 Years Following Stroke
    Here, the purpose of the study was to describe the characteristics of caregivers which include physical health symptoms, burden, HRQL, and overall quality of life, in the first and second years of caregiving.
  16. Fast-Track Stroke Rehabilitation
    Thus, I can conclude that the Fast Track program is beneficial both for patients who save on their treatment and for members of the healthcare team, especially doctors.
  17. Dementia in Survivors of Ischemic or Hemorrhagic Stroke
    The incidence of stroke is the highest in older adults, and this condition is also among the leading causes of long-term disability in the country.
  18. Diagnosing Neurological Disorders: Ischemic Stroke
    Based on the combination of the patient’s past medical history and his assessment, it is possible to pose a primary diagnosis of ischemic stroke as well as three differential diagnoses, hemorrhagic stroke, hypoglycemia, and seizure […]
  19. Sleep-Disordered Breathing and Acute Ischemic Stroke
    In this case study, the investigator focused on ischemic stroke, one of the most common types of stroke in the world.
  20. Inpatient Stroke Rehabilitation Program in Saudi Arabia
    An and Wang found that hospitalizations associated with thrombocytopenic purpura increased steadily by nearly 30% during the course of the study, and that the length of stay in a health facility due to complications related […]
  21. Exertional Heat Stroke and Sudden Death
    The heat leads to the malfunctioning of the Central Nervous System, which is manifested in the symptoms of EHS. According to the National Athletic Trainers’ Association, it is vital for an athletic trainer to recognize […]
  22. Care Process of the Stroke Patients
    Stroke completely disables a victim as the one is unable to do a thing, and therefore, the patient is useless for a long period or the entire lifetime. Therefore, the only people able to help […]
  23. Gene Discovery: Ischaemic Stroke and Genetic Variations
    The scientists from the University of Oxford and other United Kingdom based research institutes sought to isolate a genetic variant to link to the disease to pave the way for development of suitable treatment.

📌 Good Essay Topics on Stroke

  1. Behavioral Intervention for Dysphagia in Acute Stroke
  2. Reversing Stroke and Spinal Cord Damage
  3. Targeted Vagus Nerve Stimulation for Rehabilitation After Stroke
  4. Women Heed Stroke Warnings Better Than Men
  5. Predicting Death After Thrombectomy in the Treatment of Acute Stroke
  6. Soda Consumption and the Risk of Stroke in Men and Women
  7. Recovery Potential After Acute Stroke
  8. Potential Therapies for Cerebral Edema After Ischemic Stroke
  9. Pediatric Stroke and Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation
  10. The Effects, Symptoms, and Treatment of Stroke
  11. Wake-up Stroke and Stroke of Unknown Onset
  12. Rehabilitation in Acute Stroke Units
  13. Acquired Visual Deficits Independent of Lesion Site in Acute Stroke
  14. The Death and the Brain Injuries Caused by Stroke
  15. Palliative Care For Stroke Patients and Their Families
  16. Acupuncture for Improving Cognitive Impairment After Stroke
  17. Planning and Providing Acute Stroke Care
  18. Acute Ischemic Pediatric Stroke Management
  19. Physical Therapy Intervention With a Stroke Patient
  20. Blood Pressure and Penumbral Sustenance in Stroke

🔎 Simple & Easy Stroke Essay Titles

  1. The Community Teaching Plan Presentation for Stroke
  2. Selective Admission Into the Stroke Unit and Patient Outcomes
  3. Stroke Affected Lower Limbs Rehabilitation Combining Virtual Reality
  4. Acute Ischemic Stroke Hospital Admissions, Treatment, and Outcomes
  5. Physical Activity and Stroke Prevention
  6. The Inflammatory Response After Ischemic Stroke
  7. Acute Ischemic Stroke and COVID-19
  8. The Benefit and Safety of Aspirin for Primary Prevention of Ischemic Stroke
  9. Safe and Productive Strategy for Secondary Stroke Prevention
  10. Using Dental Pulp Stem Cells for Stroke Therapy
  11. Shared Biological Pathways Between Alzheimer’s Disease and Ischemic Stroke
  12. New Insights Into Vertigo Attack Frequency as a Predictor of Ischemic Stroke
  13. Shared Gene Expression Between Multiple Sclerosis and Ischemic Stroke
  14. Slow-Paced Breathing and Autonomic Function in People Post-stroke
  15. Stroke Awareness in the United States
  16. The Future Incidence, Prevalence, and Costs of Stroke
  17. Implications for Physical Rehabilitation After Stroke
  18. Personal and Medical History of a Stroke Patient
  19. Vaccines Could Protect Against Stroke and Epilepsy
  20. Severe Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption in Cardioembolic Stroke

❓ Research Questions About Strokes

  1. Does Short-Term Intracortical Inhibition During Voluntary Movements Reveal Persistent Impairment After Stroke?
  2. Can Motor Unit Control Strategies Be Partially Preserved After a Stroke?
  3. What Are the Shared Biological Pathways Between Alzheimer’s Disease and Ischemic Stroke?
  4. Do the Motor Properties of the Vestibular Apparatus and Eyepiece in Lateral Medullary Stroke Critically Depend on the Level of Medullary Damage?
  5. Can Subclinical Hyperthyroidism Predict Poor Outcomes in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke Treated with Reperfusion Therapy?
  6. Is There a Relationship Between Post-Stroke Depression, Aphasia, and Physical Independence in Stroke Patients?
  7. What Is the Relationship Between Recanalization, Collateral Flow, and Reperfusion in Patients with Acute Stroke?
  8. Can Dental Pulp Stem Cells Be Used to Treat Stroke?
  9. What Is the Effect of Stroke and Spinal Cord Injury on Body Functions?
  10. Does Targeted Metabolomic Profiling Reveal an Association Between Altered Amino Acids and Poor Functional Recovery After Stroke?
  11. What Are the Treatments and Early Neurologic Improvement After Endovascular Treatment of Tandem Occlusions in Acute Ischemic Stroke?
  12. How Has Hospital Emergency Room Overcrowding Affected Stroke Patients?
  13. Can Daytime Sleep Help the Process of Acquiring Skills After a Stroke?
  14. What Are the Implications of Sleep and Motor Learning for Physical Rehabilitation After Stroke?
  15. Does Taohong Siwu Decoction Alleviate Post-Ischemic Stroke Injury by Suppressing Pyroptosis?
  16. Is Diet a Safe and Effective Secondary Prevention Strategy for Stroke?
  17. What Is the Benefit and Safety of Aspirin for the Primary Prevention of Ischemic Stroke?
  18. Can Aspirin Minimize the Risk of Stroke and New Lesions in Multiple Sclerosis?
  19. Do Women Heed Stroke Warnings Better Than Men?
  20. What Is the Relationship Between Blood Flow and Motor Unit Firing Frequency in Response to Strenuous Exercise After Stroke?
  21. Could the Vaccine Protect Against Stroke and Epilepsy?
  22. Who Should Undergo Transesophageal Echocardiography to Determine the Etiology of Stroke: Young or Elderly Stroke Patients?
  23. How to Determine Emotions by Facial Expression After a Stroke?
  24. Do Patients with Severe Stroke and Left-Sided Proximal Anterior Occlusion Benefit More from Thrombectomy?
  25. How Can Brain Oscillations and Corticospinal Excitability Be Used to Understand and Predict Motor Function After Stroke?
  26. Does Total Small Vessel Disease Burden Predict Functional Outcome in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke?
  27. What Is the Psychological and Emotional Impact of a Stroke?
  28. Can Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Be a Tool to Promote Language Recovery in Patients with Post-stroke Aphasia?
  29. Is Targeted Vagus Nerve Stimulation Indicated for Stroke Rehabilitation?
  30. What Is the Involvement and Purpose of Immune Cell Therapy After Ischemic Stroke?

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IvyPanda. (2025, March 21). 117 Stroke Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/stroke-essay-topics/

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"117 Stroke Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 21 Mar. 2025, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/stroke-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. (2025) '117 Stroke Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 21 March. (Accessed: 22 March 2025).


IvyPanda. 2025. "117 Stroke Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 21, 2025. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/stroke-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "117 Stroke Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 21, 2025. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/stroke-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "117 Stroke Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 21, 2025. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/stroke-essay-topics/.