The story captures the violent reality of colonialism as the narrator unfolds the events of the actual shooting and the description of the slow and painful death of the elephant that seemed peaceful in hands […]
The cold and darkness outside the window reflect the mother’s inner condition: “The winter twilight had transformed the sheer sky of the day into the color of steel”.
Overall, the silver spoon is symbolic of the wealth and power of white people over minorities. Colors in the movie are used to oppose the characters and show their attitudes towards people of color.
Overall, the analysis of The Tin Drum novel suggests a conclusion that the symbols of the red and white drum, Oscar’s ability to control growing, and his strange life course reflect the events of German […]
Although the color palette presented in Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby is rich, the problem of differing social status is most vividly described in the novel through the use of golden and silver colors that stand […]
In the context of the “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”, the pentangle brings together the influence of “the five virtues, the five wounds of Christ, the five senses, the five joys of Mary the […]
The history of the cinema is filled with the works of many directors, but only a few of them can be ranked among the geniuses of this kind of art, like David Lynch.
The author’s depiction of Ebro valley in this literary work is symbolic of a choice to have a child, and the dry, treeless land on the opposite side is representative of the life after abortion.
The character development in the story is presented through Emma’s realization of the imperfection of the world. Although Madame Bovary as a realistic novel is widely recognized, Flaubert’s quest of distortions and illusions lead to […]
The setting in The Young Goodman Brown influences the development of plot and character. It illustrates how Hawthorne’s setting and symbolism of the Young Goodman Brown contribute to the meaning of the entire piece.
In “A Rose for Emily,” the theme of adapting to the changing environment is developed through the character of Miss Grierson and her reluctance to the changes.
The author identifies the decaying symbolism of the house in the text through the author’s constant mentions of dust, which fills the Griersons’ mansion: “faint and invisible dust dry and acrid in the nostrils”.
According to the author the in the short poem the Dream of the Rood, the narrations of the poem is done in a manner to represent the horror fear as well as awe in witnessing […]
Through the symbolism they pertain to, both pieces of work are an undeniably true reflection of the socio-economic and political struggles in the turn of the 19th century, as well as within the New Deal […]
But, what actually makes the hardships of the Indians in and around the Spokane Indian Reservation bearable to the reader is the excessively used hilarity and empathy that Alexie has used in the anthology.
It can be considered the second-most important symbol of the story because it is also the first time when the protagonist realizes and acknowledges that everything is somehow not the way it used to be.
With the aid of four short stories from Dubliners “The Sisters,” “The Dead,” “The Araby,” and “An Encounter” the author intends to cover the aspect of Irish social identity and norms as being discovered through […]
Modernism is a term that refers to a movement in art and literature that began in the late 19th century and extended through the early days of the 20th century.
Through symbolism, O’Connor was able to convey the characters’ unique features with their names, connection to parents with Hulga’s wooden leg, Joy’s mindset with her glasses, and Pointer’s non-religiousness with the hollow Bible.
Being the representatives of different literary genres, the chosen stories contributes to the promotion of home as the only place for hope, safety, and empowerment.
The title and the first stanza of the poem highlight the first symbol in the poem. Through the personification of the clouds, the speaker is able to express the extent or impact of his loneliness.
The play is based on both Miller’s personal experiences and the theatrical traditions in which he was instructed in.”Death of a salesman” revolves around the Loman family with Willy Loman, the father, who also works […]
After Desiree walks into the desert, instead of walking back to the Valmonde family plantation, Armand sees that all her clothes and belongings at the Augbiny’s are placed in a bonfire.
The poem portrays a vivid image of the emotional rollercoaster the author is experiencing as he visits the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.”Facing It” successfully incorporates the use symbolism and imagery throughout the structure of the poem […]
The characters in the story, the objects, and the figures used make up the universe of the literary work. This is achieved through the use of symbols conveying the writer’s idea and revealing the essence […]
This symbolizes the blindness of the area of residence and the house in which he lives. The narrator is new to the love of a girl and does not know how to handle her.
The poem ‘Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening’ written by Robert Frost, is considered to be one of the most prominent works of world literature; the poem is dedicated to the disclosure of nature […]
The essay concludes with the viewpoint that the use of symbolism and imagery with a natural background enhances the intensity and aptness of the scenes and core story.
Moby Dick, the giant white sperm whale, is Ahab’s adversary, at least in the mind of the captain. Moby Dick is experienced in the ways of the chase and shows his power and fury in […]
We can being by comparing the use of irony in each poem.”The Fish” is comprised mostly of descriptions of the fish that the speaker of the poem caught.
In The Lord of the Flies, the fire in the story is lit as a symbol of hope and rescue. The island in The Lord Of The Flies resembled the perfect type of Utopia at […]
Main Points of The Yellow Wallpaper The basic aim of The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman is to reflect the oppression of women in the 19th century.
The symbol of a chessboard in this novel is evident in character Maneck. In the novel, Maneck is seen jumping ahead of a train with the chessboard, possibly destroying it.
Melville in this novel brings out two strong opposing forces between the good and the evil and how the human race has continuously failed to make the right decision because of the fallen state of […]
In The Taj Mahal: Architecture, symbolism, and urban significance an architectural historian Ebba Koch claims that the Taj Mahal, built in 1632, in Agra, under the patronage of Shah Jahan, was not just a burial […]
As is clear from the analysis essay on “The Lake Isle of Innisfree”, this poem shows the theme of a man’s longing to escape into nature for peace and reconnection.
Nevertheless, as far as the believers’ subjective perception of the surrounding reality is being concerned, this flesh and blood continue to appear in the form of bread and wine.
Based on the analysis of the poem and the idea of a speech act, one can say that the first part of the poem is the addressee, the beatniks, including the author himself.
Essentially, the narrator is not personally involved in the events of the story, but he is in a position to see what the two characters are doing and even read their minds.
In both The Minister’s Black veil and The Birthmark, Hawthorne’s use symbolism of symbolism is conspicuous. Hawthorne’s use of symbolism comes out clearly in The Minister’s Black Veil and The Birthmark.
It is this use of symbolism as a part of architectural aesthetics and design that will be focused on in this paper within the context of superstitions from different cultures and how they influence the […]
In the narrative, the lawyer’s office is divided into two rooms by a glass folding door, one where Bartleby works and the other where the lawyer’s station is.
Symbolism is conveyed in the form of Cherry Orchard, which is heavily presented throughout the play. The orchard is therefore used as a symbolism in this play.
There is the use of visual imagery in his work, and this was achieved through the use of contrast. At some point in the novel, Conrad’s use of imagery appeared vague and confusing in that […]
However, even before the incident, there were no warmth and mutual understanding in the family, despite the fact that the young man was the only breadwinner of the family.
The belly of the whale is one of the most powerful symbols that illustrate the hero’s death, which may not always be physical and the rebirth that follows it.
Considering any similarity among the three given theories, it is can be seen that ‘Dream Symbolism’ and ‘Sigmund Freud’ are very similar in the sense that in both of them the main subject is wouldream’.
The main objective of the play “A Doll’s House” is to advocate for the ability of each individual in making decisions that are not based on the influences of other persons around him or her. […]
At the heart of the ceremony is the utilization of tea leaves. Japanese experts in the art of Chado asserted that there is a meditative aspect to the said ceremony.
In this context, the staff symbolizes the seductive power of evil that tempts Goodman Brown to question his faith and the goodness of those around him.
The symbolism of the Lord of the Flies is centered around the beast, the sink, and signal fire. The end of the shell is the end of the age of law and order.
The below discussion will show that symbolism is instrumental in the plot and character development in Tolkien’s The Fellowship of the Ring and serves as a reflection of human nature.
This paper aims to compare the aspects of symbolism in Othello and The Rape of the Lock. The lock in the poem “The Rape of the Lock” is more than just a coiled strand of […]
Light is a metaphor for all of the optimistic and pleasant aspects that are inherent in the experience of living. The cup of trembling is a symbol used in the Bible to represent the pain […]
People need to analyze the study about the tabernacle and its symbolism to gather more insight into the Word of God. As the tabernacle made God closer to people, it also provided them with a […]
Thus, the Tinman goes to the wizard to ask him for a living, feeling heart. Finally, the Cowardly Lion goes to the Emerald City to ask the wizard to give him courage.
Built in the 1880’s, the Eiffel Tower became the symbol of Paris and in the 1990’s, the Spanish city of Bilbao became a centre of attraction because of the Guggenheim Museum.
This is because it abridges the meaning of an item and its being through the concepts of historical and current symbolism and realism while bringing out the in-depth socio-cultural aspects of the work.
The changes in Emily’s life can be largely attributed to Emily’s father and her perception of change. Emily’s father is the only man in her life for the better part of her life.
In the second story, the symbol of the past and something that had long gone is the woman’s path that implies the historical events of the past the value of life.
Thesis statement: This study provides useful terminology and important understanding regarding the use of symbols such as the image, shape or suggestion of an apple in attempting to convey an idea.
From the practical point of view, it was related to the pressures that could be exerted in Latin America in support of the Cuban Revolution, that is to say, the national interests of the new […]
The lightning becomes the conflict inside her and the beating of the rain on her roof is the beating of her heart as she finally expresses her passion with Alcee.
It is hypothesized that there are several symbols such as the attic, the topic of slavery, and the theme of womanhood that may define this book as one of the best representations of slavery and […]
The combination of peoples beliefs, natural phenomena, and socio-cultural conditions led to the increase of the role of artefacts in the life of society.
Although the art pieces created by Masaccio, del Castagno and Lippi may seem completely different, with the common thread of Christianity as the only thing that links them, a close analysis of the messages behind […]
Water symbolism in religion is the practice of associating water to particular beliefs that govern the religion’s rules. The raising water continuously lifted the ark preventing the Noah family and other animals from drowning Muslims […]
Antigone’s conviction is that the dead deserve a decent burial in spite of the circumstances that led to their death while Creon’s preoccupation is to enforce the laws of the land that disallow burial of […]
As the paper unveils, the similarities in the use of symbolism in the in the three works is explored with the aim of understanding the effect that symbolism has on readers.
The symbol of the street-car carriage described in Emilia Pardo Bazan’s short story reflects the desire of the people to represent themselves as belonging to the higher class and to overcome the challenges of the […]
The story thus portrays the transformative reading potential in that had the narrator failed to realize that the reading has the potential to transform her. The yellow paper helped to transform the narrator in that […]
The veil representation has been commonly used to illustrate fear of the unknown and the rigidity in the puritan society. Equally, the wearing of the veil is a signal of being guilty.