Toyota Land Cruiser GXR: Model Description Report

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Toyota Land Cruiser GXR is an iconic 4×4 vehicle globally known for its capabilities and reliability. It is an off-road vehicle packed with luxury features transforming it into a common family car in cities worldwide. Toyota provides the market with two choices: luxury specifications and entry-level specifications, both with the same prowess on the road and off-road. The extra features and comfort of the luxury choice separate it from the entry-level specifications. The Land Cruiser’s interior and exterior design makes it ideal for conversion into a ballistic proof vehicle to withstand certain caliber arms and a specific level of explosions.

Numerous protection levels advise the type of ballistic protection to build on a vehicle. The region and the use of the car will guide the owner on the required level of protection. For instance, a Land Cruiser in New York can be designed to protect the owner against handguns and small-caliber weapons, but a vehicle used in a conflict zones will need protection from assault rifles and explosions. The European standardization committee released an EN 1063 standard to define ballistic protection levels (Ojoc et al., 2020). The committee assigned the protection levels from the least protected vehicle, B1, to the highest civilian armament level, B7. The ballistic level of protection depends on the owner of the vehicle’s requirements.

B1 to B2 protection levels protect the occupants against 9mm handguns and lower. This ballistic level of protection is often considered too low and rarely used. Another ballistic specification is the B3-B4 protection which can withstand sporting rifles and handguns with lower bullet velocity. B5 level can offer the occupants of vehicle protection from AK-47 and other assault rifles. The vehicle must be fitted with at least 7.5mm steel on the opaque areas. Alternatively, the most common civilian protection levels are the B6 and B7. The former can stop armor-piercing rounds, while the latter stops armor-piercing rounds from high-velocity rifles (“What are the Differences,” 2019). The B7 protection level is the highest acceptable protection for civilian vehicles, although military units can have higher specifications.

The standard Toyota Land Cruiser 4WD 5.7L V8 is a big vehicle compared to common compact SUVs. The car has specifications of 194.9 inches in length, a wheelbase of 112.2 inches, and 77.6 inches. The car has a gross vehicle weight of 3,300 kg, a maximum roof load of 200kg, a maximum load weight of 685kg, and a towing capacity of 750kg (“2021 Land Cruiser,” n.d.). These specifications give the Toyota Land Cruiser enough power and torque to be a vehicle of choice for most users in rugged terrains. After armoring the vehicle, the weight can increase to over 4300kg, depending on client specifications. Additional requirements and specifications can add an excess of 200kg on an already armored car.

Constructing a bullet proof body can be a complicated process to an unprofessional. The extra weight must be attached to a rigid frame. The frame is attached to the vehicle chassis, giving it a strong base to hold all the additional material. The front panels, pillars, doors, seatbacks, and armored panels are attached to the frame. The armored glass has to stop high-caliber bullets with little or no fragments after a gunshot. The glass has an incorporated polycarbonate layer which prevents the glass from shattering upon impact (“Model Description,” n.d). The bullet-proof glass is designed in the same curvature as the initial glass to ensure that the original’s external car appearance remains the same. The bullet-proof glass should be able to withstand high-velocity bullets and absorb kinetic energy.

Civilians commonly use B6 ballistic specifications because of its enhanced security features. It can protect the occupants of a vehicle from the commonly used assault rifles. The B6 specifications use opaque and transparent material, which meets the European union CEN 1063 specification standards to armor the land cruiser. High-quality armor steel is retrofitted on the roof and all four doors. The glasses on the doors, back, and windscreen, are replaced with multilayered laminated glass to withstand a gunshot at close range. The glass is laboratory tested and conforms to the CEN 1063 standards (“Model Description,” n.d). The floor is retrofitted with armor steel, able to withstand two DM 51 hand grenades simultaneously detonated. Furthermore, the floor should be able to protect the occupants against anti-personnel mines. B6 ballistic protection is sufficient for any VIP who needs a bullet-proof vehicle.

The armoring design should be so that it does not compromise the original structure’s integrity. The steel is a self-supporting structure integrated into the vehicle cab eliminating the risk of increased weight on the car’s integrity. The door armor plate, windows, and any other armor component overlap on the doors’ interior armor frame. Additionally, the hinges on the doors are reinforced on the pillar and the armor frame in the door so that the door weight is supported by the pillar frame and not the original vehicle frame. The hinges must be heavy-duty with a built-in doorstop to prevent undesired door openings (“Model Description,” n.d). The fuel tank is reinforced with a steel armor plate, and the battery is protected with at least 6.5mm high-quality armor steel.

Apart from the ballistic protection, there are additional mechanical adjustments that must be done to the vehicle. The suspension has to be upgraded to hold the additional weight from the armoring. The five wheels are replaced with run-flat systems, enabling the vehicle to move with a gun shot on the tires. Other upgrades are optional and can be provided at the request of a customer. These include ballistic radiator protection, brake upgrade, full engine sides protection, heavy-duty alloy rims, gun ports, 2-way intercom, on board communication equipment, and additional blast protection (“Model Description,” n.d). Additional specifications can be ordered depending on the intended use of the vehicle. Specifications and level of ballistic protection will determine the type and cost of materials used.

Toyota Land Cruiser GXR design and reliability make it the perfect armoring choice for many individuals. The level of ballistic protection will depend on the owner and the use of the vehicle. B7 ballistic protection is the highest civilian protection standard available. Military vehicles can be fitted with higher standards which can protect the occupants from bigger explosions. The process of armoring a vehicle includes designing a rigid steel frame that will bear the additional weight. The original integrity of the vehicle remains intact because of the frame. Care must be given to the glass replacement so that it remains in appearance as the original. A well-designed armored car can protect the occupants from hand grenades, handguns, and high-velocity sniper rifles. The level of ballistic protection is a preference of the vehicle owner, although the user can determine the builder’s specifications.


Model description: 17YM Land Cruiser 4.5L GXR diesel B6 armored. Dazzle. Web.

Ojoc, G. G., Pirvu, C., Sandu, S., & Deleanu, L. (Eds.). (2020). Standardization in testing ballistic protection systems. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 724, No. 1, p. 012049). IOP Publishing. doi:10.1088/1757-899X/724/1/012049

(2019). Inkas.

(n.d.). Toyota.

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IvyPanda. (2022, July 12). Toyota Land Cruiser GXR: Model Description.

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"Toyota Land Cruiser GXR: Model Description." IvyPanda, 12 July 2022,


IvyPanda. (2022) 'Toyota Land Cruiser GXR: Model Description'. 12 July.


IvyPanda. 2022. "Toyota Land Cruiser GXR: Model Description." July 12, 2022.

1. IvyPanda. "Toyota Land Cruiser GXR: Model Description." July 12, 2022.


IvyPanda. "Toyota Land Cruiser GXR: Model Description." July 12, 2022.

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