Transformational leadership refers to an approach based on motivating and encouraging the team to improve performance. According to Dubinski (2022), “it is one of the most coveted leadership styles because it provides a high payout to organizations and employees, boosts morale, increases motivation, job performance, and satisfaction” (para. 4). Unlike a more traditional, transactional approach, transformational leadership focuses on unique personal qualities and inspires employees through effective communication. This essay aims to describe the characteristics of transformational leadership and discuss how it encourages innovation.
The Characteristics of Transformational Leadership
Transformational leadership comprises several features that distinguish this approach from other leadership styles. The characteristics of transformational leadership include intrinsic motivation, transparent and effective communication, cooperation, employee encouragement, an ethical and positive climate, mentoring and coaching, and persuasion (Dubinski, 2022). Such a combination ensures a positive change regardless of the company’s current state. In this regard, transformational leadership incorporates core values into the work environment.
Intrinsic motivation is central to this approach since it encourages employees to achieve their goals and contribute to the company’s development. Furthermore, transparent and effective communication between management and other staff is required to promote trust and coordination (Dubinski, 2022). Another characteristic of transformational leadership is a cooperative workplace, where the team members are supported in their aspiration to achieve a common goal. In this regard, employee encouragement is another critical attribute that emphasizes the value of individuals’ opinions, concerns, and solutions (Dubinski, 2022). It is essential to create a safe environment and encourage the staff to share their ideas or issues with the team. An ethical and positive climate is another important characteristic of transformational leadership that ensures people’s compliance with moral standards (Dubinski, 2022). Mentoring and coaching are also essential for transformational leaders to help their subordinates grow professionally and provide solutions to problems. Finally, persuasion and sound reasoning are required for employees to understand their tasks and roles fully. Overall, the characteristics of transformational leadership emphasize the growth-oriented nature of this approach.
How Transformational Leadership Inspires Innovation
Transformational leadership significantly impacts organizational modernization due to its focus on inspiration and growth. Research findings by Ariyani and Hidayati (2018) indicate that “it is necessary to apply transformational leadership styles and increase employee engagement to improve innovative employee behavior” (p. 275). In this regard, this leadership approach inspires innovation by encouraging team members to share their suggestions regarding the company’s design, operations, or processes. Employees are involved in various processes daily which allows them to notice ways for working process optimization. Trustful communication and transparency motivate individuals to develop creative ideas and offer ways to improve the organization’s products, services, performance, and working environment (Ariyani & Hidayati, 2018). Furthermore, transformational leadership inspires innovation by creating a workplace that offers incentives and accepts failure as an integral part of growth (Ariyani & Hidayati, 2018). The core characteristics of this leadership approach promote continuous improvement and modernization of processes and products.
To summarize, transformational leadership is an effective and growth-oriented approach to managing a company. It is characterized by intrinsic motivation, employee encouragement, effective communication, cooperation, mentoring and coaching, persuasion, and an emphasis on an ethical and positive climate. Transformational leadership inspires innovation by focusing on inspiration, motivation, and growth, providing incentives, as well as embracing failures as part of the development process of a company.
Ariyani, N., & Hidayati, S. (2018). Influence of transformational leadership and work engagement on innovative behavior. Etikonomi, 17(2), 275-284.
Dubinski, A. (2022). Transformational leadership characteristics. About Leaders.