The article in question, entitled “Understanding Genetically Modified Foods,” is written by Sereana Howard, Amanda Sokolowski, and John Allred and published in 2016. The article dwells upon the peculiarities of genetically modified organism (GMO) technology associated with food production, as well as the major concerns on the matter. Howard et al. note that GMOs are mainly aimed at improving the properties of foods and decreasing costs (par. 1).
One of the major points made in the article is the belief that GMOs can be used to create items that are rich in certain nutrients, which is essential for developing countries. The authors also provide insights into health-related issues linked to GMOs stating that 37% of consumers “feel that GMO foods are safe” and almost 90% of scientists “say” that these products are “safe” (Howard et al. par. 15). Finally, it is argued that the recent changes in legislation regarding labeling are appropriate while some problems still emerge, especially when it comes to consumers’ right to know what they buy.
The article under consideration can be regarded as credible because it is supported by reputable sources, although it still lacks information that can address people’s concerns related to GMO safety. The authors’ point about the nutritious value of GMOs is accurate and evidence-based. Howard et al. are unbiased and provide complete data on such products’ way to public use, which is consistent with the conclusions they make, arguing that further research is needed (par. 14).
Another point is less detailed as the authors focus on allergies as major issues leaving out other public fears, such as the long-term effects of GMOs on people’s health. At that, the data is credible and supported by reliable sources. The point associated with labeling is the most detailed and evidence-based as Howard et al. include diverse viewpoints on the issue referring to reputable sources (par. 23). The two aspects considered above support the authors’ conclusions regarding the need for further investigation. The article in question is informative, but since it lacks important details, it needs certain improvements and should be accompanied by other sources if used in academic papers.
Work Cited
Howard, Sereana, et al. “Understanding Genetically Modified Foods.” Ohioline: Ohio State University Extention. 2016. Web.