United Nations Children’s Fund’s Financing Issue Essay

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To be a non-profit organization means to work in order to achieve some other results than high incomes. Very often, there are some ethical or moral purposes. However, even in this case, such organizations face serious problems. UNICEF is not an exception. In its work, this organization has to find good and unusual solutions to very complicated problems (About UNICEF: Who we are, 2012). It is possible to give some examples to support this statement with clear evidence. One of the most important problems which UNICEF now faces is the question of financing (Our Finances: Efficient and Verified, n.d). The thing is that the benefits of economic development do not always lead to improvement of the conditions under which children live (Emerging issues, n.d.).

That is why the next problem is connected with this one. It is the problem of equality. Not all children all over the world have the same conditions for their development and life. In some states, they are almost deprived of a childhood. One more problem is connected with the peculiarities of the functioning of UNICEF. Its main aim is to guarantee good conditions for all children all over the world. However, sometimes it is impossible to reach places where people suffer. These problems exist because of the difference in the development of countries. Unfortunately, there are still states where the economy is weak and people suffer. Moreover, wars also make the situation worse. Besides, politicians often do not take into account the needs of their electorate, preferring to pretend that everything is fine and the problem does not exist. However, it is not true. Moreover, it is very difficult to find a solution under these conditions. However, UNICEF is not able to give up as it appreciates moral and ethical issues and follows the principles of utilitarianism in its work (Fieser & Moseley, 2012). This fund still tries to find good solutions to existing problems.

It is possible to suggest that UNICEF can involve some investors and powerful for-profit organizations like Apple to help the fund in its struggle. These organizations can give huge sums of money in order to improve conditions under which children live in poor countries or at least create hospitals and some centers which are vital for children’s survival. Another solution to this problem can be the attempt to draw the attention of the whole world to some problematic regions. Prosperous countries can help the poor ones and UNICEF can be the guarantor of this help. The problem with the access can be solved by opening some local headquarters of this fund in the regions which need some help most of all.

Having outlined the main problems and possible solutions to them, it is possible to find the best one. The attempt to draw the attention of society seems to be the best solution to the first two problems. Moreover, it looks quite realistic and efficient. The third problem can be solved by opening new headquarters and that is why new investments are needed. The involvement of international companies can be a good solution to this problem, however, it is very difficult to make them do it because of their benefit-oriented nature.


(2012). UNICEF. Web.

Emerging issues. (n.d.). UNICEF. Web.

Fieser, J. & Moseley, A. (2012). Introduction to Business Ethics. San Diego, California: Bridgepoint Education.

(n.d.). UNICEF. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2021, April 25). United Nations Children's Fund's Financing Issue. https://ivypanda.com/essays/united-nations-childrens-funds-financing-issue/

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"United Nations Children's Fund's Financing Issue." IvyPanda, 25 Apr. 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/united-nations-childrens-funds-financing-issue/.


IvyPanda. (2021) 'United Nations Children's Fund's Financing Issue'. 25 April.


IvyPanda. 2021. "United Nations Children's Fund's Financing Issue." April 25, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/united-nations-childrens-funds-financing-issue/.

1. IvyPanda. "United Nations Children's Fund's Financing Issue." April 25, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/united-nations-childrens-funds-financing-issue/.


IvyPanda. "United Nations Children's Fund's Financing Issue." April 25, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/united-nations-childrens-funds-financing-issue/.

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