Students’ dissatisfaction with Victoria University
The quality of education remains a crucial factor in this new era of institutional shift and has prevailed as a fundamental competitive advantage in this corporative trend in higher education institutions and all the stakeholders involved. Evaluating the quality of services delivered to students will help the management of the university to come up with the best strategies for running the institution. Most of the students at Victoria University are not satisfied with the quality of services offered by the university.
Customers have very high expectations about the performance of the organization. Some of the students are of the opinion that their expectations have not been fulfilled while a large portion of the students suggest that the university has fulfilled their expectations. Some students are indifferent about the fulfillment of their expectations. Similarly, the expectations of the courses offered are met by a large number of students. A very large number of customers are satisfied with the overall quality of services provided by the university.
The use of word of mouth to communicate and market the university to potential customers has been rated poor. Most of the students are of the opinion that they are not satisfied with the use of word of mouth as a means of communicating the popularity of the school to other people. The students have been dissatisfied with the efficiency of the university as an institution. Most of the students are indifferent about the ease of accessibility of the university by the students.
Punctuality has been very poor because an average rating of 4.4 was obtained indicating that the customers are dissatisfied. The staffs of the university are not friendly to students because a large number of students have been dissatisfied with the level of friendliness at the university. The overall satisfaction level is moderate and a lot of effort is required to improve the quality of services provided to students.
Recommendations to Victoria University
- The university should come up with better strategies for communicating to potential customers about the popularity of the school instead of using word of mouth, for example, the use of newspapers, the internet, and others.
- Punctuality should be improved by all departments to ensure that student needs are fulfilled in a timely manner.
- The management should improve the quality of structures in the university to attract more students and to achieve a higher level of satisfaction.
- Efficiency in service delivery should be improved because a very large number of students are dissatisfied with the efficiency of service delivery.
- The overall quality of the services offered by the university can be improved by liaising with all stakeholders to identify the areas of weakness and come up with better strategies for improving the performance of the university.
- To improve the relationship between staff and students it is important that a buyer/seller relationship should be established such that students will be viewed as buyers who should be respected and appreciated. The staffs, on the other hand, are the sellers of services and should be ready to become servants to the students.
- Students should be consulted when the management team is developing strategies for operating the university. This means that students should be involved in the decision-making process to ensure they provide ideas about major issues affecting them.