This report presents high visibility for marketing of Video Game Delivery Project. To initiate strategies in marketing of Video Game, the company will decide to develop a web based application by ABC CORP and this application is customized to meet the requirements of the project. Moreover, the project manager will also work with Edsy’s top consultant to assist in the marketing of Video Games to schools.
The purpose of this report is to develop the scope of the project. The rest of the report is organized as follows:
To develop a work breakdown structure (WBS). The structure of WBS is based on project charter, scope statement, and other relevant information relevant for the project.
In addition, the WBS is used to create Gantt chart for the project.
Finally, the report covers a strategy for scope of verification, and change control for the project.
Scope of the project
The report examines the scope of the project which embraces the products characteristics, product requirements, and deliverables.
The product to be marketed by the company is Video Game. This product can be used for leisure time for primary school pupils and high school students. Typically, many school pupils enjoying playing video games during the break time, and in designing the project, the company decides to make use of ABC CORP specializing in software application to develop the products for the company because of the thought that products designed by ABC CORP will have professional outlook and will have more market values. The overall company budgets for the project are $500,000, which covers the hardware, software costs, and overall consulting services.
To deliver the products, and to ensure that the products reach the target markets, the company will use Eddy’s top consultant to assist in the marketing of Video Games to schools.
Work Breakdown Structure for the project
The work breakdown structure (WBS) for the project consists of designing and marketing of Video Games for the company. This consists of project charter, scope statement, and other relevant information such as planning, costs, resources, and changes that needs to be initiated during project implementation.
In WBS, the project chart is essential for the Video Game project and this consists on the following:
- Project Title: Designing and Marketing of Video Game
- Project Manager: John Allen
- Project Objectives: To initiate Video Game Delivery Project and market the product to primary and high schools. The costs of hardware and software, and overall consultancy are estimated to $500,000.
- Approach: To make use of ABC CORP for software application.
To make use of Eddy’s top consultant in assisting with marketing of the products.
To make use of team members for the project implementation.
To develop cost estimation for the project plan. (Schwalbe).
Table 1: Roles and Responsibilities. (Schwalbe).
Apart from charter, it is essential to provide the scope statement for the project, which elaborates the objectives of the project in detail. Typically, the Video Game Delivery Project is essential because of the realisation by the management that Video Game is becoming high demand in the primary and high schools. The overall budgets for the project are $500,000. The company will outsource for professional consultants and a software developer for the implementation of the project. ABC CORP will help in software development for product marketing. Management will also use make of Edsy marketing consultant for overall target market delivery.
Apart from project manager, various team members will help in the implementation of the project plan. The entire project is shown in Gantt chart. (Schwalbe).
Gantt chart for the project
This section provides the entire project task for Video Game delivery project. The entire project task is represented by a Gantt chart. The Gantt Chart consists of project initiation plan, planning and executing and all these are illustrated in Gantt chart in fig 1.

Illustrating the project with Gantt chart represents overall project from the beginning to the end. However, it is essential that the project gets approval of the stakeholders by scope verification.
Scope Verification and project changes
To achieve overall acceptance of the project, management will ensure that customers accept the products. The strategies for initiating the scope verification are that the products will meet customer’s requirements. This by ensuring that customers inspect the products and approve the products before launching the products for marketing. In addition, part of the overall plan is to ensure that changes are processed, and managed according to the laid procedures. (Schwalbe).
This report presents a high visibility study for the Video Game delivery project. The report highlights project scope, WBS, Gantt chart for the project, and scope verification and project changes.
Work cited
Schwalbe, Kathy, Information Technology Project Management, Cengage Learning, Fifth Edition, 2007.