Virginia Henderson: Nursing Theory Essay

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The nursing theory of needs provided by Virginia Henderson is pivotal within the scope of the field. It is essential to realize its fundamental concepts that apply them in practice. Henderson’s notions of an ‘individual’ and ‘environment’ will be explored in the discussion below.

General Understanding

The traditional term ‘patient’ is used to refer to individuals receiving health services. There are variations of the terms’ client’ and ‘consumer’ utilized within the healthcare sector (Stoppler, 2021). Consequently, a patient – or an individual in nursing – is anyone who receives healthcare services from healthcare professionals.

Then, the environment comprises internal and external factors that constantly engage with the individual. The internal environment consists of biological, mental, social, and spiritual dimensions that exert an inner impact on a person (Davis, 2021). The external environment involves the material and social aspects that are outside of the individual and interact with him or her.

Henderson’s Perspective

According to Henderson, individuals are ones having fundamental needs that are considered essential components of health. They may need help to attain health and autonomy, as well as assistance to die peacefully (Gonzalo, 2023). Mind and body are intertwined and interdependent for the person who considers their biochemical, mental, sociological, and religious dimensions.

The environment consists of contexts in which a person develops their own unique living routines. All external circumstances and influences have an impact on life and growth. Additionally, the environment includes people in relation to their families (Gonzalo, 2023). The theory addresses the influence of society on the person and their family just slightly. Fundamental nursing care entails creating conditions under which the recipient can autonomously perform the model’s fourteen elements.

Application in Practice

The mentioned concepts can be considered essential to nursing practice. For example, it is crucial for a nurse to realize what an individual represents within the medical field to understand their core needs and interests. Then, by realizing the concept of environment, it will be possible to predict internal and external hazards for the practice so that they can be averted and addressed properly.


The above discussion was dedicated to Henderson’s nursing needs theory. Particularly, its core concepts of an ‘individual’ and ‘environment’ were explored from different perspectives. It was found that these notions are essential to the nursing practice.


Davis, C. P. (2021). . MedicineNet. Web.

Gonzalo, A. (2023). . Nurseslabs. Web.

Stoppler, M. C. (2021). . MedicineNet. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, June 6). Virginia Henderson: Nursing Theory.

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IvyPanda. (2024) 'Virginia Henderson: Nursing Theory'. 6 June.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Virginia Henderson: Nursing Theory." June 6, 2024.

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