Breastfeeding: Flawed Thinking Essay (Critical Writing)

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It is a misconception that breastfeeding is the only proper way to feed a child, as there are many substitutes for this method today. Information that tells that this method is the most correct, as a rule, is not supported by facts. Scholars such as Gianni et al. (2019) argue that breastfeeding is good for the baby but unnecessary. This means that the opinion about this process is the only true one, and it is erroneous.

Everyone knows that breastfeeding is the only way to feed a baby. An erroneous opinion manifests itself in two categories since not everyone may know such information. In this case, this is a positive aspect since what is stated in the proposal is not actual facts. Child development obliges parents to have critical thinking in order not to harm them (Santrock et al., 2022). Many could be misled by what is written, which would lead to negative consequences because women who do not have milk would think it is now impossible to feed the baby.

Many literature sources have explored the topic of breastfeeding and its replacement. Meek & Noble (2022) studied various aspects of the positive and negative effects of breastfeeding on the body. They found it highly beneficial and recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Many aspects that prove the usefulness and importance of this process are given in the book. The authors also point out that women rarely have contraindications to breastfeeding.

Scientists pay great attention to the advantages of breastfeeding in the economic sector. In their work, Walters et al. (2019) say that breastfeeding is an essential element that should not be abandoned. The researcher concluded that many deaths at an early age in children are caused by not breastfeeding. The third source, Qiao et al. (2020), found that breastfeeding is a preventive measure against obesity in preschool age. This means that this type of feeding is the most beneficial since all scientists prefer it.

The theory of child development, combined with erroneous thinking, can lead to consequences that will have an unfortunate effect on the child’s health. This study can be used to analyze thinking errors and introduce critical thinking. Its development is important in order to properly raise children. In this way, people will be able to find out for themselves what is true and what is not.


Gianni, M. L., Bettinelli, M. E., Manfra, P., Sorrentino, G., Bezze, E., Plevani, L., Cavallaro, G., Raffaeli, G., Letizia Crippa, B., Colombo, L., Morniroli, D., Marchisio, P. & Mosca, F. (2019). . Nutrients, 11(10), 2266. Web.

Meek, J. Y., & Noble, L. (2022). . Pediatrics, 150(1). Web.

Qiao, J., Dai, L. J., Zhang, Q., & Ouyang, Y. Q. (2020). . Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 53, 57-66. Web.

Santrock, J.W., Langford, J., & Deater-Deckard, K. (2022). Children 15th ed. McGraw-Hill.

Walters, D. D., Phan, L. T., & Mathisen, R. (2019). . Health policy and planning, 34(6), 407-417. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 27). Breastfeeding: Flawed Thinking.

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"Breastfeeding: Flawed Thinking." IvyPanda, 27 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Breastfeeding: Flawed Thinking'. 27 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Breastfeeding: Flawed Thinking." May 27, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "Breastfeeding: Flawed Thinking." May 27, 2024.


IvyPanda. "Breastfeeding: Flawed Thinking." May 27, 2024.

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