Best Nursing Practices in Rural Areas: The Elaboration of the Scholarly Project Essay

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Scholarly Project Title: Best Nursing Practices in Rural Areas.

Thesis Statement: Despite the traditions and rules of classical medicine, modern technologies such as remote nursing practices and telehealth can be critical in helping people in rural areas.

PICOT Question: How will patients in rural areas obtain necessary healthcare and education with remote nursing practices compared with mobile clinics to improve health quality in these regions during 2023?

Evidence to PICOT Question

There is a wide variety of practices and methods that nurses use in their work regarding the treatment of patients in rural areas. In recent years, due to the development of modern technologies, there have been more opportunities, including in medicine, to perform the necessary actions effectively and at a lower financial cost. Mobile clinics are one of the most popular ways for nurses to provide medical care to people in rural areas. However, the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, on the one hand, demonstrated the shortcomings of classical treatments such as mobile clinics, and on the other hand, demonstrated the effectiveness of new approaches using modern technologies such as telehealth (Winters, 2021). Consequently, there is a debate about which method to use to provide future healthcare, particularly in 2023.

Overview of the Topic and Background Information

Healthcare challenges in today’s world require new approaches to treating patients. In addition, industrialization and globalization have led to an increase in the world’s population and an outflow of people from villages, which has affected the well-being of those regions. As a result, the lack or absence of professional healthcare providers creates complex situations in rural areas when people do not have access to adequate medical care. For this reason, healthcare providers have resorted to various technologies to improve health education and treatment of patients, requiring less funding.

The Importance of the Project to Nursing Practice

Modern methods in healthcare like telehealth and partnering with local organizations, are one of the most productive ways to provide care to rural communities. First, technologies should be used to help healthcare providers. Therefore, telehealth may be an effective way to provide care to rural communities through the use of telehealth technologies such as video conferencing, remote monitoring, and secure messaging (Winters, 2021). Second, healthcare companies can partner with local organizations such as schools, churches, and community centers to provide healthcare services in rural areas. This approach will allow the application of the practice of advanced nursing healthcare in order to better understand the needs and habits of local residents and, therefore, provide better medical care.

As mentioned above, one of the solutions for providing medical care for rural areas is mobile clinics. These are vehicles that are equipped with medical equipment and staffed by healthcare professionals which can travel to different locations to provide healthcare services. However, one of the main drawbacks of such a solution is its high cost (Winters, 2021). On the other hand, modern technologies can allow the creation of free online courses to raise public awareness regarding health in rural areas. In addition, this approach should attract young people and provide the necessary knowledge to improve health conditions.

Therefore, the importance of the project to nursing practice is conditioned by identifying new medical opportunities that will not only provide medical care to specific patients but also improve the overall level of medical education in rural areas. The project will explore the benefits of new methods, such as telehealth, based on experience with COVID-19 and compare its effectiveness with more conventional methods. It will provide the information needed to improve nursing practice and working conditions for nurses and other healthcare providers.

Case for the Need for the Project

As a case for the need for the project, it is worth considering a typical situation of the under-funding medical sector in many countries, especially developing countries. This situation calls for flexibility in the work of medical staff in providing healthcare. In addition, access to rural areas is difficult in countries of this type (Winters, 2021). Consequently, a study of the features of new technologies regarding health improvement will be crucial for these people. It will allow them to adapt to the country’s limited budget.


Winters, C. A. (2021). Rural nursing: Concepts, theory, and practice. Springer Publishing Company.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 27). Best Nursing Practices in Rural Areas: The Elaboration of the Scholarly Project.

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"Best Nursing Practices in Rural Areas: The Elaboration of the Scholarly Project." IvyPanda, 27 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Best Nursing Practices in Rural Areas: The Elaboration of the Scholarly Project'. 27 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Best Nursing Practices in Rural Areas: The Elaboration of the Scholarly Project." May 27, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "Best Nursing Practices in Rural Areas: The Elaboration of the Scholarly Project." May 27, 2024.


IvyPanda. "Best Nursing Practices in Rural Areas: The Elaboration of the Scholarly Project." May 27, 2024.

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