VisualDX is a type of software developed to assist medical personnel in making a decision on the diagnosis of various ailments and clinical disorders. The initial systems were developed by logical Images. Human-computer interaction is obvious in the application of visuals. This software system may give a diagnosis with reliable precision if the medical personnel’s using it applies its functions appropriately. With the advancement of software engineering, the graphical interface used by visualDX may be able to recognize clinical conditions which can be observed in high-quality images with minimal errors. Often, the HCI of visualDX generates images of the most fitting medical condition. In addition, it generates images of other related conditions and ailments. This enables the clinician to make a proper judgment on whether the application is displaying the most accurate results.
Modern versions of visualDX have a vast collection of conditions whose symptoms can be displayed in a graphical form. The software system is able to make a comparison between a large number of conditions in previous records, and the particular condition under scrutiny beyond human recollection. This may often avoid misdiagnosis and therefore, ensure the right prescription by the physician. The use of this system gives fairly consistent results and may arguably be used to improve healthcare delivery with the desirable outcome (Berner, 2007).
The interface requires the user to feed data into the system. Regulatory procedures and classical methods of diagnosis may not accommodate the use of software and computerized machines to make clinical decisions as this is a sensitive field. This system has yet to be modified to synchronize with the normal working procedures. In my opinion, it would be fair to recommend this system because odds against it are no more than there are in other medical machinery.
Response One
VisualDX is structured such that the user is guided through the steps of using the software system without having to be a software specialist. This makes the system usable by people with different specializations. The dynamic system may keep track of images and searches so that they can be conveniently accessed again if when necessary. VisualDX is an accommodative system that enables adaptation to a wide range of problems. The modular manner in which most of the system is organized facilitates quick access to the desired interface. The graphical representations by visualDX are of fairly high definition and thus collectively generate a user-friendly interface. This enables the medic or health professional to make an assessment more or less like the classical procedure (Craft 2010).
Response Two
The visual interface found in visualDX is particularly useful in dermatological research and diagnosis as visual analysis is of prime importance. This system may require repeated data input with every clinical case. This may make the system prone to inconsistencies but could also avoid misdiagnosis where the system assumes the profile of another different condition of similar visual symptoms. Although this could be a setback to the user, it could be important for the sake of accuracy (Berner, 2007). VisualDX interface supports different conventional image formats adding to its flexibility. Another advantage of the VisualDX is that when results are generated and displayed, ailments with similar visual symptoms are output from the database and displayed enabling balanced decisions.
Could this application be related to dermatological medicine more than any other field?
Berner, E. S. (2007). Clinical decision support systems: theory and practice (2nd ed.). New York: Springer.
Craft, N. (2010). VisualDx: essential adult dermatology. Philadelphia, Pa. [u.a.: Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.