In the modern economic environment, exposure to cyber threats has become a prevalent concern due to the tremendous damage that cyberattacks can cause. Ranging from financial losses to the disruption or even destruction of a supply chain, the outcomes of cyberattacks have an especially lasting impact on the construction industry (Egege, 2018). Due to the possibility of misconfigurations in the management of the construction processes, the outcomes of cyberattacks on construction companies can be dire (Owolabi & Olufemi, 2020). Given the increasing threat of cyberattacks, as well as online data leakage, such as people posting snippets of classified information on social media, the second point, which implies evaluating the susceptibility to damage, needs to be revised. Specifically, given the probability of data leakage, the possibility of the performance of the system being disrupted intentionally may become possible. Thus, a more covert approach toward the assessment of the key vulnerabilities needs to be conducted to avoid instances of vandalism.
Moreover, to balance out the threat described above, an additional measure can be proposed as a supplementary strategy of the plan. Specifically, it will be necessary to check the existing information systems and channels before the assessment of vulnerabilities within the construction industry and delineating a plan that could be implemented in case of an emergency. For this purpose, the data management frameworks within an organization and the existing communication channels will be monitored. Although the described step does not guarantee complete safety from a cybersecurity breach, it will create a defense system that will guard an organization from the possibility of its data being disclosed to third parties (Sydorenko, 2017). Therefore, the introduction of an extra step that involves monitoring and securing the current communication channels used by the company and its staff members must be deemed as necessary.
Egege, C. C., Ayegba, M. O., Omange, O. M., & Ntem, T. S. (2018). Overview of ICT usage in construction industry: A case study of Lagos State, Nigeria.International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), 4(9), 31-40. Web.
Owolabi, O. S. B., & Olufemi, O. D. K. (2020). Effect of the use of ICT in the Nigerian construction industry. The International journal of Engineering and science, 7(5), 71-76.
Sydorenko, O. (2017). The influence of the implementation of E-tendering on the competitiveness of small and medium enterprises in construction industry. Economics & Education, 2, 35-40.