Responsibility does not mean having tasks to perform but rather it refers to the character of being answerable and ready to face the consequences of one’s choices in life. A responsible person portrays several characters like self-restraint, being accountable for everything he does, pursuing excellence and being reliable. Responsibility is the act of doing the right thing out of will and not because you are being monitored.
Responsibility comes with being accountable. Thus, when one makes a mistake he refrains from making excuses for doing the mistakes, but rather admits and makes the necessary correction. In the case of a student, he analyses his performances in class and is always seeking means to improve and make his performance in class better. He takes the initiative to read ahead of the teacher without being asked to do so. Moreover, if he does not understand anything in class he takes the initiative to seek out information from fellow students or even the lecturer until he understands clearly. In summary being accountable refers to being assertive, listening, offering and inviting feedback in any undertaking and question for clarification to facilitate their understanding. They always have to think of the result or the consequences of their actions before they engage in them to evaluate whether they are value adding or not.
The best example of what it means to pursue excellence is the way a responsible employee will always seek to perform his duties better, with due care and professionalism even when not under the scrutiny of his employer. In addition, the employee will not persevere and not quit to the time he accomplishes his responsibilities. They are always prepared to undertake any responsibility assigned to them with due diligence. Thus, for example a student has to persevere and cope with the burden of many assignments, and not quit until he passes his exams.
Self-restraint is also an aspect of being responsible, which is the act of practising restraint on one’s behaviour, feelings and emotions. It implies that a person should be disciplined in personal and social behaviours and matters. A self-restraint individual is one that takes charge of his own life and sets realistic goals. This also means that one is careful and disciplined with health, feelings and time. An individual is also said to be self-restraint if he is rational in that he acts out of reason, unlike emotions or anger, or revenge. In the case of a parent he knows the difference between what he has a right to and what needs to be done, for example, he may have the right to use the money he has for enjoyment but rather has to use it to educate his child because this is the right thing to be done.
Finally, a responsible person is reliable in that he always keeps his words and promises. In the case of an employer he always keeps, his word to his employees and never fails to deliver on his promises. He is sincere in his promises and never practises deceit or hypocrisy while dealing with the employees even the customers and suppliers so as to take advantage of them.
In conclusion, it is evident that responsibility is a character that everyone should aspire to develop. It will influence him to be doing the right thing for the right reason and will not be driven by emotions. In addition; they will develop the behaviour of being accountable and be reliable in their daily activities.