Why Is Samsung Considered a Design Inspiration? Report

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Key Features of Samsung

Key design features that have made Samsung smartphones attain great success are reimagined camera, aesthetic shape and size, elegant display, and durability. These key features reflect the inspirational design of Samsung that has contributed to its current image and brand in the global market. The reimagined camera is one of the key features of the Samsung smartphone that reflects the inspirational design. The camera has revolutionized the way smartphones capture stunning images in any lighting conditions. The reimagined camera has a dual aperture that adapts to light as the human eye for it captures images in bright light and dull lighting conditions (Samsung, 2018). Multiprocessing technology allows Samsung smartphones to process images quickly and reduce the background noise, which affects the clarity of images.

Samsung smartphones, the Galaxy S9 series, have a high-speed camera of 960 frames per second, which can capture fast-moving objects and give stunning images (Samsung, 2018). In addition, the high-speed camera provides a super-slow-motion feature that allows cameras to capture moments of objects that the human eye cannot perceive. Dynamic random-access memory gives Samsung smartphone has superpixel sensor, which enhances accurate detection and stabilization of the image. The camera also allows modification of images into personalized emojis and smileys and sharing them incompatible formats. The graphics interchange format (GIF) is an important feature that enables modification of pictures and presentation of epic moments (Samsung, 2018). The reimagined camera employs intelligence technology of image recognition which identifies face and iris features for security and privacy purposes. The front camera of the Galaxy S series has 8 megapixels for sharp and clear selfies, while the back camera has 16 megapixels for high-definition images.

The shape of the Samsung smartphone is attractive and provides a comfortable touch. Curved and smooth edges are unique features that characterize Samsung smartphone and make it stand out among other smartphones. Users like the shape of Samsung smartphones because curved and smooth edges are comfortable and tangible. Additionally, curved edges enhance the usability and functionality of Samsung smartphones for users can easily navigate quick buttons and functions. Samsung smartphones have metallic and glass exterior designs, which offer a glittering and impressive appearance. The metallic finish reflects the quality of smartphones, whereas the glassy appearance depicts perfect artistic color. Slimness is another feature that characterizes the shape and size of Samsung smartphones. This feature does not only enhances portability but also the usability of Samsung smartphones. Broad screens promote display and enhance the usability of smartphones.

Samsung smartphones have an elegant visual display that depicts clear and appealing mobile applications. The screen of Samsung smartphones is wide and perfectly fits into the display frame for the maximum depiction of applications. In providing vibrant images, Samsung uses the organic light-emitting diode (OLED) and the active-matrix organic light-emitting diode (AMOLED). The OLED and AMOLED are innovative technologies that have revolutionized screens. Samsung smartphones, such as Galaxy S9 and Note 5, offer the best display among smartphones because they use OLED technology. According to Gibbs (2018), a combination of the OLED screen and high-pixels makes Samsung smartphones display clear images and rich colors. Moreover, the Samsung Galaxy S series have a dual-curved display, which provides a wide view of the screen and convenient perception of notifications. Hence, the elegant display is a key feature that makes Samsung smartphone a competitive brand in the market.

Samsung had dedicated its innovative design to making durable products that withstand wear and tear during use. According to Stone (2017), Samsung offers the most durable smartphones that pass military-grade testing, which validates their use in hard industries such as construction, manufacturing, transportation, and military. The screen can withstand constant drops for AMOLED display provide a flexible cover that is resistant to shattering. Superior glass protects the screen against abrasion and shock that usually cause damage and reduce the lifetime of smartphones. Additionally, the Samsung smartphone has an external metal frame that gives curved-edges and offers strong protection to internal components against shattering during drops. As water destroys smartphones, Samsung has designed its smartphones to be water-resistant. Samsung galaxy series, especially the Galaxy series from S7-S9 and Note 8, are resistant to water when submerged in a depth of 1.5 meters for about 30 minutes (Jung-a, 2016). The ability to resist water is a feature that has enhanced the durability of Samsung for water is a major factor that destroys smartphones.

Respected and Successful Brand

Since Samsung operates in a competitive market, it employs a market mix pricing strategy to penetrate and advance market share. Pricing is a delicate strategy for it requires consideration of product quality and market trends. In the smartphone industry, customers look for products that are not only quality and unique, but also affordable (Dospinescu & Florea, 2016). In this view, Samsung ensures that the products it offers meet the unique needs of target customers and compete effectively with dominant brands such as Apple, Tecno, and Lenovo. As Samsung often releases new innovative products into the market, it utilizes a skimming price strategy. This pricing strategy entails setting prices high during the introductory phase of the product for a company to gain maximum profits from early adopters but reducing the prices for late adopters who are price sensitive. Such a pricing strategy has enabled Samsung to gain profits from the innovativeness of its products and dominate the market because it targets both high-end and low-end customers. To achieve a significant share of the low-end market share, Samsung employs a penetration price strategy. The products of Samsung are more competitive in the market than those of Apple, the leading innovative company in the smartphone industry. Therefore, the affordability of Samsung products has made it stand out in the competitive markets and emerge as a successful and extensively respected brand across the globe.

Samsung has effectively leveraged its innovative strategies to gain the image as a respected and successful brand in the smartphone industry. Samsung has been infamous for producing substandard and cheap products adopted from other companies across the globe. However, the reinvention of its image and brand emerged when Samsung started to focus on innovation as a competitive strategy in the market. Dospinescu and Florea (2016) report that Samsung smartphones are competitive in the market for they provide unique designs with classy and stylish models that meet diverse preferences and tastes of customers. The focus on innovations has boosted the market share of Samsung because the interests of customers come first. In essence, customers prefer Samsung products to those of other competitors in the market for they are diverse innovative designs that meet modern functionalities and performance.

Samsung employs the horizontal integration strategy in the production of its smartphones and other products. In essence, Samsung focuses on the design features of the hardware component of the smartphone and gets the updated software component from Google. In contrast, Apple, the major competitor of Samsung, employs a vertical integration strategy for it produces both the hardware and software components of its smartphones. The advantage of the horizontal integration strategy is that it provides economies of scale, increases competitive advantage, and creates synergies in marketing. The affordability of Samsung smartphones emanates economies of scale, which reduces production costs. Since Samsung produces diverse smartphones, it targets expansive markets and diverse customers, hence, gaining considerable market share. Moreover, the global brand names of Samsung, Google, and Android create synergies in marketing, which have played a critical role in the expansion and dominance of Samsung smartphones in the global markets. Thus, the horizontal integration strategy has helped Samsung to weather competition, penetrate global markets, and expand its market share.

In marketing smartphones, Samsung employs compelling marketing strategies and distribution channels that do not only penetrate diverse markets but also reach out to customers in diverse markets. Samsung distributes its products or contracts certain companies to distribute products in specific regions to ensure consistency in pricing and services provided. In this view, customers get to understand the nature of products that Samsun offers in various stores and distribution channels. For example, Samsung permits communication companies in various countries to market and distribute its products. Given that communication companies influence the purchasing behavior of customers, they provide a robust platform for Samsung to advertise, penetrate, and dominate the smartphone market. Samsung dedicates many resources to marketing its products for it believes that market dominance is dependent on its advertising strategies. Rutnik (2017) reports that Samsung allocated $10 billion to marketing activities out of which the largest share ($4 billion) went to advertising in 2016. In countries and regions that Samsung has penetrated, it undertakes promotional activities and carries out extensive advertising to sustain market share and brand image.


Dospinescu, N., & Florea, D. B. (2016). Smartphone brands design and buying decision. Ecoforum, 5(1), 139-150.

Gibbs, S. (2018). The Guardian. Web.

Jung-a, S. (2016).Financial Times. Web.

Rutnik, M. (2017). Web.

Samsung. (2018). Web.

Stone, A. (2017). Web.

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IvyPanda. (2021, May 28). Why Is Samsung Considered a Design Inspiration? https://ivypanda.com/essays/why-samsung-is-considered-a-design-inspiration/

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"Why Is Samsung Considered a Design Inspiration?" IvyPanda, 28 May 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/why-samsung-is-considered-a-design-inspiration/.


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Why Is Samsung Considered a Design Inspiration'. 28 May.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Why Is Samsung Considered a Design Inspiration?" May 28, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/why-samsung-is-considered-a-design-inspiration/.

1. IvyPanda. "Why Is Samsung Considered a Design Inspiration?" May 28, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/why-samsung-is-considered-a-design-inspiration/.


IvyPanda. "Why Is Samsung Considered a Design Inspiration?" May 28, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/why-samsung-is-considered-a-design-inspiration/.

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