Assessments used to determine career values and help individuals choose career paths depending on their priorities and visions can be discussed as effective tools that are actively utilized in human resource management and counseling (Dobson, Gardner, Metz, & Gore, 2014). After completing the Work Importance Locator/Profiler, it is possible to state that this tool is appropriate to help people recognize what values determine their vision of an ideal job. The purpose of this paper is to summarize personal experiences regarding the use of the Work Importance Locator/Profiler and experiences associated with the application of the tool to assess the values of another person.
The Work Importance Locator is usually proposed as a pen-and-pencil version, and according to the guidelines, an individual is expected to work with special cards and focus on scores in order to determine what particular values and job characteristics are prioritized (Carlstrom & Hughey, 2014). The online version of this assessment tool is known as the Work Importance Profiler in which all manipulations and calculations are made automatically (Career Zone: California, n.d.). It is possible to state that the online version of the tool is more time-efficient when sorting cards or statements with values and certain characteristics. It takes only about fifteen minutes to think over the proposed cards and decide on their priority.
The results of this career exploration tool indicate that the key two values which influence the person’s choice of a job include independence and working conditions. Thus, jobs should be selected to provide a person with opportunities to work on tasks independently, refer to personal decision-making, and demonstrate creativity. Furthermore, the selection of jobs will depend on the following factors: the comparability of payments, job security, and overall working conditions. For another person whose values have been assessed with the help of this tool, the following results are collected: a perfect job should provide opportunities to focus on such values as achievement and recognition. Thus, it is important for the assessed person to use individual abilities, receive recognition, become a leader, and take a prestigious position.
While working with other people, the use of the online version can be discussed as most appropriate because it is easier to explain how to manipulate statements or cards, and the required scoring is made automatically. The provided results can be viewed as useful to help people focus on values that can potentially influence their job satisfaction. Furthermore, in addition to descriptions of the critical values, the tool also proposes a list of professions or jobs to choose from in order to address the identified interests and priorities (Carlstrom & Hughey, 2014). Moreover, while sorting the proposed cards and statements, it is also possible to think about the current employment and understand what needs are addressed or what gaps can prevent an individual from realizing his or her potential.
While concluding about the effectiveness of using the Work Importance Locator/Profiler, it is also important to note that the card sort approach is appropriate to prioritize the values of persons. Thus, this approach is traditionally used in psychology when it is necessary to identify values and beliefs which are discussed by individuals as the most important ones and which influence their vision of the world and decision-making. As a result, the adapted version of this approach is proposed in tools to be used by human research managers and persons seeking jobs.
Career Zone: California. (n.d.). Welcome to the Work Importance Profiler. Web.
Carlstrom, A. H., & Hughey, K. F. (2014). Exploring work values: Helping students articulate their good (work) life. NACADA Journal, 34(2), 5-15.
Dobson, L. K., Gardner, M. K., Metz, A. J., & Gore, P. A. (2014). The relationship between interests and values in career decision making: The need for an alternative method of measuring values. Journal of Career Assessment, 22(1), 113-122.