Work-Life Balance and Professional Development Report (Assessment)

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For this task, I carried out self-assessment focusing on my desired work-life balance and my short- and long-term professional goals. For that purpose, I used an available template that could be found online. The assessment revealed that the factors that contributed to my work-life imbalanced come from different spheres of life such as family and personal relationships, social life, workplace communication and dynamics, personal habits, and the structure of work that I do. During this self-assessment, I listed the exact factors causing the imbalance and analyzed which of them I could control. Further, I compared my desired work-life balance with the one I could achieve potentially by addressing the aforementioned causes. Also, I worked out my actions in case I fail to meet my goals.

Personal Development Plan

The main contributors to work-life imbalance revealed during my self-assessment were poor self-organization, low time-management skills, and demanding nature of my work. They were confirmed by the feedbacks of my colleagues. As a result, the following personal development goals can be outlined:

  • Improvement of self-organization and personal discipline (creating time-schedules and to-do lists for one day, avoiding multitasking)
  • Training to boost time-management skills (using materials, exercises, and techniques available online)
  • Coping strategies for occupational stress (leisure activities, more active lifestyle)

Professional Development Plan

  • Resolution of work time problems:
    • S: Minimizing time spent on simple and medium tasks at work
    • M: By measuring the time spent currently and establishing desired time goals
    • A: Eliminating distractions to stimulate progress
    • R: Will help save time for more leisure and personal activities
    • T: Ongoing practice for 40 days before estimating progress
  • Professional improvement (short- and long-term)
    • S: Becoming a more efficient worker by boosting work-related skills
    • M: Measured by listing topics for mastering and going through them gradually
    • A: By more free time dedicated to self-development
    • R: Will help save time, generate better results, and develop career
    • T: Ongoing practice for 30 days starting 10 days after the onset of the first goal. This term will be extended gradually upon completion of each 30-day term.

Action Plans for Professional Development Goals

  • Resolution of work time problems (actions):
  • Measure the time spent on easy and medium tasks
  • Measure approximate time spent on distractions during work
  • List distractions and create strategies how to avoid them
  • Create reminders to stay aware of distractions
  • List positive outcomes that can be generated by following the plan
  • Professional improvement (actions):
  • Listing work-related skills that require improvement
  • Finding books, articles, courses, and classes that can be used for self-improvement
  • Creating a list of topics to master and scheduling work on each with daily plans
  • Creating time to work of these tasks during leisure hours and adding these activities to daily schedule

Career options and skills:

  • Leadership coaching (communication skills, leadership theory mastery)
  • Middle management jobs (people management and communication skills, leadership mastery, teamwork skills)


  • Coaching training
  • Professional experience
  • Online resources

Plan for Meeting Personal Priorities

  • During tough times and urgent tasks the timeframes for goals will be recalculated and transferred in case of emergencies
  • Adherence will be met using more flexible schedules compensating for skipped days
  • The internet will provide resources and information
  • Networking will be accomplished through the participation in online forums with professionals from similar specialties, reading work-related news sources, and participating in real-life discussions.
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IvyPanda. (2021, May 8). Work-Life Balance and Professional Development.

Work Cited

"Work-Life Balance and Professional Development." IvyPanda, 8 May 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Work-Life Balance and Professional Development'. 8 May.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Work-Life Balance and Professional Development." May 8, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "Work-Life Balance and Professional Development." May 8, 2021.


IvyPanda. "Work-Life Balance and Professional Development." May 8, 2021.

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