Yoga and Wellness in the Workplace Essay (Critical Writing)

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Researching a specific topic allows individuals to get more information about it and develop critical analysis skills. Moreover, the study inspires researchers to consider various factors influencing the examined issue and the research process. Therefore, exploring yoga and wellness in the workplace helped me develop critical analytical skills, consider possible biases accompanying the study and topic, and make assumptions about its potential impact on my professional field.

Individual Framework of Perception

Deep study and understanding of the topic can significantly affect beliefs, assumptions, and values, which form the framework of perception and interpretation of the world. The theme of yoga and workplace wellness is easily correlated with personal experience and goals. The reason is that since work is often a source of stress, finding ways to reduce it is relevant for many people, including me. In particular, I felt the importance of self-awareness and emotional regulation to achieve wellness and the role of yoga and work. Fulfilling workplace duties can be a tough challenge, and therefore it is essential to take care of personal health and calm mind (Biman et al., 2021). This suggestion is a crucial insight taken from studying the topic, as people are often focused on work and can neglect self-care.

Critically analyzing the topic of workplace wellness and yoga, I become more aware of the broader social and environmental contexts that influence workplace culture. I think that at the moment, communities are at a critical stage when holistic self-care and well-being are becoming the accepted norm. As a result, practices that can provide them are relevant even in the workplace, where the earlier focus was more on productivity than people.


An essential part of conducting research is the consideration of bias, which accompanies the topic and those that affect human perception of the world. Bias can significantly impact judgment, as it will not be built on objective facts. Examining bias can change the situation, and then the perception becomes more accurate, and the individual develops awareness about the world and reacts with greater sensitivity and empathy. In a TED talk, Garry Gray emphasizes that bias can manifest in scientific research that seeks to be objective (TEDx Talks, 2014). In my behavior, I also noticed bias – when solving problems, I often trust the information I read first and compare other pieces to it. However, such information can be deceptive, which is especially harmful when conducting research. Therefore, I try to assess all the information more critically.

Impact of Field of Study and Profession

I find the wellness study beneficial for my professional field – health administration. Personnel in the administration have a significant impact on the well-being of their colleagues and patients. Wellness ideas highlight the importance of preventing health problems, which is also a current focus of medical services. Moreover, by considering wellness, healthcare professionals may become more sensitive to patient concerns and wishes. For example, someone may need spiritual counseling or an alternative approach to stress reduction.

Wellness can also inform research and practice for the well-being of healthcare workers. For instance, my topic of yoga in the workplace can be applied in healthcare settings. Another example of an issue where wellness can inform research is the impact of organizational culture. In this matter, the values and norms of the workplace and the behavior of leaders can be significant sources for wellness or obstacles in ensuring it. Therefore, wellness is significantly intertwined with healthcare and can be valuable for its practice and research.


The study of wellness and related topics, such as yoga and wellness in the workplace, significantly impact personal perception. For example, by analyzing an issue, I could correlate it with personal experience and better understand the modern societal context. Another important aspect is the study of biases, the knowledge of which has also helped me become more sensitive to the world. Finally, wellness can be a valuable source and perspective for my professional activities in health administration, as it is significantly intertwined with healthcare issues.


Biman, S., Maharana, S., Metri, K. G., & Nagaratna, R. (2021). . Work (Reading, Mass.), 70(2), 521–529. Web.

TEDx Talks. (2014). [Video]. YouTube. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 30). Yoga and Wellness in the Workplace.

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"Yoga and Wellness in the Workplace." IvyPanda, 30 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'Yoga and Wellness in the Workplace'. 30 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "Yoga and Wellness in the Workplace." May 30, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "Yoga and Wellness in the Workplace." May 30, 2024.


IvyPanda. "Yoga and Wellness in the Workplace." May 30, 2024.

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