The movie 42 is one of the pictures describing the peculiarities of the ethnic relations in the USA in different moments of its history. The events shown in the movie took part just after World War II in the sphere of sports. The society was still in thrall to racial prejudice providing different life standards to the people with the other color of the skin. Although the great number of black men spilt their blood and fought for their country, the society still considered them to be the representatives of the lower social group
The USA was one of the states proclaiming the new values and showing the desire to protect human rights. Being one of the combatants and having suffered the great number of casualties, the state still could not get rid of the racial prejudices. Historically being a multicultural state, the USA continued to ignore the race issue, turning the blind eye on the state of its colored population.
The main issue of the movie is the power of one person to change the fate of millions. The popular kind of sport, having the great number of its admirers all over the state, can serve as a good basis for that change. Baseball was absolutely “white” sport at that time. There was no place for black people in the Major League Baseball and they should play in the special leagues organized for them. The team executive Branch Rickey wants to destroy the racial segregation in sports and invites Jackie Robinson, an African-American player from the Kansas City Monarchs. His desire faces the incomprehension of Rickeys surroundings and the society. Understanding the difficulties and the great importance of that step, Jackie decides to accept this challenge. The movie shows us the problem of the racial segregation with the help of the young player, who has to withstand the preconceived attitude of the society.
The attitude to an African-American population of the USA was humiliating. Having the same constitutional rights as the white people, they suffered from the unjust laws of the society. The tablets “For white people only” could be seen everywhere. Starting from the cloakrooms and ending with the bars. It was not allowed for the black people to stay at the same hotel with white people, sit among them on the stadium or go to the same bathroom. This aspect is shown especially bright. Being a novice in the team, Jackie was not allowed to take a shower with the other players. Only proving them his dignity and having conquered their hearts he managed to destroy this stereotype. Taking shower with the team was a symbol of his acceptance. The society was consolidated in that issue and it was dangerous to go against it. The movie shows us peoples anger on Jackies appearance on the field. Only with the help of his sport successes and total disregard to all provocations Jackie manages to change peoples attitude. Starting with his team, he begins to conquer the hearts, proving the whole world that he is the same man as they are.
The movie 42 presents the viewer one of the great problems of the USA society. Facing the contempt and racial prejudices, Jackie manages to break this barrier and cut the way for the future generations.
Works Cited
Dir. Helgeland Brian. Warner Bros. Pictures, 2013. DVD.