Americanization in Germany Post WWII Essay

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After the Second World War, Germany experienced a tremendous change in the political, economical, and cultural areas; all these changes are credited to the Americans who were then the closest friends to Germany. Germany was found at their weakest and most vulnerable point where they needed to breathe some good air. This new wave of change was not to be expensive for them as the Americans came in handy with their styles which they were confident would improve Germany’s situation. Slowly but surely, the American way of life was adopted by the Germans and as per their wishes, it brought a lot of changes that Germany continued to enjoy its fruits update.

Americanization in Germany Post Wwii

Americanization here can be defined as the acceptance and infiltration of the American way of life into German culture. After World War II, German culture was greatly influenced by the Americans. This was because of the need of the mass to celebrate again after the pressure the war had subjected them to. America then was close to Germany and the Germans felt that the change they needed was closely linked to the Americans. It was a tough time for them economically and there was a desire in them to adopt new means and measures that will enable them to forget their past experiences and even grow to a higher level. America on the other hand took advantage of this and in the name of helping them, found an opportunity to sell their ideas and styles to the Germans. Most of these changes have indeed played a major role in improving the status of Germany only that the Germans now have little to be proud of in terms of heritage as most of it has been eroded through the adaptation of the American way of life. There was a change in the way the people lived every aspect of the German culture was affected which included the music and movie industry; economic trends, games and sports, foods and lifestyle, and the general way of thinking (Adam, 2005 pp 33-39).

In the music industry, jazz music and rock n roll were introduced to Germany through the Americans which was a great attraction to the youth who had heard enough of the German songs and were looking for a new form of music. The Foxtrot dance was also imported and took the central stage in dance clubs (Agnes, 2004 pp 20-25). In the movie industry, there was increased demand for English movies which intensified after the immergence of Hollywood. The famous Mickey mouse also drew a lot of attention to the youths who could not resist its hilarious makeup. The popular sports of America were also greatly appreciated by the Germans which included baseball and football. Food wise hamburgers were once again revived in Germany after they had disappeared; others like pizza hut, burgers, McDonald’s, and the like have found their place in the German restaurants. These foods are not only viewed as modern but also appetizing. Economically they brought the Marshall plan that strengthened the German economy between 1950 and 1960 through this plan the Germans received 1.5 billion dollars, raw materials, and also food which helped to boost their economic situation. This generous act was aimed at strengthening the trading links between Germany and America. The Berlin airlift which was established by the Americans prevented the Russians from taking West Berlin. There is a great trade affair that takes place between Germany and America which has led to the establishment of transnational corporations. The Germans were protected politically afterword war II by the Americans and this made them establish the current political system that guaranteed them personal rights and political freedom.

After World War II, Germany became the central target for U.S foreign policy. There was the need to re-educate the German people so as to overcome the socialist thinking that had taken root in their minds and also to introduce democratic structures that were based on the American model. Then Americans mainly wanted to influence Germany through education, schools, media, and culture. It was not very easy for America to achieve this due to the high degree of arrogance in Germany, it was therefore agreed that the German culture is integrated into the western community. To achieve their goals and succeed in the re-education program, the ‘American houses’ were constructed which mostly attracted young people in school The American house has sought a library that was mostly packed with American literature, this literature was not only found to be exciting to the German youth who were hungry for something unique but it also contributed to the change in their lifestyles and thinking which became more Americanized. They also held discussions in these houses that were aimed at improving the relationship between America and Germany. This was a slow yet strategic means of incorporating these eager youths into the American way of life. (Koshar, 2000 pp 19-25)

The Gls also played a very important role in promoting the American culture (Maria, 2002 pp 34-39). This was a silent but sure way of incorporating the American culture in Germany. They attracted the Germans by their generosity and their way of life. They were so friendly to them that they helped them form jazz bands and even sports teams. Another aspect that promoted Americanization in Germany was that after Germany lost World War II, they were looking for a change in their governance, and America was found to be more than just willing to assist them. The democratic and the federal structures that currently exist in Germany were created through the US influence. The multi-party policy that was not common in Germany was introduced as a new system of governance. The American slogan ’pursuit for happiness’ by the Americans was adopted by the Germans which has made them appear on the global economy. Daimler-Chrysler which is a multinational company has had its benefits where it does its trade with fewer restrictions. This has helped to cement the trade links between Germany and other countries.

Americanization also gave rise to a remarkable improvement in the field of technology which gave rise to increased use of pieces of machinery such as automobiles, computers, and other electronic household commodities. American cars are another commodity that is irresistible by the German community. Several cars like limousines have come to be linked with status and class. This has brought a sense of joy and freedom to the German community, being unique and comfortable has also led to their increased demand. In the area of information technology, the modern forms of communication were adapted by the Germans from the Americans which included phones and the internet. (Trommler, 2001 pp46-55) Other improvements in the field of technology that have improved the German way of life is the introduction of the refrigeration system, ovens, microwaves, electric cookers, and other kitchen devices. The German language has greatly been enriched with English expressions which have enhanced the communication network between the two countries. English words have come to be appreciated and accepted in the German culture which has helped to improve trade links. English terms have gained so much popularity in Germany due to their association with modernism. Those who look at the German language to be too monotonous, desire to decorate their speech by using some English expressions. The advertising media has also found English to be a good language that can attract their customers to buy and use their commodities. English has mostly been adopted by the young generation who consider it a ‘cool’ language. This has also affected the fashion industry; current designs, for example, should have English labels for them to be easily acceptable by the current youths who are mostly their customers. These industries have been left with no alternative but to adapt to their customers’ needs to promote their business even though they understand that it is eroding their culture.

American influence also had its advantage of influence because most of the scientific researches was done in the United States. Space navigation that led to the invention of air transport is a technology that could not be resisted by the German people. Subsequently, because of this, most technical words are in English. Due to their originality and common use, it has not been easy to translate these words into the German language which has come to be accepted and used not only in German but the entire world (Fay, 2008 pp 49-55). Most inventions also have English names due to their financial support that is credited to the U.S.; this has affected people’s lives in a way that almost every household owns a computer; this has become a style of modernization and connectivity to modern technology. The American way of life has found so much dominance in Germany where there is a high demand for the American style of dressing like hippy clothes, baggy trousers, and comfortable sneakers. The Coca-Cola Company which is of American origin has dominated Germany and the entire world which has made its products to be widely used. By using these products instead of the similar ones of German origin is a true appreciation of the American way of life.

The Americanization of Germany has both positive and negative impacts on the country of Germany. The American culture has weaknesses since it is easy and very adaptable and that is why its influence on Germany did not take a real hard process. On the other hand, it reveals how strong and unique the German culture is as it cannot be adopted easily by the Americans. The easy acceptance and integration of the English words into the German language reveals a lot of weakness in the Germans who do not show a sense of appreciation for their own words. It also reveals the lack of confidence in their words which may even be better than their English alternatives (Willett, 1989 pp 38-44).

Mechanization is another credit that Germans owe the Americans, this has helped minimize the level of physical work that was not only tiresome to the people that were doing it but also not efficient. Modern machines that have been introduced to Germany have increased the productivity of both industries and companies that have also minimized the amount of money used to employ casual laborers. Work can also be done in the least time possible thus promoting trade growth. Modern manufacturing plants have been installed in industries that have improved the quality of goods being manufactured. The work of processing foods that were either ignored or locally done has taken a newer trend and now cleaner and safer products can be obtained. In the field of agriculture, the Americans introduced modern farming techniques to Germany which led to an increase in crop yield (Ermarth, 1993 pp 37-42). Irrigation techniques are now widely employed to ensure all-year-round production of high breed seeds to ensure quality production and modern harvesting techniques are employed to minimize wastage that was experienced before. However, this has had several disadvantages to the unskilled group that was relying on doing this job for their income. Their work has now been replaced by machines leaving them jobless. The Americans have dominated in the military field which has made many countries including Germany to highly depend on them for military support. Germany now has no alternative but to maintain the links so that they can acquire some of the military knowledge from America. This has been evident with the American’s determination to wage war on the countries that seemingly prove to outsmart them in military weapons (Daniel, 1987 pp 42-50).

After World War II, there was a lot of political instability and insecurity that led to the increased level of immigration and settlement of the Germans into America; this is partly because of the need for a better and secure life. This good life was found in America due to its stability politically and economically and they easily accommodated them into their country. Most researchers of German origin like Albert Einstein moved because of political and racial discrimination they were experiencing in Germany. He found the U.S. to be more welcoming and the environment conducive enough to expand his research work. The U.S. culture has found so much room for the Germans that most of the migrants to the U.S. change their names to feel part and parcel of them (Koshar, 2000 pp33-38).

It is clear from the above discussion that Germans are under the influence of the Americans, a trend that may not be easy to break due to the deep roots that it has already taken. The American way of life is so influential that, it is not near to being denied. This is because of the many inventions that are still being done and made in America. With continuous globalization and industrialization, Germany and the entire world need to watch out for America, if this trend has to go on then we will not have a heritage to be proud of, all will be swallowed by the Americans. As the world accepts and appreciates America for its helpful inventions, they should not allow their precious culture to be eroded and instead maintain the important aspects that will distinguish them from the rest of the nations. The continuous influx of these inventions will only improve connections that will draw the Germans even closer to the United States. (Robert, 1987 pp 51-57) This will however do the country no harm as long as they don’t reach a level of being one nation with America. There is also a need for the Germans to strive to influence the American community by making inventions that will be accepted and appreciated by them.


Adam T. (2005): Germany and the Americas: ABC-CLIO pp 34-40

Agnes C (2004): German pop culture: how “American” is it: University of Michigan pp 20-25

Daniel J. (1987): A history of U.S. military forces in Germany: Westview Press pp 42-50

Ermarth M. (1993): America and the shaping of German society, 1945-1955: Berg, pp 37-42

Fay J. (2008): Theaters of occupation: U of Minnesota Press pp 49-55

Koshar R. (2000): German travel cultures: Berg Publishers pp 19-38

Maria H (2002): GIs and Fräuleins: UNC Press pp 34-39

Robert A. (1987): Americanization Syndrome: Routledge pp 51-57

Trommler F. (2001): The German-American Encounter: Berghahn Books pp46-55

Willett R. (1989): The Americanization of Germany, 1945-1949: Taylor & Francis, pp 38-44

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IvyPanda. 2021. "Americanization in Germany Post WWII." December 6, 2021.

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