Researchers use various sampling methods to find real proof for their assumptions. Importantly, the research object requires a thorough selection of a sampling technique because it determines the reliability of findings. Therefore, sampling methods serve as an integral part of any study and have a huge impact on research results.
When conducting research, one should understand the difference between a population and a sample. While population represents the whole group that is intended to draw conclusions about, a sample is a designed narrow group aimed at data collection (Bordens & Abbott, 2017). In addition, it is crucial to increase the generalizability of research findings because it makes them more applicable to general populations (Bordens & Abbott, 2017). Here, random and non-random sampling can be used, though they may not be suitable for each research. Random sampling is distinguished by the equal probability of each sample being selected. Non-random sampling often considers experience, convenience, and other factors related to a researcher who selects samples. It makes the non-random sampling technique biased, contrary to the random sampling one.
The selected article studies anxiety and depression against the background of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) during the period of adolescence to the elderly age. The authors seem to use random sampling as one can see the presence of the target population represented by the individuals having ASD (Uljarević et al., 2020). Besides, some characteristics of snowball sampling are noticeable as a part of the study participants were involved through autism and educational organizations, as well as parent support groups (Uljarević et al., 2020). The research findings show that the severity of depression and anxiety slightly increases from adolescence to middle adulthood and falls in older ages (Uljarević et al., 2020). If the authors had used non-random sampling, the results might have shown an increase in the level of anxiety and depression in older adults. Although it is just a supposition, one must realize that results would differ depending on factors such as convenience or judgment of the researchers.
Finally, the sampling method plays a pivotal part in any research because it influences the results. The random sampling method is the most reliable technique, as it allows for the results to apply to a more general population. Since non-random sampling is biased, it may lead to compromised findings that do not reflect a real picture of a certain phenomenon.
Bordens, K., & Abbott, B. B. (2017). Research design and methods: a process approach. (10th ed.). McGraw Hill.
Uljarević, M., Hedley, D., Rose-Foley, K., Magiati, I., Cai, R.Y., Dissanayake, C., Richdale, A. and Trollor, J. (2020). Anxiety and depression from adolescence to old age in autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 50(9), pp. 3155-3165. Web.