Business etiquette is an established order of conducting in business and business contacts. Etiquette, if to understand it as a set procedure for conducting, helps to avoid missteps or to smooth them by accessible, generally accepted ways. Therefore, the primary function or meaning of business etiquette can be defined as the formation of such rules of conducting in society that contribute to mutual understanding of people in the process of communication.
The second most important function of etiquette is a function of convenience that is feasibility and practicality. Starting with the small things and to the most common rules, etiquette represents the system which is close to the daily life. One of the first rules which define etiquette is just to respect others.
The most popular and most recognized clothes is costume. The costume is the business card. The first impression is kept in the memory of people with whom we are familiar for a long time. Therefore, neglecting the appearance is an unforgivable mistake. For example, accuracy and smartness in clothing is often associated with organized work and ability to appreciate someone else’s time.
The rules concerning the wearing of a costume: It would be better not to wear simultaneously costume and sporty footwear. These things are incompatible for their intended use; it would be better to wear tie while wearing suit; shirts must have long sleeves. It is considered elegant, if sleeve shirts are visible from under the jacket sleeves; it would be better not to wear too bright costumes. The most common colors are dark blue, dark gray; it is better not to wear or dark-colored shirts.
A few simple tips: 1. Wear light costumes in the afternoon, dark – in evening. 2. In formal situation the jacket should be buttoned. 3. The jacket buttons can be undone during a dinner or sitting in theater seats. 4. Keep costume always in good order. The same is about shoes, socks, and cufflinks. 5. The costume must be comfortable. 6. Do not follow the fashion always. Better not look fashionable, but good than bad and fashionable. 7. Please always have two handkerchiefs. The first “working” – in your pocket of the trousers. The second – always absolutely clean – in the inner jacket pocket.
The manner to behave is the way to show respect to the surrounding people, as clean clothing, polite treatment in a conversation, tact. Habits play a great role In the manner of conduct. They may emphasize human dignity as well as to reduce to zero the best features.
Being natural is one of the main conditions for the business person, as well as an attempt to look differently from most noticeable. Gestures and movements are the part of the image. It happens very often that exactly gesture shows the mood, even if person does not want this.
Movement should not be sharp and quick. There is no need to omit with eye for a long time or to sit in relaxed posture. You can relax in the leisure hours, but during working hours smartness is an essential feature of a businessman.
If you are among people who are older than you, then stick in a manner to be more organized, more tactful than among people of your age. Gait should not be sluggish. But not worth waving hands and make grand steps. The best option is measured movements, straight posture. Sitting on a chair does not need waving, sitting on the edge, not recommended reclining on the table.
Talking, it is better to sit straight, not inclining backwards. The most acceptable for business women is landing: knees together, feet, one near another drumstick turned slightly.
Etiquette formula is often a phrase sentences which have linguistic means ready.
With the help of verbal formulas, we express our attitude at the meeting and leaving, when someone thanks or apologizes, in dating situations and in many other cases.
The principles using the etiquette formulas are other than the universal principle of comity, it is the principle of matching voice situation. The situation of communication (formal / informal) and the addressee factor (social status, personal merits, age / sex, degree of familiarity) are determinative in choosing of the etiquette formulas.
The success of business communication depends on the principles of conduct, including verbal communication of its participants. In any business situation people of various types of communication may come into contact:
- Open (considered best for communication, negotiation).
- Closed (the robot arm). The first of these focuses on partner for communications, the second – to themselves.
In every business interaction speech focuses on the behavior of partner reaction. In order to provide adequate response intentions of each party must:
- acquire personal qualities businessman – be confident in themselves, have personal goals and values, possess a communication, to be informed and competent; demonstrate objectivity in evaluating information and in the way its reports, to show sincere interest to the subject of the speech and a partner;
- to respect the identity of the partner in the business of communication, to strive to see the problem through the eyes of a partner, respect their judgment and counter-arguments;
- comply with the postulate of relevance – to speak on the substance of the matter, to relate information to the expectations of a partner for business communication;
- correctly to take the quantity and quality of information, its credibility, be consistent and grounded;
- comply with the normative language of business speech – clearly formulate the idea, taken to use a cliché in the business communication, to avoid the divergent words and non-verbal signals, leading to misunderstandings;
- obey the rules and restrictions (the protocol, business etiquette, culture, communication, which allows someone to form a pleasant image) because business communication is peculiar regulation.
It is a fact that everybody appreciates time in business. That is why people should remember that business letter should be brief and exact; it should express the requirements or the answer to the question.
Business correspondence does not take several topics for one letter. But if touching the several questions is required than it would be better to separate the issues or to numerate them.
The best variant is when the business letter includes the answer to one question or has the information of one type. In this case the letter is brief and exact.
It is better to print the business letters because writing in hand can be only for the private correspondence. It is better to use the special form of the company which includes the address of the company, the full name of it.
In conclusion it is worth saying that business etiquette requires the knowledge of psychology and the knowledge of the national features of the partners, their ethnical characters.
Etiquette is one of the main “shells” of forming the image. In today’s business person of any company has a significant role. Those firms that have not respected etiquette lose very much. Where is etiquette, there is a higher productivity, better results. Therefore they always need to remember one of the main tenets, who know businessmen around the world: good manners are profitable. It is much more pleasant to work with the firm, where etiquette is respected. Almost everywhere it became the norm. That is because etiquette creates a pleasant psychological climate conducive to business contacts.
We need to remember that etiquette helps us only when there is no internal tension which is generated from attempts to make on the rules of etiquette that we have never done before.
Intelligent should be not only in knowledge but also the ability to understand the other. It manifests itself in the thousands and thousands of small things: the ability to disagree respectfully, behave modestly at the table, the ability to quietly help others, to preserve nature, do not litter around it – not litter cigarette butts or harsh language, bad ideas.
Intelligence is a tolerant attitude to the world and to the people.